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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    Well it said to share our thoughts... so just gonna do that then since no one else has. I think this album is made up of a lot of different attempts of genres the band may not have been prepared for. I still would not call it a terrible album. I actually found a few songs on here that I did enjoy to an extent. I still think this album got a lot more hate than it deserved, i don't know if it was the name, or if Sadie is just a fav band to hate, but I have certainly heard worse things that get higher ratings. Over all this album has maybe 3 memorable songs the rest being pretty muddy sounding and phrased very oddly. The overall transition was very odd and didn't help either, but I find this to be more of an experimental stage for them, which happens to a lot of artists and the next release will either be stunningly better or it will nose dive. I'd give this album a 2.5/5 which is a 50/50 and I don't think it deserves less than that.
  2. honestly all vocal covers i do suck, that's why i don't do them anymore. ;___; and it's the official karaoke version. so iunno
  3. It's kind of annoying when you figure out a way to do something, but then someone is really persistent on getting you to do it their way even though that means you'd have to do more work to do it that way instead of just using what's already in front of you...

  4. The next q&a in store live stream is Royz lol

  5. Almost no one showed up for grieva lol

    1. togz


      Los Angeles q&a live stream

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      LOL. can i see it somewhere else?

    3. togz


      No...? It was a question and answer event for xenon shop... Like foreign fans ask them questions... So far it's been cell, diaura, and grieva and they just announced royz for nov. 22nd

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  6. Omg this is so bad.... http://m.soundcloud.com/tomina-staeger/jarofhearts That ones better ;;
  7. togz


  9. togz

    while everyone is entitled to their opinion, and while the album may not be a grand ol stroll in the park, I think people are being a little immature and taking the bashing way out of hand. I'm not a Sadie fan, and I haven't listened to it yet, but I do respect that they have a following and that some people find it good music. By all means, give it a negative review, but anything beyond tasteful and professional word play just makes you look like an elitist douche who thinks your musical taste is superior to anyone who may like this album. This may be a bad example, but telling someone hey you're a little over weight, try some healthier options is a lot more respectable than saying, JESUS YOU FAT FUCK JUST KILL YOURSELF YOU WASTE OF SPACE. which is what I'm comparing all this bashing to. On top of that, a group effort to bash on a release does not make this forum look appealing for new potential members that may have great things and activity to contribute. So I guess all I have to say is, let's not waste so much energy hating on something you clearly dislike. You dislike it, great share that opinion and move on to something more enjoyable. EDIT: this is not directed to any one person in particular, and those of you just speaking your mind, by all means keep up the good work. But if giving this album a bad review is the highlight of your week... I'm really sorry that you have nothing better to do. :'[
  10. Listens to anticipated release. Anticipated release doesn't please me. Deletes anticipated release instead of making it the highlight of my week to bash it.

  11. i've switched back to an older last.fm http://www.last.fm/user/reladr

  12. togz

    because I'd be editing ads somewhat and on top of that a lot of the programs and apps that are connected with the magazine are originated from Apple products or run best on Apple products. It's just what is best for media stuff. If it was an office job it'd be different
  13. hey guys my friend loreleiophilia just joined, anyone wanna plug to welcome her? :'3

    1. togz



    2. CAT5
  14. togz

    YAY I'M SUPER HAPPY THAT YOU'RE HERE. <3 everyone is this like one of my bffs so be nice to her <3
  15. togz

    advertisement sales for a local magazine.
  16. togz

    I keep getting further and further away from getting windows 8 again. My next job may require me to purchase a Mac.... If I get that job
  17. togz

    Kiryu by a long shot. I feel that royz is only popular because of their appearance. Even having said that, Kiryu still has them beat concept wise and their actual song structures are way more creative than royz. I'm not saying royz is bad, I just don't feel anything when I listen to them. I'm starting to think that royz is more like overseas than in Japan as well? Or at least according to xenon. They did a similar poll but it included kodomo dragon ( I was their only vote) but kiryu slaughtered both bands when xenon had indeed anticipated royz winning. The guy at xenon said royz isn't very popular in Japan as people think but he thought maybe they would be in the states but he was wrong lol.
  18. when I have ordered from them they had deals at the time where depending on how the CDs are marked you get certain discounts according to how many you buy, but that was only good for larger orders. I also feel like at the time they had a larger selection, but since then cd japan has definitely surprised me with the selection they carry. Also I noticed when ordering CDs that have been out for a while through hmv were more or less likely to still be first press. Cd japan always runs out fast
  19. I started with cdjapan as well, later moved to hmv also because they're better for huge orders... however I don't make that kind of money anymore so I either buy it on itunes if it's available or go through shopping services to get things from various auctions sites or japan only shops. So I can't say that i stick to just one place... I just use whatever is convenient at the time I need it.
  20. togz

    edit: wow ok... nevermind. totally not the post i saw when i posted this. excuse me. I like redman, they're good. :'3 1. ギルガメッシュ - 縁enishi 2. Circa Survive - I'll Find a Way 3. andymori - 楽園 4. Animals as Leaders - On impulse 5. letlive. - Muther 6. ヴァリル - 深淵ノ果テ 7. 浜渦正志 - Nascent Requiem 8. ナイトメア - BLACKOUT 9. RAM∞REM - 過去と未来と...キミへ 10. kiss my way - 夕暮れ the first two because AAL is great. Also I'm a sucker for piano for number 7. and number 9 for Garo.
  21. TO CELEBRATE THE TURNING ON OF MY INTERNET AGAIN. WE PLUG. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  22. togz

    have fun with that
  23. togz

    I don't know how to math
  24. togz

    ^ hey! No. Saxophone is beautiful. But also daaaa g bonsai. Also that makes you only 18?! You're little!
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