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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    you're learning.
  2. togz

    First off, You're all amazing and brave people. I'm glad everyone that has posted was able to post this stuff to eyes that will actually read and understand. I don't know what I am anymore to be honest. I've seen a good handful of doctors, which some have said I have had chronic depression, that i was Bi-polar (I agree with this), and that I have high anxiety. I've taken medications but they've made me feel absolutely nothing. So I don't take anything anymore. I have also had doctors say that I'm completely fine and just under a lot of stress. I've seen a lot of people in my family give up on everything with out warning and literally drill themselves in to a hole. I feel like that was me last year and I started to let my emotions and imbalances really take too strong of a hold on my judgement. So I don't know what the right answer is to that. Sometimes I'm fine for months, and then with in a night I'm not okay for 3 months... I've had anxiety attacks where my face has gone numb, lips have turned blue, finger tips go tingly, my chest feels like it's on fire... and then I would hyper ventilate and sob until I either fell asleep or blacked out. Thankfully I haven't had one this band in some time now (about a year and a half) Lately I've just been focusing on keeping busy. I noticed anxiety usually happens when I'm awake with out a task to do really late at night. Or on days that I have off from work and simply have too much time to research things or think. Regardless, I stay busy and haven't had any immediate incidents. But something new has presented itself. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). I've always been a little chubby, but somewhere along the way I gained weight rappidly, even though my lifestyle had not changed. However at that time I certainly felt more stressed and depressed. "Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine system disorder among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid — called follicles — located in each ovary as seen during an ultrasound exam. Infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity can all occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. In adolescents, infrequent or absent menstruation may raise suspicion for the condition. The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment along with weight loss may reduce the risk of long-term complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease." Doctors also told me it's linked with higher testosterone levels, weight gain, and all the bullshit that comes with hormone imbalances. While it's not exactly an attractive sounding thing, or even good news to have it... I feel like it's a step in the right direction to feeling like myself. Since i have this answer I feel like I can at least look at my options now.
  3. OKAY. I have a list for the trade off. That was actually... really hard.

  4. togz

    well damn.

  6. togz

    BRUH THE DOPEST OF FISHES. welcome aboard.
  7. Tracklist: 1. FRONT 2. WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL 3. 少年ワルツ 4. Believe 5. Here I am 6. Jesus phobia 7. 素晴らしい「教育」 8. 二面相シンデレラ 9. テツキズ 10. 冬唄 11. 踏切迷子 12. デジャヴパニック 13. 勘違い革命 | Spoopy down for what? For those of you who may be new to ペンタゴン (pentagon), the band was established on December 14th of 2014 by Chizuru and Minpha of Call Me. The band completed their line-up with members from bands such as METEOROID, LucaRia, and Vared. The band, as young they are, have been quite impressive over this past year. ペンタゴン is notable for having a consistent visual appearance and prominent themes in their releases that go very well hand in hand and in their short career , they've already released a full album and 2 singles that come in various types. While 2015 was a significant year for them, they have yet to slow down and have hit 2016 in full speed. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] hit the shelves on January 27th and is the band's second full-length album with an impressive track-list of 13 songs. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] states its theme clearly from the start with the intro title "FRONT". Though it's more of an SE track, it's almost an asset in setting the mood for such a theme. Envision yourself coming across an abandoned mansion or house. You approach it curiously, but there's a sense of uncertainty mixed with your eagerness to explore such a sight. From the light music box and thunder to the anticipation that the strings build up, you wind up at the entrance of Ghost Hotel, and with a creak of the door, the album takes off in to our titled track "WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL". A seamless transition from the intro jumps into an upbeat and somewhat heavy set of guitar riffs accented with a unique accordion tune and chanting. It's a mildly chaotic song that makes a big entrance for the story they seem to have for this theme. We've heard "少年ワルツ" (Shounen Waltz) before from the single, but it fits right in with the on-going theme. Ghosts and spirits are remnants of a past time, so the vintage distortion to the vocals in the beginning add a nice touch. "Believe" is a rather confusing song, both placement wise and the way it was written. Aside from the somewhat spooky techno in the beginning, it's made up of very common VK riffs. Though the vocal melody is somewhat solid, the key change takes the setting in a different direction that pulls away from the creepy and spooky theme they started with. While it may not exactly fit the theme, it does seem to be a song that may have been composed with live shows in mind. "Here I am" is also a song that doesn't give the same feeling as the beginning of this album, though it transitions well from "Believe". This song is a lot lighter and lifting, which is quite the opposite of what is expected from this release. However, it serves justice as a nice power ballad with strong vocals. Another rough transition brings us to "Jesus Phobia", a sort of circus-y sounding song with powerful screams, a signature music box in the background, and a relevant key change. Once "素晴らしい「教育」"(Subarashii 「kyouiku」) drops, the setting changes to a waltzing ballroom dance. The setting of the album was consistent enough to transition into this song and it almost fools one with its mellow intro. This song is full of psychedelic guitars, synths, and even a nifty drum solo that leads into a distorted guitar solo. The next song, "二面相シンデレラ" (Nimensou Cinderella), is another upbeat song with a prominent bass line and feels like a solid continuation of the previous track. These last two songs combined creates a new, playful and devious side of the album. Earlier we imagined entering ghost hotel and discovering the wonders inside, but those songs didn't exactly give a sense of direct contact with what presented itself. The combination of the previous two tracks represent that interaction in a playful ballroom dance where whatever malicious being or figures do show themselves and, for lack of a better word, toy around with their visitors to humor themselves perhaps. "テツキズ "(Tetsukizu) transitions well, but doesn't quite hit home with the theme or its generic alternative riffs backed up with drumming on the offbeat. However, the piano is a nice touch. It's not a bad song, but it's forgettable. "冬唄" ( Fuyuuta) is a slower song that fits better with the vibe this album should have, but it feels more like an ending song. Even though this track is most reliant on piano,ペンタゴン do quite well at enhancing the build up to a piano and vocal melody duet. The build and anticipation in this song is favorable with the contrast of soft verses and phrases that have more prominent guitar, bass and drum work that makes the track swell with power. "踏切迷子 "(Fumikiri Maigo) starts strong and follows the last track well until the chorus key change. Something with the instrumentals and key that the vocals are in sounds off ever-so slightly. Other than that, every other element in this song fits well with the concept and offers probably the most pleasing guitar solo on the whole album. "デジャヴパニック" ( Deja-vu Panic) starts to wrap up the album as it revisits a few similar instrumental motifs from previous tracks in the beginning of the album. Don't let the intro fool you though, because this track certainly excels into the danger zone (IN A GOOD WAY!) and lives up to its name. The guitar work beautifully contrasts with the chorus' vocal melody, and when the growls and shouting happen, the double bass is tastefully used. If you like songs that have a fast paced break down at the end, this is the song for you. "勘違い革命" (Kanchigai Kakumei) doesn't feel like a goodbye song. This song feels more like an 'until next time' and doesn't give a sense of closure and may have worked better as the second to last song. The door creaking back shut at the end is a cute reference to the beginning, which brings the album full circle. To sum up the album, it had songs that clearly worked together to paint out a sort of story, but it had inconsistencies in keeping it flowing smoothly. There were songs that didn't transition well with others, but the songs on the album itself were quite good. Having a type of horror or creepy theme is difficult to maintain in 13 tracks without having to stray away to create some sort of contrast, but otherwise it could have ended up having too many songs that sounded too similar. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] is certainly a good release from ペンタゴン and though it's a little rough around edges, it shows potential for even stronger releases in the future. CDJapan | HMV
  8. I know the music is completely different, but the fact that Yuji is the vocalist in both of these bands got me thinking. Which suits his voice best? カラット-carat- THE RHEDORIC :'D
  9. even tho i have a boofriend now, I still think Valentine's day is wack... but I like Valentine colors. something. idk. *___*

  10. Hmmm. I feel like this release is a lot of fun, but not anything musically impressive???? But there's nothing wrong with that. I don't particularly know how I feel about it yet, but I might order it..... might. I wanna say probably not, but I know I'm gonna anyway.
  11. togz

    I'm actually down with most of the things on your list. Actually a lot of it I haven't listened to in some time, but it was still my jam back in the day ayyyy. Fav off your list is probably L'Arc, and Red Hot Chili Peppers 1. Reptar - Particle Door 2. Attila - Light Me Up 3. Animals as Leaders - The Future That Awaited Me 4. Does it Escape Again - Without Fading 5. Beartooh - Relapsing 6. caroline rocks - the circus of clowns 7. GALEYD - Replica 8. Bear's Den - Stubborn Beast 9. BLUE ENCOUNT - HALO 10. ケミカルピクチャーズ - 悪天候異常気象な時代 I chose GALEYD and Chemical Pictures because... they're both my two favorite VK bands of all time despite the members other projects and both bands disbandment is probably what led me to stepping away from VK quite a bit. RIP precious babus.

    1. CAT5


      totemo kawaii desuu

    2. togz


      (✿ ♥‿♥)

  13. togz

    oh cool. Vancouver isn't too far from me
  14. 2 busy laughing at garo rapping to realize meku was in armeria this whole time.

  15. [8709845709576039485673049] This band is nothing to me anymore ;___;
  16. togz

    I liked this release a lot too and I like the direction they have been going in!
  17. dat new plasticzooms has me hyped.

  18. New HNIB release in April !!!!!!!!!!! Yasssssssssss!!!!!!!!

  19. togz

    ... I'm not super in to BORN but it's still strange to read this. I feel sad and I don't understand why.
  20. togz

    Saku... you sound like a super hero right now.
  21. togz

    I just use itunes. Sometimes I listen to spotify on my phone.... i just don't scrobble to last.fm from it. I know you can do that from the pc version but idk. as for obscure and unknown bands..... unless you download/purchase it yourself... i really don't know the answer. also followed you on last.fm~
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