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Everything posted by togz

  1. My main concern is how different this start up will be compared to the last line up. I mean if Tenten obtained new members, i'd anticipate a completely new sound, if they're the same members... I might be laughing at bit at how unnecessary the hiatus and announcement of the members leavin was but honestly... is it just tenten? Or does he have support members?
  2. DECAYS' "secret mode" probably should have stayed a secret Another year, another one of Tenten's bands goes on hiatus... My whole year summed up.
  3. https://rabb.it/pchead come watch workaholics soon?
  4. togz

    Monday at any time. lol.
  5. togz

    It's on Sunday. I work 9am - 7:30pm on Sunday. So I'm always going to miss it...
  6. togz

    tater tots.
  7. togz

    https://instagram.com/p/_fV7TXuWaC/ Hay. Hi. I'm ill, what it do.
  8. BRUH. It's snowin'.

  9. togz

    idk i went to the zoo and the arctic wolves were really cute and this guy had a cold nose.
    1. togz


      i already follow you *___*

    2. eiheartx


      we can't, it's so low between us, we can't be together!!! jk I've added you (but we're still low xD).

    3. togz


      i also haven't listened to everything in my itunes... trust me we have stuff that will match... once i get my vk stuff scrobbled lol

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  10. OWARIKARA *_______*

    1. CAT5


      hell yeahz! \m/

    2. Chi
    3. togz


      for a second i thought that was YA5

  11. togz

    PLASTICZOOMS HANDS DOWN RIGHT THERE. THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. 1. Beck - Jack Ass 2. Death Cab for Cutie - We Laugh Indoors 3. THE NOVEMBERS - Misstopia 4. Bear's Den - Isaac 5. HER NAME IN BLOOD - Let it Die 6. Bring Me the Horizon - Follow You 7. Born of Osiris - Warlords 8. Crossfaith - Counting Stars 9. andymori - ユートピア 10. Half Moon Run - Fire Escape This is probably the best list to come up yet.... so i had to pick three.
  12. Oh don't misunderstand me, I didn't mean it in the sense that Tenten himself is at fault at all. Just after following him since KuRt, I've noticed a pattern with him. I don't think that makes him any less qualified to be a great musician or to continue being one of my favorites, but simply because this is something that is reoccurring, I never really look at his projects as anything more than temporary. But if you look at the VK scene as a whole... it's just an unpredictable scene in general and I've learned to never grow too attached to any one band, but rather to individuals for their musical abilities and I'll follow them on to their next project. This is why even though Tentens bands never seem to work out, and that the SKULL members are splitting to do separate things, I'll still follow them because the music they put out never lets me down. It's the fear that they WON'T make a new band or keep pursuing music that makes me a little exhausted with this scene. I hope Tenten does something soon. And again, I'm glad Tetsuya especially is remaining active... he's got some serious talent.
  13. Ah well, Guess it's time to throw in the towel and go to urgent care. v___v

  14. Ghibli: Howl's Moving Castle + Ponyo Disney: Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Fox and the Hound, Up, and Big Hero 6 I don't like Disney princess movies. Or Disney movies about talking snow mans, boys who sell ice for a living, girls with ice powers, or ones with songs about letting it go. Lookinatyoufrozen
  15. I don't wanna sound like a B-word... But everything Tenten touches turns to poop. Like I'm not sure if it has anything to do with him, or if he just has bad luck with staying in bands that have goals past like 2-3 years anymore. When MBHI said they were going on Hiatus, I took it as a disbandment tbh. If I remember correctly I didn't even know about Chemical Pictures Disbandment until.... AFTER it had already happened because it was so sudden. It sucks yeah, but I'm surprised people are surprised. Anyway... interested to see how this band is going to do.
  16. wow made an about me thing would you look at that.

  17. togz

    The bass in this song is real.
  18. Glad to see Tetsuya still active. Worried about Die though :'[
  19. togz

    Ah yeah i really like Twenty One Pilots a lot. I think I went shopping on black friday just so i could get a shirt and a sweatshirt of their for like $15 lol. I picked up a few other music albums too by a few other artists. I know pretty much all the artists on your list, surprisingly i favor that old school SuG right there. I guess since i'm replying... i'll do it again? 1. Veil of Maya - Mowgli 2. Eye The Realist - Sleep Between Sleepers 3. DIR EN GREY - Cause of Fickleness 4. Twenty One Pilots - Guns for Hands 5. Two Door Cinema Club - Eat That Up, It's Good For You 6. Half Moon Run - 21 Gun Salute 7. the piqnic - hinata 8. the MUSMUS - バイナリ 9. SID - ENAMEL 10. Bring Me the Horizon - Avalanche A lot of these are favs. D: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I uess two door cinema club and bmth.... but i just only added the piqnic to my library so it wouldn't be accurate to say they're a fav quite yet... but definitly worth checking out if you like the novembers.
  20. Apparently I scared the shit out of my mom because I didn't answer the door earlier after I took some medications, she left a package from my friend in Japan though. I don't listen to smileberry, but there was some sort of DVD by them in there? How do I play DVDs on windows 10? How do I anything on windows 10...

    1. togz


      ah yeah yeah I got it as the app because i figured it was the same thing? But I'm gonna try and download just from the website. Thanks for the help everyone. I don't know what's on this DVD ....

    2. togz


      Oh it's the smiley PV

    3. paradoxal


      Never use windows store or what the fuck it's called, it's just a collection of adware and Microsoft dgaf about it.

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  21. I've been sick for the past three days. Do I ... sleep? Do I browse the internet? Do I stream FFX|V? I don't know what I want. Maybe i should eat something.

    1. Spectralion


      Yeah, you should eat something.

  22. togz

    Pretty sure the only things I am familiar with is Van Halen, BY-SEXUAL, and Lariene. I know of Morning Musume, but I'm not really in to that idol stuff. Curious to know what skid row sounds like!! And Gargoyle... I feel like I may have heard that before but... I don't remember. So I'll revisit it. haha. 1. DIAWOLF - Die for you 2. THE NOVEMBERS - Chil 3. SiM - IKAROS 4. Veil of Maya - Eclipse 5. CNBlue - Coffee Shop 6. HER NAME IN BLOOD - DUSTING 7. Reptar - In Through the Eyelids 8. HER NAME IN BLOOD - BLEED ON 9. Twenty One Pilots - Fake You Out 10. Born of Osiris - Goddess of the Dawn ayyyy, HNIB twice though, itunes knows me. I'm down with pretty much everything on this list, but Dusting is a really pretty instrumental track. Much love.
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