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Everything posted by togz

  1. Can I just say the popular contributors for the week make a perfect rainbow

  2. Trust no one. Ever.

  3. togz

    Someone frame this.
  4. The LA show for the GazettE was waaaaay better than San Francisco! They fucking playing cockroach and my eyes watered up a bit. I literally went to see the band that started it all for me with so many people I grew up with. It made me feel so young again. I'm so thankful for the chance to relive those memories with everyone all at once one last time. I will cherish this ending to that chapter of my life forever. Time to start a new one.

    1. freesia


      You made me feel hyped up to see them xD

    2. YuyoDrift


      No better way to end it, I'm sure.


      As for me, I'll call it quits when the GazettE decide to too.

    3. -NOVA-


      It was amazing !!!!! <3

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  5. The sudden jump to tour the world makes me wonder if the GazettE is about to call it quits and sink PSC

    1. Nagisa


      Ruki basically tweeted that they aren't going to disband anytime soon.

    2. YuyoDrift


      I'm pretty sure the GazettE will be one of the only Neo-Visual bands to exceed the 20+ years together.


      If they decided to disband, they'd make an epic event in Japan. I'm sure all of MH would go lol.

    3. IGM_Oficial



  6. togz

  7. togz

    I'm not really surprised .___.
  8. togz

    The concert itself was great but the VIP organization was a disaster. Basically they had us go in by groups of 10 to buy merch and get out free shirt (merch was 100% sold out by the end of the show) and then head out in the same order we entered so no one lost their spot. My friend was lined up at 6am and was the first person at the venue. But after she went outside ... Halfway through the VIP line they just start keeping people inside. So the people who didn't wait at all got in first while the people who were outside the longest and waited longer got the shit end of the stick. San Francisco was fun but the crowd was overall whiny and trash talkers all around me and they made me feel how old I am. It was nice to meet and see them but one VIP was enough for me. I'm going to LA but imma hang in the back cuz I don't have time to listen to people bitch about each other and fix their hair and make up.
  9. Who is gonna see the GazettE in San Fran or LA? Let's meet up *^*

    1. Nagisa


      Okay. Do you want to meet up somewhere nearby before the show?

    2. togz


      I'll message you xD

    3. Nagisa
    4. Show next comments  57 more
  10. togz

  11. Aaaaaah boyfriend surprised me at the airport before I leave ;;

    1. paradoxal


      awwww how cute <3

  12. togz

    I'm so excited!!!! Aaaaaah!!!!
  13. when you don't wanna go on your planned trip because it means leaving boyfriend at home. Cry.

    1. togz


      Omg leaving pets is even worse ;___; like omg what if they think I'm leaving forever. I'm out here living it up while the pup is sad at home like "where's mom" no but really me and my boyfriend said bye for like 5 hours. I was supposed to be home 4 hours ago... But I just got here.

    2. togz
    3. paradoxal


      awww <3 no worries, you'll see him soon! just have fun without him while you can! ;)

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  14. RIP VisualScandal (≧∇≦)

    1. zuka_1


      good news, fucking blog :D

    2. TetsuAkira


      They'll be back. And in bigger numbers.

    3. Show next comments  57 more
  15. togz

    Better late than never !! welcome officially!
  16. togz

    Welcome to MH!!! cool taste in music! I like coldrain too! Be sure to check out the reviews thread as its a good way to get a sneak peak at different bands etc etc. hope to see you around!
  17. All about that treble. No bass.

    1. leafwork


      black metal EQ

  18. I didn't know who I really was until I met you. You came in the most unexpected manner... I just wish I had known you sooner. I don't want to lose you. I finally feel like I'm wanted for the person I am. 

  19. Happy birthday y'all

  20. I wanted to make a status update so I went on a long journey to find out how to make a status update. I figured it out. But I forgot what status I wanted to update about. That is all.

  21. Rarezhut done hand delivered my Her Name in Blood poster and my Galeyd precious heart fools mate edition single. I even got VIP purikura session and gitadora jam session with the members. Woah.

    1. Biopanda


      <3 We aim to please.

  22. togz

    I got a reply from Tenten maybe 7 times with in a 10 year span lol. Tetsuya (mbhi) 2 times. I used to talk to the drummer of valgana regularly but he joined a new band called aqua or something like that and made a new ameba blog and I didn't follow. I also used to talk to gunji ex. The fool a lot. He's a creep. As for non visual Kei I've interacted mostly with Daiki and Makoto ( HNIB) via fb messenger and Instagram I've also had a few conversations with sho asakawa on Facebook. Garo from galeyd replied to me once through Twitter. That's about all I can remember \o/
  23. Issues, veil of maya, coldrain, reel big fish....AND SO SO SO MANY MORE. BRUH I'M ALRIGHT WITH THIS WARPED LINE UP

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Great.... now I have 'Sell Out' stuck in my head on loop.

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