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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    I play flute, Saxophone, Piano, and some guitar. I started off playing woodwinds in school band, and eventually started to explore other options, teaching myself saxophone during my junior year of high school when I became drum major of the school band. I also took AP Music Theory my Junior year, which is when I picked up piano more seriously since it was a good base instrument to know to branch out to almost anything. I didn't pick up guitar seriously until after I graduated, though that is nothing more than a hobby that has been neglected and is now collecting dust on the back burner. I've played other instruments, but not enough to confidently say I PLAY them on a regular basis. I'd like to pick up drums again.
  2. I'll be doing hair and make up for the fashion show this year at PMX, if anyone is going hit me up, say hey. Japanese band heidi. will be there too :'3

  3. well maybe semi hiatus due to lack of internet. ONLY WEEKENDS.
  4. Hiatus until at least January
  5. togz

    Thank you for your input but I currently don't have actual Internet access out of my phone data and the amount of people interested in this aren't really enough to really convince me there is a demand for it. Maybe in the future I'll revisit the idea but for now it's going on the back burner.
  6. togz

    omg tell me about it. It took me 3 hours to send my portfolio over the tablet i was on last nightAlso yes it is now and before it was as well! ;0; shamelessly ice biased
  7. togz

    had to revert back to windows 7 since the computer I had which ran windows 8 is no long in my possession, but currently I don't have access to internet in my own home so my laptop has been kind of collecting dust. I'm on my iphone mostly, windows phone was too expensive ;o;
  8. togz

    I like windows 8. Windows 8 is great. I miss windows 8.
  9. I just want internet back but then I look at my recent schedule and realize I wouldn't have time to computer anyway. Struggle 5evar... Going through CAT5 withdrawals.

    1. CAT5


      I'm going through "Mina"pause...can no longer produce WesMinain dopamine ;__;

    2. togz


      you're so lame

  10. I'm starting to forget how to internet, guys.

    1. togz


      5ever arone

    2. CAT5


      This stray cat shall find it's way to your doorstep one day AND THEN WHAT I DUNNO

    3. togz


      And then a lot of kisses

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  11. togz

    work in very super progress... this is basically... 2% done honestly. : | I have so much more work on her hair to do, plus I still have to shade the skin for real, but you know GOTTA DRAW THE REST OF THE THING FIRST. I kinda draw all over the place. I'm like man I'm tired of drawing let me color. and then i'm like... FUCK WHERE'D MY BASE COLOR GO... then i'm like time to improvise. anyway please enjoy this poop.
  12. fricken frickle frackers.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      omg watch ur language

    2. CAT5


      chicken pickle crackers

    3. togz


      Look here you hooligans....

  13. togz

    I guess I bought ink and paper?
  14. Do me a favor, but most importantly do yourself a favor, if you're passionate about this scene and you want to be involved and possibly help it grow in the future so you can better enjoy it... go apply for the Official MH Music Critics. Sure it might not be a gateway to meeting great people now, but you never know who knows who and who you will meet. Just do it. Talk about something you love. Express that part of you. It's not asking you to write a book about songs.

    1. togz


      again, CAT5 said it's not about that. He's not asking you to be the master of music analyzing. BASICALLY HE'S LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO IS POSITIVE AND CAN SEE THE GOOD IN WHAT THEY LISTEN TO. Even if you just want to say how awesome a few seconds of the song were, you don't have to paint rainbows and meadows with your words to express how you feel.

    2. paradoxal


      I think we should be able to nominate others to be an Official MH Music Critic! :3 I nominate Tetora & Pretsy.

    3. togz


      y'all are making this whole thing way more difficult than it needs to be.

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  15. Do me a favor, but most importantly do yourself a favor, if you're passionate about this scene and you want to be involved and possibly help it grow in the future so you can better enjoy it... go apply for the Official MH Music Critics. Sure it might not be a gateway to meeting great people now, but you never know who knows who and who you will meet. Just do it. Talk about something you love. Express that part of you. It's not asking you to write a book about songs, it's asking fo...

  16. togz

    http://sweetholm.tumblr.com/ and I'm doing a giveaway right now -shamelessly promotes-
  17. togz

  18. I guess it's decent, but I had hoped for something... a little more dedicated to just Garo's vocals... rather than a 3 vocal project. Look out Minna, your bias is showing.
  19. togz

    [2] Homodachi [Tomodachi]
  20. anyone wanna meet me on plug? https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. paradoxal



    2. CAT5


      Cuz she's a boss and bosses can do that :3

    3. togz


      cuz i suck

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