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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    Chemical Pictures / SKULL > My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND GALEYD > DELUHI MEKU > LEDA MACHIYA > EVERYTHING DIM is the best album the GazettE has ever made. Also I still believe Her Name in Blood is under-rated I actually like Taylor Swift.
  2. I'm curious to know the reasoning behind such a statement. Please share why you think so!
  3. Last night was a really great experience. After work, a co-worker and I decided to walk around Seattle Center to catch Pokemon. As we walked around, we realized other people were doing the exact same thing. I think by midnight we had a group of 20 people all roaming around together to stand by lures. We all asked what color we chose, and even when we had different ones... people peacefully battled over gyms. It's insane. I mean I knew PokemonGo would be a big deal, but it was kind of surreal for last night to happen the way it did. It was like being part of a movement or something lol.

  4. togz

    Oh dear I hope he's okay...
  5. Tracklist: 1. LAST DAY 2. REVOLVER 3. DOWN 4. GASOLINES 5. HALO | Her Name in Blood? More like Her Name in Treble. Her Name in Blood is a Metal band that offers some metalcore and classic styles in their music. Established in 2006 , the band has released 3 albums, 2 EPs, 1 single and 3 tracks for various artist releases. Evolution From Apes is the newest addition to their discography and provides us with two new and three re-mixed tracks. Given their increase in activity and popularity, it was to be expected that Evolution From Apes would be a strong contribution to their library. However, it leaves you with nothing more than slight disappointment. This release is not terrible but it's a little frustrating that they took great songs and really toned down the most important elements. Such production makes me wonder who directed the changes and what the band had in mind and if they achieved that or just ran out of time. Some may have noticed the new music video for a song titled "LAST DAY " which sounded promising but doesn't sum up the quality of the EP and is the only track that stands out. While "LAST DAY" proves to be upbeat and melodic, the production of the other songs cut the band short of success. "REVOLVER", "GASOLINES", and "HALO" cause a raise of the brow as to why they were reduced in quality. The prominent difference from the originals is the lack of bass and drums. While still great songs, the older versions leave the new versions sounding dry or bland. "GASOLINES "and "REVOLVER" are tolerable as they don't stray too far from their original idea. "HALO", as popular as it is, ended up being the biggest mistake of this release. The levels for the guitars have been so unnecessarily cranked up that it overpowers what little bass and vocal elements were left. Even though the remakes are a struggle to sit through, the new material isn't so bad. Although the mixing is relatively the same as the remakes, there's no previous guideline to taint our expectations of what they should sound like. Aside from "LAST DAY", "DOWN" could be a solid listen. That is, until the lack of a smooth transition to the guitar solo causes the composition to sound disjointed. Hearing some team effort in the vocal department is a nice touch and it's nice to be graced with Makoto's verbal presence. The battle between Ikepy's screams and Makoto's singing does create an enjoyable listen during the chorus. Overall, the EP sounded very rushed despite the announcement of the release being a good amount of time in advanced. Better luck next time. Purchase cdjapan | itunes
  6. togz

    No they've been major for a while now. Beast Mode was their first Major release if I'm not mistaken.
  7. togz

    Hoping for this to be better than Evolution from apes... but like... I'm still excited.
  8. Well if it's this year.... and if it's in California... i wouldn't be surprised if it was PMX. That's a 3-day convention that focuses more on fashion and music. All the bigger cons on this side have pretty much happened. I'll place my bets on PMX considering NOAH was present for a livestream Q&A panel with A-to-J connections at PMX or Anime LA last year if I'm not mistaken...???
  9. togz

    I'm really really trying and it's one of those things where I did a lot of editing and goofing around to find out what certain things did before I seriously sat down and said I want to shoot this and I want the result to be this.... Both of the images on that page are not exactly how I wanted them but I feel like it's like that for most artsy things... but i still haven't found MY STYLE. But I wanted to start posting so I could have something to look back on later and compare my work to.
  10. togz

    So... I've been practicing photography a bit and really trying to discover what style is my own. I was able to do press for Band-Maid at Sakura-con so i hope to have some of those posted up on my photography page too. (given that they were here 2 months ago) I've also started just kind of taking pictures of anything. I'm currently shooting with a Canon 60D and a Tokina 11-16 ( as recommended to start with by senpai @Ito ) My stuff can be found here. Hopefully I get to update it as often as I'd like to. It'll probably just be a lot of picture of people and my cat. BUT FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW. i WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
  11. This is one of my favorite posts of all time. <3 Great job with this @beni !!!
  12. Okay but really is マッシュ like a haircut... A style... A brand... Or what....?!!!

    1. togz


      Like I know mash like I get it. Mashed potatoes, the show, military things but like what is マッシュ

  13. togz

  14. going back to san fran this time for Wagakkiband xD

  15. but Wagakkiband though....

  17. togz

    Okay so like real shit.... the black skirts... if that's the korean black skirts.... my friend was super in that band at one point in time. BUT HEY THAT BARETTA THOUGH. That was my favorite GazettE song for my whole GazettE fanning career. Probably because each instrument has a chance to shine in that song. 1. PLASTIC GIRL IN CLOSET - ERROR 2. LAST CALIX - Anenome 3. Hands Like Houses - Lion Skin 4. Death From Above 1979 - Always On 5. wrong city - Blood Libel 6. HER NAME IN BLOOD - HALO 7. fox capture plan - With Wind 8. Animals as Leaders - Tooth and Claw 9. THE NOVEMBERS - Blood Music.1985 10. The Plot in You - Take Me Away A lot of the stuff in this one I don't want to think about... but SHRUUUUG
  18. togz

    oh damn. If the definition of a crazy cat lady includes bathing with your cats... I don't think I'll ever fill those shoes. What type of music do you play, bruh?
  19. togz

    actually my avatar is also me lol. but i'm not rocking out on a stage... i'm just being a crazy cat lady or something idk.
  20. togz

    I did an outside today.
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