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Everything posted by togz

  1. 2004... If we are talking vk in specific
  2. togz

  3. togz

    I listen to a few of those artists but I'd have to go with capsule <3 1. SKULL - Sick Boy Crying Scream 2. geek sleep sheep - Last Scene 3. Animals as Leaders - Tooth and Claw 4. andymori - CITY LIGHTS 5. the GazettE - 春雪の頃 6. THE NOVEMBERS - Meursault 7. dip - Saturnine 8. THE RHEDORIC - GUILTY 9. Soap&Skin - Brother of Sleep 10. about tess - eyes I actually got a lot of stuff I like on this one give or take a few, but the bolded ones have to be my favorite from the selection.
  4. I haven't been here much. But you can find me on FFXIV:ARR. ;___; I'm on Lamia server mostly...

    1. togz


      ;___; awwww.

    2. kyoselflove


      I miss that game.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Welcome back, so nice of you to stop by :P

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  5. PSN why are you doin me wrong right now...

    1. Original Saku
    2. Augie1995


      Ohhhh so that's why I can't play Destiny

    3. togz


      Yeah it was a hack for xbox live and psn... but I know ps3 psn is up... but ps4 wasstill having problems according to my friend. I'm all about that FFXIV life rn... so don't mess with my subscription ok. ;___;

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  6. togz

    we should super work on something together please please *____*
  7. togz

    I'm jelly
  8. togz

    Hmm. Maybe my term for best friends is a tad different. My best friends take a while for me to really consider them a "best" friend. At the point I call them best friend, they pretty much know me like the back of their hand, have welcomed themselves in to my house with out knocking, raided my fridge with out asking, and have gotten in trouble with me in some way shape or form. jkjkjk.... but along the lines... I guess i just feel like 5 months is a quick amount of time to consider someone your best friend? But it's different for everyone i suppose so .... that's irrelevant. But based on everything else... it seems more like... a relationship thing... I know you weren't together... but for her to cut ties to so many things to you when her other friend is back in the picture seems a little shallow tbh. It'd be one thing if the other guy was her boyfriend, then i'd understand... so I'm assuming maybe she likes this person a little more than a friend? idk... I just think if you're friends with someone... and if someone was friends with you, best or not, they wouldn't feel entitled to put a limit on your other friendships unless they had jealousy issues which is more so being selfish than a real friend. so i say do what Zeus/Zess says, too. But either way... I'm glad you were able to work something out and I hope it stays that way for you!
  9. togz

    eeeeeeeehhhh say for example i do the skin under the hair and so on... i'm kind of lazy and i don't feel motivated most of the time when i'm working out of my regular process. plus the image is a lot smaller than what i normally work with... it'd be easier for me to just start over completely.
  10. togz

    not really since I was working in layers
  11. togz

    I would but it's one of the photoshop files that got corrupt ;;
  12. Paperwork finished, now to book it home and go meet with one of my moms clients to take pictures of their ad and then book it home and then do a million other small things. \(^o^)/

  13. b( ・ัω・ัd)

    1. freesia


      that's a middle finger

    2. togz


      naw this is the middle finger

      t( ・ัω・ัt)

  14. togz

    omg we basically live in the same area then wuuuuut
  15. I think it's fair to say this goes for any genre of music with sub genres. Like Visual kei falls under Rock I'm sure, let's be nice and give Visual kei their own little sub genre. But then we start getting in to sub-sub-sub-sub-sub genres. Basically Sub-genre to the millionth power exists in more than just visual kei, visual kei just happens to be one of the playgrounds for genre nazi's. I have to side with Disposable for the most part.
  16. Honestly... I don't really favor one sub genre/style. The reason is because my interests in visual kei have spread so far on different sides of the spectrum. Some bands are obviously one sub genre/style and some you don't know or they are in limbo between two different genres. So I don't really care for these kinds of labels, though they do help when explaining a timeline of VK, but i think it's gotten way way way too complex and the sub genres/styles are just creating more reasons for people to be anal and closed minded because a band doesn't fall with in their favored category. My fav sub genre/style is the "IF IT SOUNDS GOOD I LIKE IT" genre. Edit: And as for the visual aspect of it, not just sound, generally if a band has a solid theme, quality promotional pictures (or appears to have), and they look pretty nifty, I'll probably assume they're worth checking out, but a bands look/style doesn't really effect my choice to like them or continue listening to them.
  17. Late but... Gonna start watching Breaking Bad~

    1. togz



    2. Tokage


      it's actually a long, long advertisement for pop rocks

    3. togz


      .....Well I liked pop rocks before breaking bad even came out so i guess that makes me a more die hard fan than anyone else ever.

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  18. togz

    lol you can stay at my place and we can all go do the photography thing in seattle. Since I'm from that area too... kinda...
  19. meeting with the photo department manager at the space needle tomorrow. kinda excite.

    1. psychtiger


      That sounds like an amazing job! Good luck!!

    2. togz


      I used to work in reservations... actually if you call the space needle... I'm that annoying voice you hear for the menu options lol

  20. Tetsuya posted my drawing on Twitter nooooo

  21. togz

    Tetsuya, Probably doing Kouryuu or Tenten next. anyway you can now find my drawing tumblr, by recommendation of Aferni, here
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