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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    ^ No, but really, Trombe did a lot of work none of us wanted to do on our owns. His posts became a convenience for most of us. However, I'm sure the mods of the forum know this and it probably wasn't an easy choice to suspend him for whatever reason it was for. While Trombe contributed a lot to this community... He is not THE community. I'm sure the mods have justified reasons for their choice as a whole with the communities best interest in mind. So please, I understand being upset for losing that contribution, but don't forget the other things MH has to offer and how hard the mods work to keep everyone happy to the best of their abilities
  2. the GazettE on the line up for Knotfest Japan wat? [dramatic pug head tilt here]

    1. YuyoDrift


      That's a good enough reason to head to Japan this year.

    2. Dillinger


      In Flames and Gazette sharing the same stage. What a world we live in.

    3. togz


      what a world indeed

  3. togz

    Since I work so far from home and on Sunday's ... Tuesday or Wednesday would work best for me as those are generally my set days off. But that's only me
  4. Sorry everyone who tried to download the two uploads I posted recently. I've fixed both links and I'm 100% sure if they don't work i'm done with life.

  5. Okay like... Kuroi Niji is great but... Water Lily is so beautiful. I cry.

  6. Got my hands on that Novembers track and will upload in a bit *^*

    1. Chi


      you're a life saver<3<3 oincidentally i am listening to Gozeyo right now as well

    2. Chi


      i cant spell

    3. togz


      I did it all on mobile at work. But I have to download it to my computer at home and then I'll upload it haha

    1. Atreides


      Awesome article and awesome photos. Jealous of that drum battle! :D

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Club Bahia? LOL

  7. togz

    I really like this one too. Im machiya trash so I took a lot of him
  8. togz

    The images I've been posting here have been lower quality uploads to Facebook since the high quality ones will be posted later on the website I shot for. I use lightroom !
  9. togz

    OMG yeah! the fans to. There's so much going on. But the challenge itself was so much fun. And Machiya really liked being photographed or something because he kept coming over to me and like doing cute thing. I have one of him doing a thumbs up that I haven't had the chance to edit just yet. He was a lot of fun to photograph. Asa was actually... pretty difficult because of the way he stands. His hair haides his face and he always has his face turned away from the crowd. I was lucky enough to get him looking around occasionally. Wasabi, Kiyoshi, and Kurona were nearly impossible to get with the equipment I had and the actual stage set up. They were so far back but the stage wasn't very wide so the members in front covered them all too often. ;Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and it makes me so excited to do more now that i know someone is looking forward to it!! I'll do my best! EDIT: some Yuko for @Ito These are low quality ps. lol
  10. togz

    wow i super appreciate this post. It was really tricky. It's amazing how once photos are finished, the audience that views them can't really tell the struggle behind trying to get shots. I was constantly re positioning myself and twisting myself in weird angles to try and stay out of other photographers way but also to avoid getting certain things in my shot all while still trying to get that ideal shot. Again to be safe I cranked my iso up and forgot to turn it down. I was so caught up in staying active that i didn't have time to look down to fix it... and that's my fault for not familiarizing myself enough with where everything is place so I can change it with out looking. I'm hoping to have another opportunity like this sometime soon.
  11. This is my jam right now.
  12. togz

  13. togz

    It's times like this where i wish i had the patience and care to just make a Japanese itunes account.
  14. togz

    I have some of Yuko as well... I took probably to many photos... and my ISO was way too high :'[ woohoo that grain. The venue was so dark and small I felt scared to turn it down lower. I tried to stay at least under 5000 But I think I'll be doing more photo work at PMX so hopefully they'll have a music guest this year. I'd like to shoot Wagakki again to redeem myself but like... meh you know... it was a fun first time though. Like I've done local places where friends have played and what not.... but never a show like this... so it was a big deal to me. ;___;
  15. togz

    I'm no Ito or something... but I did my first real concert and it happened to be WagakkiBand... so I got lucky. They still need a lot of work... but i'd say it's pretty alright for my first time ;___;
  16. Guys... LOOK!!!

    1. Atreides


      Ah you got it edited.  That looks great! :D


    2. togz


      I need a lot more practice in general but ;;

      I TRIED. 

      but thank you <3



  17. I can't believe I just photographed Wagakki Band... like let me be professional overall but also... THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN. I hope I can post some of them up soon *___*

  18. I have to leave for the airport in 2 hours and i still haven't packed. Haven't wiped my memory cards for my camera. Haven't showered. I'll get it eventually. 

    1. freesia


      chop chop!!!

    2. togz


      I made it!!! I was more worried about charging my camera stuff but thanks for the push freesia <3

  19. 和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand) 1st US Tour 衝撃 -DEEP IMPACT- 7/12 CLUB BAHIA, LOS ANGELES 和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand) is still a very new act in my book, but they've gained popularity at an amazingly quit rate. I had the privilege of seeing them once last year at Anime Expo. However, my view was very far back and behind a pillar. Thankfully they came back for 3 solo shows and I was able to attend one of them. Unfortunately, even though it's stated at a US tour, all three shows were in California. Being from Seattle, WA meant I had a mini vacation ahead of myself. The show I ended up attending was at Club Bahia near Echo Park on July 12th. I do apologize in advance for missing some details, as I did photography for this event as well. To make up for my poor view the last time I saw them, I bought a VIP pass (before knowing I'd be photographing the concert) which came with a few plus sides other than being let in first which I'll get to later. Just 4-5 days prior to the actual show date is when I received word that I'd have to bring my camera with me as well. Now just because I had the press credentials, doesn't mean I got priority entry, so the VIP pass I previously purchased worked out in my favor. The venue itself was very small and served as a night club or a place for local acts to attend an open mic night when it wasn't hosting events like these. I showed up about an hour prior to doors, and even though a majority of the line was VIP holders, I only had about 10-15 people ahead of me. When I arrived, the staff seemed to be winging it (which I feel is the case for most venues just some are better at doing it). There was 和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand) staff going down the line and having fans take photos and posting hashtags to Instagram for special items. I did it myself, and got some stickers! So that was a nice and short distraction from the confusion. When I had arrived, the VIP and general admission line had not yet split and I still had to check my camera in and make sure everything was cleared. I asked someone who looked like they knew what they were doing and she informed me that they would check it in as I entered the venue. Well in my opinion, anyone could have walked in to that venue with a camera if they had the confidence to back it up. After she spoke to me, the only other time my camera came up was from security asking if I was checking it as press. I said yes assuming they'd ask for ID and what not the closer I got to the entrance. That never happened and thanks to the idea of buying merchandise prior to the concert, I made my way past the huge line of people waiting to buy things to the stage with a shrug of the shoulders. The stage was even smaller in person than when I looked it up online and just by the placement of their instruments you could tell there wouldn't be much room for movement. I noticed the staff setting up several angles for the photographers pit, which I realized after the fact that they were live streaming the concert somewhere and not just filming. However, the staff continued to set things up and tune instruments in the small confined spaces they were provided and fans started to file in behind me. I know the line for merchandise took a while because people I knew who were in the general admission line somehow managed to squeeze in right behind me. Anyway, the background music got softer, the lights dimmed and that's the queue for cheering, chanting, screaming, and just a raw sound of excitement as figures of idolized band members floated on to the stage. The music started, but it wasn't one of those big bang entrances where the lights flash on and all the members turn around at the same time. It stayed dark. Beni and Machiya had a calm aura about them but showed slight aggression as heavier parts of the song poked at the audience. They were probably my two favorite to photograph and probably the most interactive. Now because of my constant focus on getting the shots I wanted, I wasn't really able to pinpoint certain things with particular songs and after the show I couldn't really remember the order of the songs even though I knew they had been played. Thankfully, I had another person from the same press group with me there for that reason. So I thank her for the in depth set list. But as for member action, these are the things I do remember. The members went off and on stage a lot to transition from full line up to a mini collaboration between 2-3 members. This happened when Yuko introduced all of the members and what it was that they played. Then of course there was a drum off between Wasabi and Kurona which felt more like magic tricks than anything else. That was one of my favorite parts of the show because it was so interactive with the audience and required all of us to chant and follow both of them. They worked together to create the illusion that the sound of their cymbals crashing were traveling back and forth to each other, they battled back and forth, and for the finale the room went dark and they had light up drum sticks! Kurona and Wasabi weren't the only impressive acts from the unit. Asa came out, showing his skills on the bass to tide people over until Machiya re-entered the stage with his signature face mask. I knew what it meant already and before I could form words to express my excitement, "Homura" started. There was also a moment before that song where Machiya took a seat at the front of the stage, showing off his skills and slapping notes all over the place like it was a talent he was born with. He made it look so easy. Kurona then joined him as well. It was a fantastic duo. They played one final song and the band exited the stage silently and quickly. I was impressed by how in sync the fans were in chanting for them to come back for another song. Normally during encore chants, the crowd gradually picks up pace until the rhythm is lost and then they start over. Not this time. I joined in with chanting, and it was a consistent "WA-GA-KKI" or "ONE MORE SONG" chant at a consistent tempo for 2-3 minutes at a time. I'm sure because of the obvious unison in the audience, the band came out for an encore rather quickly. I was excited to hear "Senbonzakura" and found that I knew more of the lyrics to it than I thought. Machiya and Beni both smiled and sang along with random people in the crowd, even catching me singing a few times. Though it was enjoyable, everything else was a bit of a blur. Now, after the show had officially ended, I went to go grab my merch but I had to be quick. Since I bought VIP, I still had a meet and greet with the band. Now I had expected either a signing, a photo, or even a hand shake with the band. It was actually disappointing. They lined us up and quickly ran us through the back side of the venue. A quick high five as you ran past the members and a poster shoved in to your hands right after was all we got. The last time I saw them at Anime Expo, VIP was cheaper, anyone could go to the signing if they waited for a ticket the previous day, and people who purchased VIP got a meet and greet and a photo with the band. Whether it had to do with the venue, time, or the management... it looked rushed and poorly planned. Aside from that, it was an extremely impressive performance and the turn out was really great considering the size of the venue. This was one of the first concerts I have been to in a while where the fan base was very much united and kind. I had no issues with fans behavior in my area and even the people I met in line for VIP were a delight to have around. I'm really curious to see where 和楽器バンド (WagakkiBand) goes after this or if they come back and do a longer more widespread tour. All of the members were really kind and talented and I look forward to seeing them again. I've posted the set-list below: Strong Fate Tengaku Valkyrie -MC- Hanabi Hangeki no Yaiba -MC- Shigin - Koin Kunwo Tazunu Furin no Utautai Homura HAGANE Shiromadara -MC- Yoshiwara Lament Akatsuki no Ito Drum & Wadaiko Battle Hoshi Zukiyo Ikusa ENCORE -MC- Kishi Kaisei Senbonzakura
  20. togz

    I feel like the main reason I like it is truly for the social aspect of it. I downloaded it first out of curiosity more so than the hype and excitement of another Pokemon addition to the franchise. But once I roamed around with friends and met new people it made it that much more interesting. Personally where I work we've managed to have different departments pick different teams, so my work place is under constant battle. I've already met a lot of people and I talk to someone new everyday just by using the game as a gateway. I like it not just cuz it's pokemon, but it sort of brought people together a bit. it's interesting.
  21. togz

    I started playing the second it was released... or at least when the servers stopped going down. After work me and a few co-workers went to walk around Seattle Center and literally everyone walking around was playing PokemonGo. Eventually we found two lures near each other and decided to stay there and gradually people started introducing themselves until we had about 15-20 people all walking around together to catch Pokemon. I even met some people from Ingress who are on the same team as me. So all in all it was nice. Since then I've played religiously everyday. I'm level 12 almost 13. My highest CP is 720 something. TEAM VALOR. However, there are some people already that have CP of like 1000 and higher... maybe i'm not that hardcore.
  22. Press for Wagakkiband in LA obtained *^*

    1. Biopanda
    2. togz


      I'm on the guest list ok. NO PHOTO RESTRICTIONS OK. I'm gonna buy myself a celebratory cake. With Machiya posing for my camera.

    3. Chi


      wooo have fun bb

  23. I always felt they were rather melodic compared to the djent thing going around lately. And their choruses in their more known songs are memorable. I also appreciate that they tend to mesh a classic tone with more modern ideas. But it to each their own!
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