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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    "You don't tell me what twelve is."
  2. three steps closer to doing concert photography.

    1. yakihiko


      becoming an official photographer?

    2. allisapp


      Are you going to work in some site? D:

    3. togz


      I am!!! I haven't been posting any of my work lately because it's not where I want it... but it's all I've been doing on my free time. I work in photography and yeah while I don't go to school for it... I have a really encouraging boss who puts me in a lot of "figure it out yourself" situations that have helped me really find my groove. I don't have super pro equipment, but currently saving for a Canon 6D to get away from crop sensors and 6400 ISO l...

  3. togz

    Net Slum makes me think of .hack (the name only) but imma check this out~
  4. togz

    It's unfair to constantly reach out to people and ask for help and then turn around and tell them to stop getting involved. It's like asking for someone to care, aid and listen... but then telling them they need to stop. If you don't want someone to get involved with your shit, then don't make it their problem. Also if someone has made it clear they don't want to share their shit with you, don't pry and force them to get you involved in their shit either. Like, do your own shit. Worry about your shit. Shit.

  6. togz

    availability updated
  7. togz

    I'm not surprised. They were a cheesy sounding band even before Sala left, but they were tons of fun and still likeable. I think people had super high expectations when San joined, including BFN themselves. I simply think they took a huge fall when that happened. I'd be mad and not getting along with people too if things didn't seem to be going as planned or very well as I thought they would either. Plus it's VK... I've learned to never be surprised.
  8. I think my concert streak is over for the year. Crossfaith, Wagakkiband, Foo Fighters, Her Name in Blood, and Dir en grey. Would have seen OOR, but literally had to move on the same day and I was way too tired. But my neato cousin got me a hoodie for giving her my ticket. \m/ Also got to meet hella cool people this year, made new connections, and generally feel a lot happier with myself. Time to gear up for the holidays!

  9. togz

    gdi digi also me and waiting for Dir en grey at the Showbox in Seattle a few days ago. I look like I got punched in the cheek and pardon for being human and having a face break out. oops.
  10. Autotune can be used for at least two different reasons. 1. Too enhance a phrase or type of sound 2. To cover up lack of talent. I think there are many cases in which artists tastefully use the technique of autotune to enhance things. I feel the same about dubstep. While I feel that dubstep alone is a poor excuse for good music, I do think that it has been used to enhance and really give a slam dunk when it comes to making a song unique and interesting. Recorded music already goes through mixing and mastering so much that the final product isn't really a "truthful" reality of everything in it's rightful sounding form. Technology is so advanced now that I'd be a little disappointed if people weren't getting creative and trying new things. I think Autotune is so disliked because it's used incorrectly in a lot of mainstream music and has been before it really started to be used in a creative sense. So naturally it has some negativity attached to it. So I'd have to say it's fine so long as it's not overused and isn't a clear cover up for poor talent. Lil Wayne is the perfect example of how not to use autotune. He's also a perfect example of how to look stupid holding a guitar.
  11. togz

    I have to agree about the over saturation. But I also agree that it has to do with taste. I don't think Visual Kei is going anywhere any time soon because it's an ever recycling scene. Certain looks get brought back and the new sound is noticeably inspired by and older sound. Which in turn I feel like the people who "grow out of it" are replaced with younger fans just discovering it. Me personally I got sick of investing my time in to bands that just disband a year later. Like I get it that VK has a band for everyone and saying all the bands sound the same is a little incorrect. But I literally have like two bands that are still active that somewhat interest me. But I guess I have gotten lazy. I've already heard all the bands that have been around a while but o don't check out new ones because they'll probably disband after 2-3 releases. My actual music interest has changed as well. I'm not just straying away from VK but I'm gradually branching out of the Japanese area. There are still bands I enjoy, but the point is that VK doesn't do it for me anymore. New bands I do check out sound like they played guitar for a year found a great hairstylist and knew a friend who did at home recording. But it's ok to sound mediocre if you look great in VK. It's VK so I can't complain much about looks vs actual music... But I do feel like a lot of bands have gotten lazy with being original and just sort of make something up like "this sounds VK enough" because the figure their image will sell. That's probably going to upset people, but don't take it personal. VK is still a fun scene and it does have some talent... You just have to ween through the lack of talent to find the good stuff. There's a lot more I want to say but won't because my fingers are actually getting sore from typing on a phone at a weird angle....
  12. Had so much fun with BoringHorror at Dir en grey today!!!!

  13. FINALLY POSTED MY REVIEW. WHY WAS INTERNET SO HARD TO FIND. thank you so much for being patient. ;o;

  14. togz

    you'd figure a video about them touring in said country would be the one country, if any, to be able to view the video. hmm.
  15. Mission fucking complete

  16. togz

    I'm still really new to them so i can't say i have a favorite song but I'm really enjoying the brainwashed album. I only truly discovered their music a few months ago... so I have some catching up to do! I'd see them live again. I think they're really good. I don't know the members names yet, but the vocalist hung upside down while singing on stage... he was pretty high up .___.
  17. togz

    Oh man. I knew about these guys for a while but didn't really pay attention to them until Warped Tour. I fell in love instantly. I literally remember them playing and it just sort of blew my face off. These guys rock.
  18. #strugglebus hard with this mix r n . . .

    1. Zeus


      you're gonna get metal jsyk k? k

    2. Biopanda


      zessu-kun give her the Pumpkin Head.

    3. togz


      Metal is A+ bro I'm down.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  19. togz

    sweet. I made an account. don't know if I'll be able to make sundays but imma try.
  20. It's nice to catch up on sleeping.

    1. Biopanda
    2. Valicious


      My goal is to know what this is like

  21. togz

    I got new contacts ;___;
  22. Shin Oumura is also Machiya from Wagakkiband and plays for et nu. Et nu's vocalist is also know as nanou but also sings and plays guitar in Lyu:Lyu.... I found Lyu:Lyu because of m:a.ture... Full circle.

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