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I like how peeps are literally attempting to evade "PC culture mines" very carefully while trying to get their point across w/o accusations of race-related racism (read further), whereas EVERYONE gives specific cultural racist statements a pass every.single.time. instead. This community is no exception tbqh.


In the wake of latest events and clashing responses, I'd love to bring up a huge reminder: fighting hate with hate will trigger more hatred and havoc-tier division between different peeps. Accusing WHOLE races, ethnicities AND nationalities for inferiority and/or "supremacy" (racism in overall caters discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes - so it's not merely limited to the standard tumblr definition) is equally idiotic and bigoted. What we should be discussing here should be merely the nature of circumstances (gun laws, possible criminal backgrounds, federal discipline, corruption etc.) and not the vendetta against all representatives of the "oppressor's" race or occupation.


Of course, I may face misunderstanding or slandering after these comments but here's the thing: whenever we bring up the case of races - be it its addressing in the name of "inferior opinions" or "instant bigotry" -  we will lose the human, personal touch in discussions of various fields. I, most of all, want to discuss with people - with personalities, mutual interests, hobbies and activity-based backgrounds. I don't give a single damn about your race, nationality, caste, ethnicity or culture unless you intentionally and unreasonably attempt to slam these aspects of mine as the means of providing so-called "counter-arguments" (i.e. "because you represent the ethnicity x, you are subhuman troll and your opinions are invalid" - pretty much almost any baltic MH user I have met, as the case in point) or as the tool of opposing my social presence. Sure, I have been equally guilty for this kind of bullshit but just read everything what I said above - hate will give birth to more hate, and it will go on and on until there will be no one left here.


So let's not be hypocrites in this case and understand this loop of miseries and division - let us see each other as the avid (Japanese) music enthusiasts and hobbyists from different blocks and slices of life instead. Discussing races, ethnicities, nationalities or "what would be PC" all the time will just put us against each other and crash the concept of "unity", "community"...


If you didn't find this comment "PC" enough...well I am not sorry. Those who know me better will get my point across very easily.


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12 minutes ago, Carmelzors said:

I like how peeps are literally attempting to evade "PC culture mines" very carefully while trying to get their point across w/o accusations of race-related racism (read further), whereas EVERYONE gives specific cultural racist statements a pass every.single.time. instead. This community is no exception tbqh.


In the wake of latest events and clashing responses, I'd love to bring up a huge reminder: fighting hate with hate will trigger more hatred and havoc-tier division between different peeps. Accusing WHOLE races, ethnicities AND nationalities for inferiority and/or "supremacy" (racism in overall caters discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes - so it's not merely limited to the standard tumblr definition) is equally idiotic and bigoted. What we should be discussing here should be merely the nature of circumstances (gun laws, possible criminal backgrounds, federal discipline, corruption etc.) and not the vendetta against all representatives of the "oppressor's" race or occupation.


Of course, I may face misunderstanding or slandering after these comments but here's the thing: whenever we bring up the case of races - be it its addressing in the name of "inferior opinions" or "instant bigotry" -  we will lose the human, personal touch in discussions of various fields. I, most of all, want to discuss with people - with personalities, mutual interests, hobbies and activity-based backgrounds. I don't give a single damn about your race, nationality, caste, ethnicity or culture unless you intentionally and unreasonably attempt to slam these aspects of mine as the means of providing so-called "counter-arguments" (i.e. "because you represent the ethnicity x, you are subhuman troll and your opinions are invalid" - pretty much almost any baltic MH user I have met, as the case in point) or as the tool of opposing my social presence. Sure, I have been equally guilty for this kind of bullshit but just read everything what I said above - hate will give birth to more hate, and it will go on and on until there will be no one left here.


So let's not be hypocrites in this case and understand this loop of miseries and division - let us see each other as the avid (Japanese) music enthusiasts and hobbyists from different blocks and slices of life instead. Discussing races, ethnicities, nationalities or "what would be PC" all the time will just put us against each other and crash the concept of "unity", "community"...


If you didn't find this comment "PC" enough...well I am not sorry. Those who know me better will get my point across very easily.


That's very easy to say when you live halfway across the planet.

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22 minutes ago, Zeus said:

That's very easy to say when you live halfway across the planet.

What a way to dismiss one's point - do you really think the topic of racism is limited EXCLUSIVELY to the American soil? (I think we have discussed this much earlier in a bit different context and you provided that same "argument" again, wow)


Not to mention that I didn't base my POV solely on current events over there - I used it as a slight reference. There's a difference, right? Racism and xenophobia exist elsewhere as well in equal proportions if you looked a bit closer.

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Jesus Christ. All these events only make you feel like holding on to those you love even tighter, and never let go.


If the media has not instilled fear among the nation by now, then the next event may be the final nail.


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5 hours ago, violetchain said:

^I actually started posting my translations online mainly because I couldn't find very many translations of Chiba's lyrics, so it's good to know that there are more people out there translating his stuff. My Japanese is terrible, so it's always helpful to compare how I interpreted the song with someone who actually knows what he/she is talking about.


His lyrics can be so frustrating because the lines are fairly simple, so it seems like each song should be easy to understand, but most of them just don't make very much sense when you put them together XD


i think it's especially frustrating when some lyrics drop the particles and you're left wondering what the words can mean in a sentence, haha. it's great that you've started translating chiba's lyrics though and i would love to see more in the future~ ^^

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ladies and gentlemen its time to whip out the neurosis and godspeed you! black emperor because the world is deadass ending


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3 hours ago, Carmelzors said:

I like how peeps are literally attempting to evade "PC culture mines" very carefully while trying to get their point across w/o accusations of race-related racism (read further), whereas EVERYONE gives specific cultural racist statements a pass every.single.time. instead. This community is no exception tbqh.


In the wake of latest events and clashing responses, I'd love to bring up a huge reminder: fighting hate with hate will trigger more hatred and havoc-tier division between different peeps. Accusing WHOLE races, ethnicities AND nationalities for inferiority and/or "supremacy" (racism in overall caters discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes - so it's not merely limited to the standard tumblr definition) is equally idiotic and bigoted. What we should be discussing here should be merely the nature of circumstances (gun laws, possible criminal backgrounds, federal discipline, corruption etc.) and not the vendetta against all representatives of the "oppressor's" race or occupation.



Whether you admit it or not, white supremacy exists. Whether I try to ignore it or not, white supremacy exists. This country (the united states) was built upon it, and continues to strive upon it. EVERYONE is affected by it, regardless in what we choose to believe.


When I say "fuck white supremacy", I don't mean "fuck white people" or "fuck the white race" - I'm referring to the system here in the U.S. by which we live - the institutionalized racism and oppression.


The problem is that whenever an issue is raised regarding minorities - someone else always comes along to tries and deflect or diminish the issue. In example, the whole #blacklivesmatter movement being demeaned by the #alllivesmatter people. This is problematic (and I hate using that buzzword) because it glosses over the actual issues and only serves to antagonize. If people REALLY felt that all lives matter, they'd understand that black lives ARE all lives too, and they'd make an attempt to understand why a #blacklivesmatter movement even came about in the first place. Furthermore, they'd act compassionately and support each other.


It's the same with people who refuse to admit that racism is alive and well, and that white supremacy is non-existent. This country is ailing and will continue to hurt until we can all confront each other, openly, and honestly without any ill-will. But to reach that point, we NEED to be willing to recognize and properly address the symptoms - and white supremacy is one of them.  But that's going to take honesty and compassion. It's going to take both the admission and relinquishing of white privilege , and it's going to take a willingness of minorities to forgive and move forward.


I don't think anyone wants or wanted to be a part of this racial zeitgeist. I certainly don't.  My girlfriend, whom I love wholeheartedly, is white, and it would be wonderful to live in a world where our relationship doesn't even raise brows on a subconscious level. But unfortunately, we were born into this. And if we're going to move forward, we need to rectify the countless issues that already exist and not just brush them aside like "hey, let's all just love each other and get along". That's not going to change the situation. Love is action, and if we're all going to love each other, then we need to fight for each other -> white, black, yellow, green, blue, gay, straight, trans - whatever the case may be. That's the only way I can see this current paradigm shifting into something new and better.

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6 hours ago, Carmelzors said:

What a way to dismiss one's point - do you really think the topic of racism is limited EXCLUSIVELY to the American soil? (I think we have discussed this much earlier in a bit different context and you provided that same "argument" again, wow)


Not to mention that I didn't base my POV solely on current events over there - I used it as a slight reference. There's a difference, right? Racism and xenophobia exist elsewhere as well in equal proportions if you looked a bit closer.

This wasn't dismissing a point. This is a factual claim. You live halfway on the other side of the world and you are clearly referring to the most recent murder of innocent black men in America by white police officers, even if you can point to other, more local tragedies to make your point more general.

I don't make it a matter to get political on the internet because it doesn't matter. You say your piece. I say my piece. No one changes their opinion and we go on our separate ways. But what bothers me is your know-it-all attitude, as if you've seen it all and you have all the answers. No matter how eloquently you state a point or how long you reflect on a situation, some things need to be experienced before you understand the full picture. I highly doubt institutionalized racism is a thing in Finland - and if it is you most definitely do not suffer the brunt of it. The history of the United States is a quagmire of racial tension. To urge people to take a neutral ground and "look at the consequences" in a situation that has no neutral ground means that you don't fully understand the situation. And I'm sure that stands for just about every *-related incident, because nothing in this world occurs in a vacuum.


If you're not going to be brazen enough to directly address the "PC issues" that irritate you so much then you can't really complain. For as much as you complain about toxic opinions from other MH members, you have not reported one to me even once and I can't find a recent topic within the last few months that's gone unmoderated. This forum is very open and accepting as far as places on the internet go and I work very hard to make sure it stays that way. I'm on @herpes ass once a month and he's the one that's supposed to flare up. For fuck's sake I made a rule to explicitly create more space on this forum for LGBTQ members and to reduce hateful rhetoric (and your response was quite interesting if I may add).

Realize that everyone has the right to an opinion, but that doesn't make it valid.

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3 hours ago, CAT5 said:

The problem is that whenever an issue is raised regarding minorities - someone else always comes along to tries and deflect or diminish the issue. In example, the whole #blacklivesmatter movement being demeaned by the #alllivesmatter people.


7 hours ago, doombox said:

Can we all agree on stereotyping people is horrible and stupid, and judging many by the actions of a few is also horrible and stupid. 



*puts down popcorn*

I should probably clarify my position here.  Personally, I do find that racism still exists and is still very prevalent, and I have also witnessed it first hand as someone who has grown up in the Southeast. I know the communities of closet-racists and have witnessed it in action, but I also am familiar with communities where I couldn't observe a single shred of discomfort or hate. 

9 hours ago, Carmelzors said:

What we should be discussing here should be merely the nature of circumstances (gun laws, possible criminal backgrounds, federal discipline, corruption etc.) and not the vendetta against all representatives of the "oppressor's" race or occupation.


To add upon this, I do believe we should always be talking about the broader picture of race relations, but I also believe that behind these recent particular incidents we need to focus solely the "nature of circumstances" / the individuals directly involved (and their circles.)  I understand that individuals are upset, I don't blame anyone for that...  but that does not justify the disgusting knee-jerk rhetoric that's been spewing out as of the last 24 hours on myriad social media platforms. Like time and time again, we need to take a step back from the aisle and try and fully grasp what is going on (on both sides) instead of being driven by emotion. We can't drive systemic change yelling with our hands plastered to our ears. 


2 hours ago, Zeus said:

This wasn't dismissing a point. This is a factual claim. You live halfway on the other side of the world-


What I don't like seeing is this. Disenfranchising someone because of their cultural and geographical background. 
Carmelzors may have a limited perspective on these particular issues, but trying to devalue what has been clearly thought out and researched on the grounds of "living halfway on the other side of the world"...
I don't 100% agree with everything he says, but given the context of this conversation, I find that assumption quite brash. 

(Again, this is in the context of what I've seen so far. I have no interest in the other shouting matches that have occurred outside of this discussion.)

Edited by colorfuljinsei

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18 minutes ago, colorfuljinsei said:

What I don't like seeing is this. Disenfranchising someone because of their cultural and geographical background. 

Carmelzors may have a limited perspective on these particular issues, but trying to devalue what has been clearly thought out and researched on the grounds of "living halfway on the other side of the world"...
I don't 100% agree with everything he says, but given the context of this conversation, I find that assumption quite brash. 


That's not disenfranchisement. That's someone with a limited perspective and someone with a bit less limited perspective exchanging opinions. You can be intelligent and uninformed.


Everyone's opinions are not equal in this situation. You cannot say that your ignorance is equal to my knowledge, or that his knowledge is equal to my ignorance, and then expect everyone to "come together" and listen to those affected in order to enact change. When everyone believes their opinions are equally as important, you get a shouting match. You get social media. Now is not the time for that. You either listen to the minorities or you don't.


It's the job of the disenfranchised to amplify their plight. It is the job of the enfranchised to have the disenfranchised be heard and to use their privilege to enact positive change. The privileged do not get to tell the unprivileged what to feel or how to approach discourse.

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15 hours ago, Zeus said:

This wasn't dismissing a point. This is a factual claim. You live halfway on the other side of the world and you are clearly referring to the most recent murder of innocent black men in America by white police officers, even if you can point to other, more local tragedies to make your point more general.

I don't make it a matter to get political on the internet because it doesn't matter. You say your piece. I say my piece. No one changes their opinion and we go on our separate ways. But what bothers me is your know-it-all attitude, as if you've seen it all and you have all the answers. No matter how eloquently you state a point or how long you reflect on a situation, some things need to be experienced before you understand the full picture. I highly doubt institutionalized racism is a thing in Finland - and if it is you most definitely do not suffer the brunt of it. The history of the United States is a quagmire of racial tension. To urge people to take a neutral ground and "look at the consequences" in a situation that has no neutral ground means that you don't fully understand the situation. And I'm sure that stands for just about every *-related incident, because nothing in this world occurs in a vacuum.


If you're not going to be brazen enough to directly address the "PC issues" that irritate you so much then you can't really complain. For as much as you complain about toxic opinions from other MH members, you have not reported one to me even once and I can't find a recent topic within the last few months that's gone unmoderated. This forum is very open and accepting as far as places on the internet go and I work very hard to make sure it stays that way. I'm on @herpes ass once a month and he's the one that's supposed to flare up. For fuck's sake I made a rule to explicitly create more space on this forum for LGBTQ members and to reduce hateful rhetoric (and your response was quite interesting if I may add).

Realize that everyone has the right to an opinion, but that doesn't make it valid.

I could get around what Cat actually said. However, isn't what you said basically the epitome of argumentative fallacy? Why all of the sudden relationship of my personal background vs. your homeland becomes significant when I do not even attempt to spotlight American issues completely?  At least you could ponder the impact of things I brought up there: could you even fathom the widespread dominance of race being the core subject in pretty much any field of discussion around the globe? Do you honestly think that we Europeans are "free of worries" and "in peace" while minding the spiral of latest European events, political tensions (which in fact give their own part for increased racism and xenophobia in my soil, I TELL YOU), the overall effect of American matters on anything Europe and prejudices towards everyone rooted in the "ethos" of my  homeland? "Insitutionalized racism" exists in all kinds of forms, and US is not the sole embodiment of the said phenomenon. 

Appeals to the stone and ad hominems here are truly blessed in this comment though - why such disenfranchising, rude remarks?


Oh, and



Those who know me better will get my point across very easily.


EVERYONE gives specific cultural racist statements a pass every.single.time.


Just to clarify that there's much more than just me being the "white male". So you'd at least be kind and take your comment back like this:


22 hours ago, Zeus said:

That's very easy to say when you live halfway across the planet and know nothing about the said person

Apologies for such finale, but thank you for confirming my views on the staff and wavering concept of "neutrality" and "cooperation" though.







To add upon this, I do believe we should always be talking about the broader picture of race relations, but I also believe that behind these recent particular incidents we need to focus solely the "nature of circumstances" / the individuals directly involved (and their circles.)  I understand that individuals are upset, I don't blame anyone for that...  but that does not justify the disgusting knee-jerk rhetoric that's been spewing out as of the last 24 hours on myriad social media platforms. Like time and time again, we need to take a step back from the aisle and try and fully grasp what is going on (on both sides) instead of being driven by emotion. We can't drive systemic change yelling with our hands plastered to our ears. 


Thank you @colorfuljinsei.


Edited by Alroy

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it's 3 am why am i writing fanfic

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rotfl, white chapels depute as a vk band. At least the harsh is good though.


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I really dislike the way the media brushes off the death of a innocent citizen and proceeds to throw in "oh, this person had or has a criminal record". But when someone of law enforcement passes away, it's suddenly a "National Tragedy." Like dude are you fucking  kidding me, the fact that the very enforcers who're tasked with protecting citizens , senselessly murder citizens without a second thought and to put icing on the cake they are given no consequences whatsoever. That's a national tragedy.

Edited by 『Hotcakes Butt MK II』

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do i want to smash yuuki's ass or have it myself, idk at this point, i need jesus

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