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Status Replies posted by robkun

  1. Major RIP to Aya, from New Sodmy and one of my favorites, BLue-B. You’ll be missed. As if 2020 didn’t suck already, it had to take one more legend before the year ended </3.



    1. robkun


      Yeah man, so much for a fabled BLue-B reunion. Siiiigh.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Megamasso was way too good

    1. robkun


      Ryohei needs to put his dress back on and stop with the autotune madness!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Is anybody here interested in making a post about the 90s softvi movement? Yesterday I've got very hooked by a bunch of guys that I've never given the chance to listen to yet: Lastier, Jurassic, Close, Waive, and many more. Since they clearly don't belong to the more serious, gothic stuff that the category of visual kei calls for most of the time, I've turned my sight off them because they were mainstream appealing and blabla. But hey, they sound amazing! They bring all that 90s anime opening sound, powerful and dramatic, with that awesome chords modulations that made myself interest in J-music as a kid. So, if there's anyone here interested into giving more insight over them and/or music recomendations, here's your chance!


    This is what I found on a brief research over softvi. Still don't know enough Japanese to go into more insightful sites, so my information may remain very little till somebody enlightens me more lol:


    *They formed a large group into the 90s VK scene, and also many of them received constant attention from media (judging mostly from magazine covers);

    *They had a kind of specific aesthetics for them, both visual and sound wise;

    *Most of them (if not all of them) were signed under a label named Break out.


    So they were a thing back then, so I think they are a key point to anybody interested in looking for VK's history (although they've fallen into the obscure side of the Western fandom's radar even to this day).



  4. Is anybody here interested in making a post about the 90s softvi movement? Yesterday I've got very hooked by a bunch of guys that I've never given the chance to listen to yet: Lastier, Jurassic, Close, Waive, and many more. Since they clearly don't belong to the more serious, gothic stuff that the category of visual kei calls for most of the time, I've turned my sight off them because they were mainstream appealing and blabla. But hey, they sound amazing! They bring all that 90s anime opening sound, powerful and dramatic, with that awesome chords modulations that made myself interest in J-music as a kid. So, if there's anyone here interested into giving more insight over them and/or music recomendations, here's your chance!


    This is what I found on a brief research over softvi. Still don't know enough Japanese to go into more insightful sites, so my information may remain very little till somebody enlightens me more lol:


    *They formed a large group into the 90s VK scene, and also many of them received constant attention from media (judging mostly from magazine covers);

    *They had a kind of specific aesthetics for them, both visual and sound wise;

    *Most of them (if not all of them) were signed under a label named Break out.


    So they were a thing back then, so I think they are a key point to anybody interested in looking for VK's history (although they've fallen into the obscure side of the Western fandom's radar even to this day).



    1. robkun


      Softkei is the best kei! Check out CHILD. My all time favs!


      Softkei developed in the mid 90s as kind of like an antithesis to VK. Guys like SOPHIA and CASCADE kicked down the door to make it acceptable in the mainstream, while underground guys like 16,Piano, OZWORLD and Dias Ray were pioneering it in the underground. It was such a juggernaut by 1997 that already established bands like Glay, L’arc and Luna Sea started flirting with it.


      Softkei reached its peak around 1999/2000 when guys like Janne Da Arc and e.mu started breaking the Oricon top 20 charts, while it took over the underground VK scene quite rapidly at around the same time with countless acts blossoming around then, some of the more noteworthy being JURASSIC, ~Akira~, Wyse and Waive, among dozens of others.


      Unfortunately, softkei took a strong downward dip in popularity around 2003 when more traditional VK started to become more dominant, after rivaling softkei for several years. The mainstream appeal for softkei practically vanished around this time following the split of former leading major bands like e.mu and CASCADE. The only flagship bands that were still active at this point where Janne Da Arc and SOPHIA, whose popularity was eons past the visual kei lump-in. Tie in the fact that oshare kei became a major player in the visual underground at this time as well, and softkei was all but extinct by 2005.


      Softkei will always be my favorite subgenre of VK. I guess I’m just a sucker for a nice hook, blonde bands and a sky blue aesthetic lol.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. By the end of the summer, there will be no more uploads from me. I've been called a bitch, elitist, e.t.c. I spend my hard earn money to share bands I love with you guys. I've been with TW/MH since the beginning, some of you even have my personal cell number. I'm trying a new twitter @nameinbiography I'm not very social-able. You can also catch me in discord. I'll still be here giving my opinions or fan girling or stuff. I don't dislike any of you, some of you even make me laugh with your wits and I respect you for it. I'm very approachable so don't be afraid of me cause I'm more afraid of you.

    1. robkun


      Maaaan to be completely honest, I know exactly where you’re coming from. A quick heads up as I’m gonna embark on a rant. Idunno how many people will see this, but I thought I’d just let it out.  I’ve been inching closer to considering retiring from uploading on here myself by the month completely. Back in the day when I started, people would always leave likes, comment and say thanks, and would just let their gratitude be known. Nowadays though, people just seem to ignore writing anything/liking the post, and just take. The original considerate folk seemed to gradually leave throughout the last few years. And then there was a “controversy” that made me stop uploading a whole other format all together.


      It definitely feels like a somewhat different place as it seems a bit more ghosted and a lot more hostile. The hostility seemed to have reared its ugly head a few years ago, and just unraveled from there. Idunno. I may leave myself sometime, but maybe not. I haven’t really decided. But as for where you’re coming from, I hear ya loud and clear and can relate all the way. Lots of peckerbutts have infiltrated on here, whether rude, ungrateful or both. And it just seems to exacerbate.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. Having an outright spiritual experience with Janne's debut right now....   😵

    1. robkun


      One of their best! I enjoy me some Janne from time-to-time otherwise, but their first three indies mini-albums? Solid gold. I still need to pick up "Resist" one day lol.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. After 13 years of stanning The Birthday Massacre, I FINALLY GET TO SEE THEM IN APRIL!!! AHHHH!!!! THERE IS A GOD!!

    1. robkun


      Absolutely, man! It’s crazy to see how they’ve evolved and grown throughout the years. Totally can’t wait!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. It’s always great to see my dad’s reaction to Cali Gari. Seriously the only band I play that seriously, deeply disturbs him lolol.

    1. robkun


      Yeah, I was on a Cali Gari PV marathon, and my dad happened to be in when “Toilet de Go!” was on. It was... amazing loll

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Okay, sooo... there’s this one VK band called Rasen from the 90s that supposedly formed in 1997, and released a demo tape that year. But according to Shoxx, that demo tape wasn’t released until November of 1999. And on top of that, someone supposedly has a copy that talks about a live in 1997. Brain... rape lol.

    1. robkun


      Nah. Panda also sent me an article that confirms it was released in ‘99. Craziness =___= lol.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Goddamn, everyone around my neck of the woods has the flu, alongside me. Like the night of the living dead around here. Acute bronchitis, fuck offfff.

    1. robkun


      Thank ya! Yeah, I’ve been bedside for close to a week. Total lameness =__=.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. robkun


      Yesss! I never in a million years would’ve thought I’d see the day. Gives me some very, very slight hope that the EE Jump album will be released one day... albeit, verrrry little hope lol.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Lamiya and fesfe[m] are the shit. Two neo-kei bands I've got my eye on, especially fesfe[m]. Been into them for months now. Got one of my boys into them too lol.

    1. robkun


      Doll in Blueberry Jam is my personal favorite of theirs. Gooood stuff lol.



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Sooo I'm guessing Devil Kitty died again?

  14. Sooo I'm guessing Devil Kitty died again?

    1. robkun


      Believe that I would totally be down for being involved in that fundraiser, man! XD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Sooo I'm guessing Devil Kitty died again?

    1. robkun


      Goddamn Yuuga, and you were on a roll too :/

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Unpopular opinion: Popeye is the best oldtime Western cartoon ever.

    1. robkun


      Yesss. I’ve grown to really appreciate the early Fleischer Popeye cartoons in particular. Total cream of the crop.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Kra has some serious bangers in their discography and it's a shame how they aren't talked about as much, considering how long they have stayed together.

    1. robkun


      I hear ya. Kra used to be my band some years back. They were actually one of my first favorite VK bands ever. I remember playing them for one of my friends in high school, and the kid was totally hooked on them from that point on lol.

  18. Soooo, I was looking through the latest box of goodies I got, and apparently, a seller gave me some signed papers with some sentences written from Kisaki & the guys from Syndrome! I’m not exactly a superfan of the dude, and I know he’s an asshole and all IRL, but damn... cool shit! Lol

    1. robkun


      Syndrome’s members were actually children? What a sick bastard.

  19. AWAKE is Laruku's best album, fight me

    1. robkun


      “Ark”.... that is all I have to say about that.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Wahahaha just saw an old VK dude try to play along with a 50-year old fangirl. Shit was great XDD.

    1. robkun


      Basically, the 50-year old said she loves VK bands, and he awkwardly said something like “lol thanks”. Then she said where she lived and put up a creepy photo of herself. It was great loll.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Watching about Japanese food on PBS cuz it’s 9:30AM, nothing else is on and I have insomnia =___= lol

    1. robkun


      Yeah, it was NHK. And it was definitely interesting background noise while I was doing some stuff.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Gonna be seeing Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re for the first time in October and I’m fuckin STOKED. Been a fan of em for about seven years now, so I’m literally counting down the days XD.

    1. robkun


      No doubt! And some other Japanese band will be opening up, The Molice. Two for the price of one!! Lol.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Sooooooo I just came across a photo of Yuuga's first ever band: the mystic Celestier o____o.

    1. robkun


      I would assume he’s in it, Takada. And it’s funny you say that, Peace Heavy, cuz the guy I think he is in the band looks frustrated XDD.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. I highly recommend listening to Ace of Base on a cassette walkman while playing GTA III on the original Xbox. Shit is mystical as FUCK.

    1. robkun


      Yeah. That poor 1 dollar cassette I bought at Goodwill lol.

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