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Everything posted by togz

  1. Every year Dir en grey doesn't tour in the USA makes me feel weird. It's already been about a year since I've seen them the last time....

    1. togz


      all up in them japan tours, man. I don't even listen to them as much as I used to but I still go to their shows for the sake of nostalgia.

    2. Elazmus


      Same here, I was hoping they would come back this year..

    3. kyoselflove


      I love him, they seriously need to come back. Or I will cry.

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  2. togz

    ah nah i didn't take it that way that you meant that. It was just in reference to what you quoted. But this applies to more than just relationships. Granted it's tough to try and be the support for someone who is less confident... but they have their mind made up that they aren't good enough already, so sometimes people say things like "Maybe if you smiled more, maybe if you cared more, maybe if you loved yourself more..." I don't think it's a matter of people who dislike themselves don't deserve to be loved because they are.... but from personal experience... I think when you're so focused on yourself not being perfect you become more obsessed with the fact that you can't love yourself and you forget to LET or SEE other people love you. It's a toxic black tar that fills your veins and really blinds you from anything outside your own mind. It's hard though, to get out of that mode where you can't stand to look at yourself, you don't care if you sleep until the sun goes back down, you either hate food or love it way too much (and the outcome isn't very effective to your mood either), you feel exhausted just from talking to people so you make excuses to avoid seeing them, you get headaches literally from thinking too much and picking apart each flaw you have physically and mentally which creates a trail of thoughts reflecting on past life decisions and how you won't be able to change things. It's hard to get out of that mode where over active thinking is why you can't sleep at night and when you do sleep it's because you've been up for more than 48 hours. It's hard to find a reason to start caring about things that don't seem to matter anymore because they don't matter because they failed to get you to where you wanted to be and you're too tired to step outside and try something new today because life is a little more understandable and comfortable inside the walls you build up to block out the world. There's that pretty cliche saying, "You can't love anyone until you love yourself." This is true. It doesn't mean you have to be enthusiastic to the point that your ego is over 9000, no. It just means that you need to care about yourself enough to trust, compromise, understand, need, want, give, take... and most of all you need to be able to be selfish sometimes. How CAN you feel these things if you're too busy shutting the world out? Of course everyone deserves to be loved, but not everyone lets themselves be loved. EDIT: This post got way deeper than I originally planned, and I apologize. I've personally found someone very patient with me (even during my breakdowns) and even though he doesn't know it.... has helped me accept myself in many ways. No we're not together so yes I'm still allowed to post in the singles thread D<
  3. togz

    ^ this so much.
  4. Listening to the new previews of DADAROMA with CAT5....CATAROMA

    1. CAT5


      the best aroma ;D

  5. togz

    I recently did a listening session with CAT5 and we revisited this album together, and while i can't fully speak for CAT5 I do have to say i definitely hear the influences of their previous work in this. There was even a few tracks that screamed NIL or Stacked Rubbish... and even a few that screamed out DIM. Personally after DIM their music went south for me and I jumped on the gazehate wagon, however I'm going to hope off the wagon for this album because i feel that the production was on point and while some (about 2) songs didn't cut it for me, the overall album had a great flow. I think to be able to combine so many scattered sounds in to a way that flows nicely and sets a specific atmosphere is a great accomplishment, and an impressive one at that. I think this album deserves at least an 8, but based on personal preference I'm going with a 9.
  6. togz

    should be sweetholm dump but oh well lol
  7. togz

    bae is so handsome tho
  8. togz

    ah thank you... ;___; I should post more....
  9. togz

    idk I felt like messing with my make up and stuff.... eeeeeeeh. I'm chubby ok?
  10. Officially fucking hate two story houses and officially want to move the fuck out of here.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Try a three story house, being the one in the middle :P

    2. togz


      Two story house, parents getting it on in the room above you.

    3. Tetora


      Ahahhahaha, AYYYYYY LMAO^^ Das it mane.

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  11. you're still my hero, I'm just too stubborn to admit it....

    1. Biopanda


      That's the sweetest thing you've ever said about me :'3 <3

    2. togz
  12. togz

    Please just take a break.
  13. This insomnia is all too familiar...

    1. CAT5


      >__>...perhaps counting some good sheep-kei will help?

    2. togz


      I fell asleep at 10am...

  14. togz

    My mic isn't anything AMAZING, but it's good for home recordings like vocal covers and what not. I bought it off someone else for $50 they said they got it for about $100. But it's a Blue Yeti. I'll take a few pictures of it for you so you know what to look for.It's a USB mic and It works pretty great for me, and I can change the levels on it depending on the size and density of a room. Plus you can use it with a variety of recording programs and plug headphones directly through the mic so you can hear yourself and the music at the same time very clearly and adjust the levels while recording so you're not recording the music track with your vocals.
  15. waiting for my camera to charge so I can sell a lot of things.

  16. togz

    as for recording. what mic are you using? I'm not really a master at mixing anything but if you're able to record with like your headphones in..... so I can get it like a Capella sounding... then I can layer it over the song after I try to remove vocals with out butchering it.... and maybe get the levels to all match up okay....
  17. He definitely knows how to activate and use his falsetto, and he has a strong falsetto which is impressive.
  18. togz

    ..... kelly... Will you do a duo cover with me... like... a collab... like... can we do byakuya by monolith.... or some other duo vocalist band.... (i just really like that song)
  19. Considering TK has a very interesting voice... I'm pretty impressed with the outcome of your cover. I mean there's a few parts that aren't PERFECT... but that's what makes it YOUR version. Nailed it.
  20. That awkward moment when there's a job near my city for nintendo and the only qualification that I don't have is 100% fluency in Japanese. Goodbye world.

  21. togz

    Lol Nightmare.... Yeah Yomi's voice is a little too strong for my voice. Actually that cover may have been the band recording that one time we tried to audition for battle of the bands at Anime Expo... the other song was Velvet by Alice Nine I think. idk where those went. Sometimes I wish i had a dude voice so I could have a better range... ;___; I will look forward to your next cover... I was trying to think of suggesting something, but all the bands we have in common are pretty screamy so idk how comfortable you are with tackling something like that.
  22. togz

    on another note... I thought this picture was pretty funny.... Señor Ice but then my friend was kinda enough to photoshop a rose in his mouth now he's just missing a mustache or something.
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