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Everything posted by togz

  1. Growing up, I hid it at first because I knew my parents were very close-minded about things like that. They never approved of things like excessive make up or coloring of hair and didn't understand boys with long hair even, let alone ones that looked like girls. I'd still listen to it openly, but it took me a while to actually show them what they looked like. I remember listening to Carry? by the GazettE and my mom even started singing it... so I took that chance to explain to her and show them what they looked like. She accepted it, but my dad would literally take things I bought with money I earned on my own and throw it in the fire place. He'd yell at me for listening to that "gay shit" as he calls it. Once i turned 18 I ran off and dyed my hair and got a bunch of piercings in protest I think. I eventually went to cosmetology school and became involved with a lot of fashion shows at conventions (doing hair and make up) and my dad still wasn't supportive. Finally there was a free convention I got to work at with ibi from sixh, and because it was free I begged my dad to go. He sat through the whole thing, and at the end he told me "I finally understand. That was pretty cool." I think that was the first time my dad made me cry out of joy. Now it's just a thing that exists, and they don't question it at all anymore.
  2. You are literally the two best people I have grown close to in a long time. I cry evrytiem.

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. togz


      oh. THREE PEOPLE. sorry. <321

    3. Biopanda
  3. togz

    \m/ new best frands.
  4. togz

    I'd be okay with eternal sleep.
  5. togz

    I want that galeyd symbol but also not because reasons
  6. Someone just called me pretty so I told them I was a potato. Then they said "sweet potato". Don't know if that's another compliment but if we are comparing them to actual sweet potatoes... Bleh

  7. togz

    \m/ welcome
  8. : | I will take a pay cut to stop being scheduled to clopen

  9. i know my schedule only lined up for a few hours too ;0; I feel like in the mass of CDs they're going through I most certainly must have missed out on something I'd have been interested in... But trust me your wallet thanks you. It's hard to not bid on anything that pops up at only $4 to start. ;; maybe it's good I missed a lot of it xD
  10. ... I used to be able to play heart of gold on guitar.... lol. what is a guitar anymore?

    1. yakihiko


      I love that song :D

  11. I'm actually really concerned about Garo's departure. But also curious. I really want him to do a serious band, because he's literally my favorite vocalist of all time. He had "retired" from the industry after Hi:BRiD, but came back for GALEYD, but now that he's leaving again, I'm really hoping it's to join another band, if he's planning on vanishing... then I wish he'd stay. If he vanishes I'll literally be heartbroken.
  12. Interview Wednesday morning~

    1. Biopanda


      Spill the deetz

    2. Tetora


      Remember to tell them your bloodtype, fav cig, cologne and clothing brand, and what bands influenced you.

    3. togz


      idk my blood type so i guess i'm not vk enough. also if i get the job i'll be makin like $4 more an hour LOL

  13. togz

    I think I threw up a little at this topic. Like I threw up a little before but then I read some of the stuff in here and I threw up a little more.
  14. Oh god I think I threw up a little.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. yakihiko


      @Tetora hmm delicious XDD

    3. togz


      Idk what the heck y'all talkin bout but carry on.

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  15. togz

    What Camera are you using if you don't mind me asking?
  16. togz

    I guess I'll post my photos here too... though they aren't really artwork... but I'm working with a really old hand me down Nikon D50 lol The nob is also broken, so i have to go in to the menu to change the ISO. Shutter speed and f-stop settings? FORGET ABOUT IT. Hopefully i can save up and get a better camera. We use Canon at work, and I'm sort of becoming biased for Canon. Nikon is cool too I guess, but everything is literally opposite so it's weird coming home and being like... oh wait. anyway here are some photos of my cat? idk.
  17. togz

    I wanna scream because I'll never have this sort of quality in my photos ;; -claps a lot-
  18. please internet stop distracting me. ;;

  19. togz

    The way I see it is... Sure words and vocal melodies can be astonishing, but if you're working in a band or music group... the music should be made to amplify that. The instrumental foundation is the base of everything. If the music is bad, it won't matter what vocal melody you have (good or bad) it's going to clash (both in atmosphere and actual musical tone and beat) so even good vocals are lost if the instruments are bad. Sometimes the instrumentals can save a bad vocalist (whether it be the melody, technique or what have you). but there are in some cases that i feel a vocalist of course will ruin even good instrumentals. It's a per case scenario, but overall I'd say the instruments have to be on point for it to even be worth it to call yourself a band etc etc. Other wise if you just want good vocals... go to listen to a ca pella stuff.
  20. I want Galeyd back....

  21. I decided to make a mix CD for my mom for Mother's Day, like album art/cd case/ booklet with lyrics and everything with a letter in it that says "Since there's to much to say on just a card, here's all the songs that make me think of you" and our reservation for brunch HA. she'll be like "ok."

  22. togz

    Well I finally listened to it. To be honest it's more tolerable than some of the stuff I have listened to before, but maybe it's because the music is really basic in some of the songs (maybe all of them) so it doesn't have a really bad clash with tzks vocals. I still don't like tzks voice in general, but I think that too many people popped on the hate train for the sake of hating on the next new thing to hate one. It's not good, but it's not really bad enough to waste energy on and get your panties in a bunch either. Caring about this single at all is kind of laughable.
  23. togz

    Just stay single 5ever because then you don't have to think about harming anyone *____* physically or mentally. Wow we'd all be heroes and wouldn't even know it. Actually I have this constant battle of needing to be with someone or liking someone, but the thought of a relationship makes my stomach churn and my heart race in a not exciting butterflies in my stomach kind of way. Probably similar to runaway bride syndrome.
  24. Hike cancelled. ;~;

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