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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    when I try. ( Key word: TRY) when you have 5 minutes to put a face on. idk i always look tired so it doesn't even matter \o/ But y'all are cuties wtf cut it out. SPECIALLY YOU SHIR0 I SEE YOU DERE.
  2. Searching for apartments and researching which school to go to at the same time is really hard since my apartment relies on where I'm going to go to school...

  3. RIP MBHI :/ everyone left the band but tenten looooool figures.

    1. togz


      Wait but SKULL is coming back! Haaaaa never mind I'm alright now

    2. Aferni


      togzsies qwq

    3. togz


      Ferniiiiiii <3

  4. dude I remember there was some girl on tumblr that hated me so much that she'd password lock all of my usernames on tumblr when i'd switch usernames. Such dedication. I'm flattered.

  5. togz

    I already logged out and removed the scrobbler from my computer. RIP tbh
  6. togz

    It's taken away a lot of my data on artists and scrobbles. My artist count and my scrobble count are not correct anymore, but my recently scrobbled stuff is? I can't change my display photo (it chose some sort of photo i used a long time ago) and the over all layout is so huge and bulky it's rather annoying to look at and scroll through. Contemplating actually just abandoning the site all together at this point. EDIT: THEY SWITCHED THE FRIEND SYSTEM TO A FUCKING FOLLOW SYSTEM. BYE LAST.FM. DON'T TRY TO BE MUSICAL TWITTERGRAM THANKS.
  7. *quits last.fm*

    1. doombox


      Basically. I'm taking a hiatus and when I get back they better have their shit together. >8C

  8. the 3rd birthday, wagakki, and crossfaith because biased. \m/
  9. Guitar, Music theory, Improv, and composition classes start friday AYYYYY

  10. I got my quaghz cd in the mail *___* babuchiya <3

  11. When Hiroki chases you down to tell you he remembers you and gives you like 30 stickers... Lol

  12. togz

    Hfhjxdkkfshkfadjjvshjdatilggijtwwjjv I'm so excited!!!
  13. Finally got Heavensward. Bye life.

  14. togz

    Ironically posted at 10:10am. Illuminati shit right here.
  15. togz

    Recently I bought some drawing pens and an actual sketch pad. I'm still not very pleased with my style, but it's something new. I'm trying to resist from ripping pages out just for the sake of being able to revisit later to see how much I may have improved. These are a few pages I thought were okay. I think I like drawing Tetsuya. lol.
  16. He just asked me if I have had cosplay sex before... LEFT SWIPE.

    1. togz
    2. leafwork


      have you tho

    3. togz


      I'd have to have had sex, and have had to cosplay. One I haven't done in a while, and the other not at all. So, no.

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  17. I like beautiful deformity. I used to hella anticipate them to suck and by wanting them to suck I just automatically called their albums sucky. I'm excited tbh.
  18. tu meinii kawnsurtz dis yer mang~

  19. (*___*)v out

  20. Dude wagakkiband was so good and Machiya was so nice!!! Also got to see Cell and Anti Feminism. Happy B-Day Kenzi but you still scare me.

  21. wow, such a deep.

  22. orz stop trippin' highschool's out for the summer.

  23. Well that's the last time I make plans around crossfaith *^*

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