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Everything posted by togz

  1. >____> anyone else have the .hack OSTs?

    1. RinFukurou


      yea. i can try upload them for ya :3

    2. togz


      Sksjdhsjdjjdjd dkdjdhs are you serious?!

  2. togz

    I'll be in the crowd like...
  3. togz

    .... I'll have to work on my dance moves.
  4. togz


    1. Tetora


      Well, just be glad they only want to hang out when you do have money, lol.

    2. togz



  6. togz

    scanning rough sketch in now.
  7. togz

    oh cool! okay gimme a few hours~
  8. togz

    WELCOME TO MH. Don't worry about your age. People make the mistake of believing they have to change their interests as they get older. Do you. EITHER WAY, WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME. I'll send you an add on last.fm since it seems to be what everyone else is doin~
  9. togz

    www any requests? I'm still in a drawing mood.
  10. I've pre-ordered my copy. Super stoked. Priority shipping.
  11. togz

    MIGHT AS WELL REVIVE THESE. I was going to draw all the members but only had enough creative energy to finish Dai and Tetsu... Tetsu tweeted my fan art though!!! Dai will never notice me....
  12. togz

    Because I like Daisuke or something.
  13. togz

    Ah I guess I'll do a short review. 嗚咽 - 4/5 This song works as an OK opener for the mini album, but the reason I like this song is it literally gives me hints of KuRt and SKULL tendencies. But at the same time that has brought them back in to that typical VK layering of a fairly basic riff with a repetitive pop in from the lead guitar here and there. Not to say it's a bad technique, it's just common. Make for a great live band. The layering in Tenten's vocals is what makes me think of KuRt. I can't put my finger on it but there's a certain tone and consistency in the way he holds his notes that make me think of his vocals in KuRt. I think the most creative part of this song really is around 1:31-2:13 That has to be the sweet spot of the entire song. With everything combined I'm really curious as to who composed this song or if it was a full group effort. ネジレル - 3/5 Eh the intro is cool. But other than a few cool guitar riffs, the contrast between the vocal melody and the music itself isn't anything really satisfying or memorable. Not a bad song, probably a good song... but it's not speaking to me. 2:20 - 2:48 was nice and the sudden heaviness after it caught my attention. Regardless, this song is more of background noise for me. REAPER MIMIC - 5/5 Hmmmm. I really like the guitar work in this song. the intro took me off gaurd. With that type of technique I usually expect something melanchilic sounding but they threw in a few notes to make it a tug of war between melancholic and sunny. This song literally sounds like clock work to me. I love when two guitarists can do that where it sounds like a domino effect. How do I explain it... Like when one guitar plays something but it seems to tie in with the other in a way that it sounds like it could almost be disjointed.... but the second part can't happen if the first doesn't.... Ah I don't know how to explain it and this is why i suck at reviews because I have trouble forming words for how I feel. but this is my favorite song on the mini. 灰色の森 - 5/5 THIS SONG. I feel like, even though there's no members from CPS in this band other than tenten... this is a good example of where cps could have continued on to? I don't know this song is just beautiful. The bass has chances to shine through and I feel like it's kind of hard to have an original and upbeat sounding bassline in a ballad sounding song with out making it sound over powering. I also like that this song has kind of a swing feel to it, ah. Me gusta mucho. 凶の世界 - 3.5/5 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. dat bass and drums though. Much love. I feel like musically it sounds disjointed in the guitars in some spots, but I like the variety they offer in this song? Ah but there's that over used SKULL riff that is in like 60% of their songs... LOL The idea of this song is really pretty but I have mixed feelings about the guitar work. +2 for bass and drums though. 目覚める2分前・・ - UNABLE TO RATE. REALLY MAD BECAUSE INTRO WAS TOTZ STOCK DRUM SOUNDS. Eh I like the bass and vocal melodies..... I STILL HAVE MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THIS SONG.... IT'S LIKE... ONE WAY ONE SECOND THEN IT CHANGES THE NEXT AND.... GIVE ME A MILLION YEARS TO ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND THIS SONG. I literally don't know if I really like this song.... or if I really.... just feel confused.
  14. togz

    Dai Tetsuya Ryou
  15. togz

    I don't know but I was completely taken by surprise when this band formed. SKULL and KuRt were two of my very first VK bands, and the only two bands where I have consistently followed the members activities. The fact that most of SKULL is now working with Tenten, makes me extremely happy. Less work for me to do as they're in one spot now. ha. I'd still have to say, despite my nostalgia kicking in and shouting that I should favor this band... still CPS>MBHI sorry not sorry. ;;
  16. togz

    Dai is an effin giant. daizilla. Contemplating posting tetsuya, ryou and dai SKULL era pics. IT'S MBHI RELATED....
  17. togz

    idk dai and idk who that is because i only follow like 3 vk bands sorry
  18. togz

    I'd kill for some Daisuke love though.
  19. I'd say that I was certainly a night owl. Even if I had somehwere to be early, I'd sleep late but still wake up on time to get where I need to be. Now My schedule is all over the place and I need to fit sleep in where ever I can. Maybe I'm still a night owl, but it's rare that i stay up past midnight anymore. Maybe I'm making a gradual transition in to being a morning person? I feel like there's something inspirational about being awake in the middle of the night though. Everyone else is a asleep and for a moment the whole world around you is quiet, but I feel it can also be dangerous with too much time alone with your mind. I tend to over think when i stay up late and hit this weird hole. Lately since I've been sleeping more often and getting enough of it, I've noticed that I haven't been so cranky, anxious, and depressed. So I'll leave it as night owl, but I want to be a morning person.
  20. togz


    Well, I have to say you sound like a very diverse and artistically inclined person! I did hair and make-up for a while as well! Let's talk techniques~ Welcome to the Forum. Don't be a stranger!
  21. Wow Hi hello. I'm Togz. I like many different things. Because of this I'm just going to cram everything in to one thread. :'D I'm fairly mediocre at everything because I bounce back and forth between everything. But haaaaay. Thanks for stopping by.
  22. ha. I actually made a "profile" this time.

  23. I wanted to pull an all nighter but it's hard with out company... so my brother hooked up his TV and Xbox in the dining room... so we're just gonna play video games and listen to music all night. HA. I <3 weekends when he can stay up

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