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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/16 in Posts

  1. 11 points

    Rides In ReVellion International Debut

    V STAR PROMOTION is proud to present the overseas debut of Rides In ReVellion! They will be appearing at Anime USA in Washington, DC at the Washington Marriot Wardman Park Hotel on October 21-23, 2016. There will be a live concert, autograph signing, and other events included with the price of convention admission. For more information, stay tuned or visit http://animeusa.org We look forward to meeting many of you while we are there, and hope that this is the first of many opportunities for us to bring visual kei artists to the international stage. Thank you for your support.
  2. 8 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    2016/27/07 R.I.P AvelCain </3 3 attempts till this neck thing worked..kinda
  3. 3 points

    Angelo new album 「CORD」

    Angelo new album CORD will release on 2016.9.28! No more details for now ^^
  4. 3 points
    Rev Reviews - AvelCain's 輪廻転生 I feel like I stumbled upon some good scenery near the end of this video. And to advertise the fact that I'm inundating the forums with Avelcain shit today... check out my live report from their show on June 8th!
  5. 3 points
    Thank you all for your support. for those living in other parts of the world, this is a huge first step for us. in the future we hope to help take artists to various countries. I myself am Australian, so nationality or a home country pride does not come into play. the goal is to purely and simple spread vkei world wide.
  6. 3 points

    Game of Thrones

    http://thezodiacsociety.com/post/146568121938 For those that find Astrology stuff entertaining, here's a tumblr post in which some of the characters were assigned zodiac signs @doombox @beni - I am laughing., but I think you'll be pleased with the pick for cancer
  7. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    In all honesty, I can ban you whenever I desire for no reason whatsoever and none of the staff would stop me. I can ban you like I banned that third rate troll @Xetem the other day. He's banned to the ninth level of Monochrome Hell, which is a place so bad you can't even load the forum anymore. It's just a white screen. But you are still here. Think about that.
  8. 2 points
    new band "リベリオ (Ribelio)" live-limited single "Mass of hatred" will be released at their one-coin one-man live "THE BIRTH OF THE REBELLION" at RUIDO K4 at 2016/9/17 (2-Type) TYPE-A will include 2 tracks+DVD (featuring "Mass of hatred" MV) and TYPE-B will include 3 tracks. [track list] 1.Mass of hatred 2.LIE 3.APOLOGY (included in Type B ) Vo.LAKU (ex-GLEIVE(SIYU), Black Gene For the Next Scene roadie) Gt.Saya (ex-Nobady roadie) Gt.奈留(naru)(f.k.a. 透真(touma)) Ba.響(hibiki) (ex-LeviuS(侑斗/yuuto)) Dr.刧(koh)(f.k.a. 幸(koh)) http://ribelio.com/
  9. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Send help
  10. 2 points
    Mind of the sun

    Game of Thrones

    Varys is Aquarius, I like him on the show so I don't mind that at all., but does that mean I need to find a Virgo to be my best friend? (Since that's Tyrion apperently).
  11. 2 points
    Great chance for them and well deserved. They blew me away on their one-man today. And thanks to you @Suuu and your company for making things like this possible!
  12. 2 points
    the other members just posted on their ameblo an apology for how riku came out on his own accord with the news. i dunno what's happening but this is a mess..
  13. 2 points

    ジン(zin) Vo. Riku will depart

    Wow, right after I decide I will buy all their new releases. *puts money back in wallet* Such a shame. I felt that they were steadily improving. I will paste his blog post here, in case it disappears later. Interestingly, he mentions that he was "hospitalized for depression", I don't know if that was known before. He takes full responsibility & blame for not appearing at lives.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points


    wow, what a fun live it was in helsinki ^^ my neck and back are hurting from the pit, but it was totally worth it! There seemed to be only few people around though, like few hundred at most, but what we lacked in numbers, we made up in passion.
  16. 2 points
    Details about cover art: "Loyalty. EP" (2 TYPE, 2 songs) Release: 2016.07.29 Tracklist: 01. Loyalty 02. last silence to lost landscape
  17. 2 points
    SERIAL⇔NUMBER will hold their presents live "可愛い子には旅させろTOUR-MY SWEET HOME-" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/07/24, at which various sessions will perform "シリアル⇔NUMBERには20年頑張ってほしいセッション": Vo.岡田悠(okada yuu) (ex-Irokui.) Gt.haduki (ex-Irokui., now in Eliy) Ba.はち(hachi) (Dolly) Dr.華威(kai) (ex-シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER)) "雪國結社~東京かえるスープ": Vo.雀夜(suzuya) (トランスノート(trance note)) Gt.琉杏(rua) (エルム(ELM)) Gt.ワジョウ(wajow) (m:a.ture, ギャロ(THE GALLO), joppin:cal) Ba.ryo (m:a.ture, joppin:cal) Dr.カエデ(kaede) (ギャロ(THE GALLO)) "KuZ": Vo.狂太郎(kyoutarou) (ex-Volark-->√eight-->Black:List-->COCKROACH., now in LAST OF FATE) Gt.イザナ(izana) (トランスノート(trance note)) Ba.真悠(mayu) (トランスノート(trance note)) Dr.TAKAHIRO (FAZ) "シリアル⇔NUMBERには20年頑張ってほしいセッション" SET-LIST at 2016/07/24: 01.オクリオオカミ (Irokui.) 02.アテンション・プリーズ (SERIAL⇔NUMBER) 03.鬱雪ドロップ (Dolly) 04.さよならバタフライ (Irokui.) "雪國結社~東京かえるスープ" SET-LIST at 2016/07/24: 01.GO!YA!NUMBER~ぬちぐすい~ (SERIAL⇔NUMBER) 02.シリアル音頭 (SERIAL⇔NUMBER) 03.アテンション・プリーズ (SERIAL⇔NUMBER) 04.ハブ a nice day (SERIAL⇔NUMBER) 05.ちゅらさんがころんだ (SERIAL⇔NUMBER)
  18. 1 point
    Viru's members new band "HEIHOO" has formed "HEIHOO" members: Vo.&Gt.Shera (Viru's) Gt.恭弘(yasuhiro) (ex-THE.GOLDEN SPIDER-->LIX.) Ba.史(fumi) (Viru's) support Dr.KENZy (ex-A&D) http://heihoooooooo.wix.com/heihoo https://twitter.com/heihoo_official
  19. 1 point

    LIV MOON's 6th album

    LIV MOON announced the start of recording for their 6th album on 20/07/16
  20. 1 point
    ジン(zin) Vo. Riku will depart due to behavior that has resulted in his inability to participate in the band's lives. Source: http://ameblo.jp/riku-zin/entry-12184984389.html (^might be deleted soon since he mentioned the band had changed the passwords for both his twitter and ameblo and he can't access them anymore)
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    That can be arranged lol he gets lonely sometimes.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point

    Rides In ReVellion International Debut

  25. 1 point
    MERRY @ Ebisu LIQUID ROOM setlist: 東京 (Tokyo) 絶望 (Zetsubou) ハライソ (Haraiso) バイオレットハレンチ (Violet Harenchi) collector 暗にピンク (Kuroyami ni Pinku) sweet powder 演説~シュールレアリズム~ (Ensetsu ~surrealism~) human farm Acoustic 赤い靴 (Akai Kutsu) 真っ赤な青い春... (Makkana Aoi Haru...) Unreachable Voice - ジャパニーズモダニスト (Japanese Modernist) ロストジェネレーション (Lost Generation) Carnival 千代田線デモクラシー (Chiyudasen Democracy) そして, 遠い夢のまた夢 (soshite, tooi yume no mata yume) Encore 1 NOnSense MARkeT 臆病者の眠り方 (Okubyōmono no nemuri-kata) 平日の女-B面- (Heijitsu no Onna -Bmen-) 自意識過剰型木偶人間 (Jiishiki Kajougata Deku Ningen) Encore 2 Zombie Paradise ~地獄の舞踏曲~ (Zombie Paradise ~jigoku no butoukyoku~) 平日の女-A面- (Heijitsu no Onna -Amen-) Happy Life (Acoustic) Encore 3 千代田線デモクラシー (Chiyudasen Democracy)
  26. 1 point
    Waru Chibi


    good to know you had as much fun as we had in Germany ^-^ we were about 200 people but it was so much fun!
  27. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    You really have to fix that 9 key, wow. I can do $10 bucks a groom sure lol.
  28. 1 point

    Any old school bands?

    listen to sugar and you'll be cleansed of ur visualcore sins
  29. 1 point

    Any old school bands?

    Yes, please refrain from needlessly spamming video links when you're not addressing another member who asked for recommendations. Anything further will have to be removed too. Thank you. seu, dear~ Sorry I didn't spot this sooner! I know I shared with you a few names I love, but not many male names. Mafumafu and Kradness are a lot of fun btw! Let me know if you're happy to receive any more~
  30. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    inhales this is my 100th post. better make it count. . . .
  31. 1 point

    The Return of a Box (?)

    My life in a nutshell. UHF is an amazing film
  32. 1 point
    Yeah the camera is teribad in that game. if it wasn't for the camera it would be a 10/10 game imo. Still though try to get used to it as type-0 is the best FF game in a decade since XII.
  33. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Wanna be my Shiba's personal groomer? lol
  34. 1 point

    AvelCain 2 LIVE DVDs release

    So... you were gone for one day? ayy lmao anyway, cool. i was hoping they'd do something like this
  35. 1 point
    been watching that Re:Zero blablah isekai blablah. well it's pretty generic crap. and that shitload of moe makes me wanna puke lol. but i'm kinda in anime mood right now and i couldn't find anything better to watch so... on the other hand, fight here are quite enjoyable, especially the one in the end of first arc.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point


    ^ Oh, wow... Thank you! I'm digging all of the music, honestly lol But I think the ones I'm enjoying the most are BOMI, heliotrope, Remigai, and Spangle call lilli Line. Thanks for taking the time to share this music with me!! I'm excited to delve into more J-indies!!
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    just a shout out to every non-Brazilian user that I keep seeing reading this thread lol HEY GUYS I SEE YOU
  40. 1 point
    Preview of their new single can be listened on their OHP http://www.ancafe-web.com/disco/
  41. 1 point


    New album cancelled and will blame rest of X-Japan but himself for it.
  42. 1 point
    "Yoshiki to deliver much delayed project of fucking off for good"
  43. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    This is what I got this past week. I finally got my hands on a copy of Billy & The Sluts' 7th Anniversary album, which seems to be the only release by them that's never up on Y!AJ or go for an outrageous price. Last months' Cure and Shoxx. I only posting it because it came today with the CDs I got. A-CHIEF - Nazaris (Original pressing, because I am not buying the CD-R repressing that CDJapan has. Now, I need to find a copy of the I Love You Forever single.) Billy & The Sluts - 7th Anniversary (Finally! My BATS collection is complete outside of demotapes.) Naoki Project - Bitter & Sweet (Bought this off of the lovely Hyura...because I have an unhealthy obsession with early FWR artists.)
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    Official OHP and Twitter have new addresses - http://civi-l-ian.com/ https://twitter.com/CIVILIAN_LyuLyu
  46. 1 point

    Any old school bands?

    Not to be a downer, but this thread is for asking for recommendations!
  47. 1 point

    Kaya 3 new singles release

    They should get this dude on RuPaul's Drag Race. He'd mop up.
  48. 1 point

    new band "QEDDESHET" has formed

    i feel terribly sorry for the girl in the mv I wont let my heart host any hype anymore for no new band that dont show their faces
  49. 1 point

    new band "QEDDESHET" has formed

    Pack it up guys, VK is over. We've reached the top of the mountain and it's all downhill from here.
  50. 1 point
    Esmeralda new single "神よ、私は美しい(kami yo watashi wa utsukushii)" will be released at 2016/06/11
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