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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    Maybe I'll make one .____.
  2. togz

    I can try to draw mako! And I haven't made a tumblr for my art it's not that great so I haven't thought to make a blog for it.... It's be one more thing to manage that wouldn't get much attention .___.
  3. togz

  4. togz

    As some of you may know, My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND is basically my super band because of SKULL and Tenten. My favorite member is Daisuke, and I've been following him and the rest of SKULL since 2004. Because this is my favorite band right now, I decided to do a drawing of each member, my first being Daisuke~ woooooooooo~ poop.
  5. togz

    Availability updated
  6. I guess I'm going karaoke tonight. Probably gonna do Animal by Neon Trees and Two way Street by Kimbra.... NOT ALCOHOL TONIGHT OR EVER AGAIN NEVER EVER FOREVER NEVER NO NOPE NEVER FUCK ALCOHOL. SMD ALCOHOL.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Is it only in Japan that you can sit in a room in front of a tv and fake your favorite songs? :P

    2. togz


      No there's Karaoke rooms here too, I just like singing in front of a crowd more?

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I see. Well I've never sang for a crowd before so I think I'd feel rather shy. Also I'd rather not go to a place with smokers -_-

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  7. That's a really interesting theory, professor.
  8. togz

    y'all are cuties
  9. togz

    sent you a message~
  10. togz

    it's for a good cause i swear *___*
  11. togz

    It's working for me too. I put them under links so it wouldn't take forever to load for some people because there's long lists ( kinda not really) and some images.
  12. So to sum it up, Arlequin simply played it SAFE with this album. The end.
  13. Currently no items are being sold or shipped at this time. Past completed transactions have all been shipped. Apologies for people who had inquired about items, I am unable to process orders and ship them out in a timely manner do to my current work schedule. Thank you for understanding.
  14. Okay let me reword this. As a musician you may want to try new things out of your comfort zone not because you have to but because you want to. The new ideas you may have you might feel are "too risky" but trying something new in music is always risky. This doesn't mean stepping out of your genre or losing your sound, it just means taking your outline and doing it differently. A good example is the novembers. They have released things that have consistently sounded like the NOVEMBERS it's still them, but can you say all there songs sound similar and have the same formula? No I wouldn't say so. But they still sound like them. I like fourth wall but if all of their releases had the same feeling and direction as fourth wall of be pretty disappointed, not because it sounds bad, but if I wanted to I could just listen to the fourth wall on repeat all the time. Same is for arlequin, their past releases all fall with in the same genre, but they are all unique in their own way, but with the album it just feels like the new songs have the same phrasing and formula/feeling so it's hard for it to stand out. I'm not saying and haven't said for them or any band to take risks in the direction of another genre, but maybe try to convey a different feeling or direction in a song. It's like a riff you enjoy playing so much that you try to incooperate it in to each song you play. No matter how much you spice up that riff or change the note placements, it becomes too repetitive. Or like candy. Or food. If you eat the same kind of candy over and over again, you lose your taste for it. Candy is still candy, so you can try different flavors. Let's put it this way.... Candy is music, and the different types of candy are genres. (Lollipops, chocolate, gummies etc etc.) Let's say arlequin is lollipops. Instead of having only watermelon lollipops, you can have cherry, blueberry, bubblegum, etc etc instead of watermelon all the time. They'd still be a lollipop. Idk if that makes any sense at all.
  15. Correct in a way but with passion comes the interest on expanding. Drawing for example, if I was passionate about drawing why would I draw a picture and trace over it again and again. I'm not saying they need to stray away from their genre.
  16. This is a relevent comparison, for example -OZ- and DEATHGAZE were both pretty popular bands at one point, but they stuck to the same routine. To continue to grow people need change and they need to take risks, and I think the problem with this album is that not enough risks were taken, and you can only do the same thing so many times before all the tracks start to blend together and don't have anything special because if we haven't heard it before, we've certainly heard something with the same energy and direction from whatever artist is at hand. So I agree with Zess. This isn't meant to be offensive, but while all of those bands have/are currently successful, personally speaking Their recent releases don't phase me either since they tend to keep the same pattern. SID has had a strong following for a long time, so that's just that. Mejibray is popular for more reasons than their music, to be fair. As for NoGod, Matenrou Opera, and D... I'm amazed that they're still around. I don't mean that in a "wow they suck" way, but their releases HAVE indeed become repetitive and don't really offer anything new. All I can say is that... by being a musician, and to be a successful one you HAVE to take risks. Yes you'll lose fans if you try something new, but you'll attract much more by presenting something that wasn't offered before. I hope that Arlequin is able to grow and try new things with their music with out losing their own individual sound. That's why they sparked attention in their past releases, because they sounded like their own. While their sound does mirror certain genres, they were still their own and there was something that set them apart and made them stand out. If they want to stay right where they are at, sure keep releasing the same formula over and over again but even then people will get bored and put them on the back burner. If they want to grow, they need to go head on and take a few leaps every now and then. Off-topic: SID mentioned going pop a long long time ago. I think they somehow fit that, however they do seem to keep some VK tendencies. I wouldn't consider them Oshare kei either.
  17. fffffff mbhi A +

    1. togz


      omg we should listen together. and tetora~ they had it labeled as an ep which i consider the equivalent of a Mini album, however it seemed more like a single xD

    2. Elazmus
    3. doombox


      Not sure when I will get to it but I will message you when I do! :D

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  18. togz

    Thank you thank you ;;
  19. Man, I got so sidetracked drawing that I drew through my whole chance to sleep. >:'[ I did post part of the drawing though because I guess I don't post enough. =___=

    1. PsychoΔelica


      I found myself doodling faces to pass the time during boring lectures yesterday, that being the only excuse I had to draw recently :P

    2. togz


      I draw like once a month lol =____= I used to draw everyday until the past 3 years lol

  20. togz

    So I started working on something new... Unfortunately I wasn't really impressed with the band Call Me, however I thought that the theme of Minpha's look was really cute and it was a kind of image I'm not used to drawing so I wanted to try and capture the different textures in his clothing and head piece as well as take this opportunity to practice drawing objects in peoples arms. I haven't gotten to those parts yet, but here is the rough outline so far. I still need to refine things and clean it up, but that takes so much time so I'll just get the whole sketch out and then I'll make things better looking. As for the previous drawing I was doing... I lost the file somehow so I won't be finishing that one. sorry ;___; EDIT: I did a little more, I still need to redraw the head piece better and go over the outline of the hair and add more texture... I may just scrap the color all together and start over =___= but here is kind of something headed in the direction. Still kinda poop though.
  21. I finally took a listen to this last night. While I had pretty high hopes for this album, I have to say i was a little disappointed. Their releases have been solid up to this point. I agree with Zess that the album wasn't a bomb but it wasn't amazing either. The songs i enjoyed most were the songs already released on singles, the rest felt like some sort of elongated filler. The songs were tolerable to be fair, but not memorable. Hopefully with a second listen I may change my mind. I will let the expectations and views on what i expected the album to be to die down and listen again with a clear mind.
  22. I got for the music and a shirt. I don't really care for cheki very much unless it's like... a specific band or something. But yeah.
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