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Everything posted by togz

  1. Most accurate description of me sleeping is literally face down and hardly breathing. I've had people say they think I died and have to shake me just to make sure I'm alive.
  2. California bound in 4 hours.

  3. *_____* Warped tour is right around the corner, then like a week after I'm going to the AX for the first time in like 5 years LOLOLOLOLOL. And omg so many of my old time friends are going. Like people I haven't seen in forever. I'm really excited.

  4. California from June 18th to June 22nd and then California again from July 1st to July 5th lol

  5. \o/ I'm gonna see Machiya!!!! ( and the rest of Wagakkiband *___* )

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      i h8 u <3

    2. togz


      I'M GONNA CRY A LOT WHEN I SEE HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE AND WATCH HIM PLAY BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. omg. i'm mad the VIP sold out though because it was a meet and greet. : |

    3. Biopanda


      pls have him play his flute and tell me all about it ;w;

  6. togz

    Ah that was at a lower quality since i played with that one on an editing program on my phone. haha. see?
  7. togz

    *shrug shrug shrug* My mom bought a Rebel T5 Canon today, so i got to play with it a little.
  8. bam scored new camera that I can use for warped tour in august. Movin' on up in the world.

    1. ghost


      Naiiiiiiiiice! What kind?

    2. togz


      well my mom just bought a rebel t5 canon, but I have a co-worker selling me his 6d

  9. togz

    those are some big ass heels holy cow. I just got more basic guys. What is hair even. I don't even know what a straightener is anymore. Out of control.
  10. ofc Wagakkiband is going to AX in california. : | fucking tell machiya i love him whoever is going.

  11. OMG this new position at work is amazing!!!!!!!

    1. fictioninhope
    2. togz


      \m/ I get paid to just hype people up and tell them about cool things!

    3. ghost



  12. Chemical pictures and GALEYD
  13. sounds like an angry robot cat, THIS BAND IS AWESOME.

    1. lichtlune


      ^ Angry Robot CAT5

    2. togz


      It was just a live stream last night that had no sound but when the sound started working it became alien kei

    3. Jigsaw9
    4. Show next comments  90 more
  14. Peace! (*_____*)y--~~~

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. ghost



  15. togz

    I tried to play with make up again after... like a long time of doing basic bitch make up.
  16. My co-worker mentioned how she left facebook and all these social media sites and how she felt so cleansed... so I deactivated my fb *___* / let's see if i can last.

  17. It was an old Skype account maybe. So it would have been furufeisu something haha. Name's Mina, nice to meet you....again?
  18. never stop.
  19. The world is a beautiful place filled with a disgusting human race.

  20. I'm curious as to how those ticket sales are gonna do cuz like.... I don't know if i'd buy a ticket to a show just to find out it's people i don't care about and then they end up sucking. like.... oh right i forgot this is vk... so you probably have hardcore peeps going just to be the first to find out who they are. just to say they did.
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