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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    Do you want the same color? What colors do you want? The pair I have was $16 They also have manson ones and things like that. I forgot how much they are though
  2. togz

    maaaaaa I get mine from a local store. I can grab a pair ofr you and give them to you in September or send them to you. They have lots of colors. ^___^
  3. togz

    I've never been to NY but even I would take NY over LA there isn't really anything special going on there. Over-hyped city.
  4. togz

    wow. I haven't been many places to be honest. I've been only to the following: Mexico (Mexico City and Acapulco (spelling?) Candaland when I was little so i don't remember Idaho (driving through only) Arizona Texas Nevada Montana Oregon Washington I currently live in Cali though.
  5. togz

    I still haven't even seen Coven orz

  7. togz

    Can we do a sign up then? and if not enough people sign up by a certain deadline then call it quits? ;o;
  8. togz

    you were always stunning in my eyes though. *___* also I'm digging this new haircut on your girl. shooooooot.
  9. togz

    Just want to say, even though the hands have turned in favor of the GazettE (as predicted by many) I respect and appreciate everyone's opinions and posts here. If you chose Nightmare, what would the GazettE really have to do to wow you in to enjoying them a bit more. If you chose the GazettE, what would you hope to hear from Nightmare? You all rock. *___* \m/ don't do drugs, stay in school.
  10. we are already friends because cps and mbhi *___* also welcome, please join us in the chat sometime. We also use a site called plug.dj to share music and videos while we chat, so we all hope to see you around~!
  11. togz

    digi, pls.
  12. togz

    Hey all, I noticed that there was a karaoke contest some time back. I wasn't too active then, and missed it. I'm actually wondering how many people would be open to the opportunity again? How many of you would join? How many of you would vote? Thoughts? Anyone?
  13. togz

    Just make sure you stay active or you'll make me look bad for inviting you here >___> jkjkjk Look at all the people welcoming you~
  14. togz

    -heavy breathing- Thank you for whoever found these. I know you posted them a long time ago, but still thank you~
  15. togz

    pain medication ;___;
  16. togz

    I was actually kind of excited for them at first, but somewhere I guess i forgot to look in to them more. xD any suggestions?
  17. togz

    wow didn't even know about this group. I'll have to look more in to them now *___*
  18. togz

    I suck at blazblue, but I have it… i forget which one. But persona 4 arena in the house woot wooot. I'll add you once I turn on my ps3 again in 500000000 years.
  19. togz

    Bad day because I went to work with a fever and a bad nerve pain in my back ;___; But it turned out to be a good day because i get to leave my current job for a better one.
  20. togz

    wow I'm late, hope he recovers D:
  21. togz

    Me personally I have to agree somewhat that nightmare had a bore factor. The gazette was my favorite band for a good 6+ years, however I felt they started to actually recycle and reuse a lot of musical aspects after DIM ( their greatest release in my opinion). For me the gazette had really reached their peak and while I still think they make interesting music enough to deserve their place in the vk scene I still prefer nightmare. While I understand Yomis voice may not be for everyone, I don't think it's appropriate to say he can't sing. I don't enjoy their last few releases but over age they seemed to have really stayed creative. Musically I enjoyed nightmare more due to creative guitar riffs an melodies. I get the whole anime syndrome thing, but not all of their songs are like that. I have to choose nightmare because even though their last few releases weren't solid , overall I enjoy their arrangements much more
  22. togz

    Hmmm I'm not surprised by who is winning however the reasons are pretty surprising! If I wasn't mobile I'd make a longer post, will do when I get home! Keep it coming guys!
  23. togz

    Omg everything is tied lol
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