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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Just started new Square Enix Mobile game 「Million Arthur??here's me: http://imgur.com/p4a70db

    1. yakihiko


      Is a good game?

    2. Tetora


      So far it is fun, since you collect characters and tons of different artists made them. It is a grind, but nice to pass time with.

    3. yakihiko


      I will check it, would be great to find it at iOS store

  2. Catching up on my Dragon raising. I know I go at my own pace (snail`s pace), but I am coming along. Just got a sick new Thunder Style, but I need to level up, which I never do.

    1. Spectralion


      same here.

      everyday I just feed them, loving their familiars, and gather items. Just that

    2. doombox


      It's hard to find time to level up. I slack behind too. >>; And I need to make time to do more with Baldwin's Brew now but it takes so long. OTL

    3. Lestat


      I don't quite know what to do other than feeding, gathering items and incubating eggs. But then again I'd gather it's quite boring in the beginning when you don't have anything yet.

  3. Any Noisycell fans in the house?

    1. freesia


      They're ok. I first listened to them coz Pablo of PTP produced them.

    2. beni


      They're ok. [2] Heard a bit from them but they're not so good that I'd keep up to date with them. Might give them another go.

    3. Tetora


      Yeah I always followed them because of Pablo aa well.

  4. Wiping away the tears caused by the hiatus of ALSDEAD, and booting up METAL GEAR V. Shedding one more tear for Seth Rollins.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Don't cry Tetora, listen to active bands like Blu-BiLLioN ^w^

    2. Tetora


      Lol I'm alright brah don't worry. Gonna be tired tomorrow though, up playing games all night.

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyan nyappy that you're alright ^w^ Playing games all night is fun to do. I should finish my current game at Legend of Dragoon, but i'm currently addicted to listen music ^o^

  5. Who else beside me and Kyo is sneaking around in MGSV all night? I need some more bases to loot.

    1. kyoselflove
    2. Tetora


      Looks like I'll just have to take everything in your base instead then... Say goodbye to all those items and team members you collected... They will be mine shortly. Also, I'm going to need your horse so I can dual-wield my stallions.

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      when it gets cracked which could apparently take a while...

  6. DOG just can't stop, won't stop.

    1. yakihiko


      They will broke up ?

    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      That's fine, nyan don't want them to stop ^w^

    3. Tetora


      Lol. Yakihiko I just mean they keep getting things done.

  7. Little compilation of some of my instruments: http://s.ameblo.jp/tetorabmx/entry-12112901537.html Hopefully link works.

    1. Tetora


      Never use my ameba but going to start scrapbooking junk more. It's mostly cringey to look back on but sometimes it is cool.

    2. CAT5


      Hot dayum, that's beautiful.

    3. Tetora
  8. Time to finally make the DREAM a REALITY. WAKE UP.

    1. Shir0


      the motivation I needed to go to the gym today *crawls out of bed*

    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      5 more minutes.

    3. Aferni


      10 more mins please.

  9. Taking the day to practice for my audition next week (gotta sing a capella, get ready to cringe). Then I am going to finish youtube'ing everything I am not familiar with in the yearly lists.

    1. Tetora



    2. yakihiko


      Good luck practicing bro, I want to see that!

    3. Tetora


      Thanks dude, working hard to not embarass myself, hehe.

  10. On that Baroque time. Hope they come out with a lot more music.

    1. Tetora


      Digging through the cd's but can't find Non Fiction or that 圭 single where he plays a piano waltz. Got to organize my stuff more.

    2. hiroki


      when i read your first sentence i thought you were listening to Bach cantatas (like, you know, *that* Baroque). anyway my cds are also all over the place. it takes more days-weeks to find a specific cd sometimes so now i don't even know what i have & don't have.

    3. Tetora


      Yeah same thing brah, no clue where to find most of my cd's and games. But I do love Bach, I used to play a lot of his stuff on guitar or organ setting on synth. I was playing something the other day, forget the name but it is arpeggios of C, DmC, G7B, C and it keeps going like that. Good to practice changing chords on guitar.

  11. Hard work pays off! After a massive flood, in three days the club looks brand new again and we had a huge night. Been stepping up my music and reaping the benefits as well. Time for the next big step. Need to BREAK OUT of another comfort zone and take some risks. Nothing to it but to do it.

    1. Zeus


      good luck! you can do it.

    2. yakihiko


      Happy for you bro, good luck on next step as well.

    3. Tetora
  12. Had スタア区 and LOAD MY HEART on my mind all night.

    1. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      i like スタア区 too

    2. Tetora


      Yeah they are really cool.

    3. Mihenno
  13. Really like the new ViV, especially EMOTION. But WHY April release!?

    1. Tetora


      Also goodnight sweet LEZARD. Those buggers will be missed hopefully they come back strong.

    2. hiroki


      LEZARD news was a shocker. but really looking forward to April: Royz, ViV and Purple Stone.. can't really get any better ;)

    3. Tetora


      Royz gonna do it big. Gonna need a taste of that Purple Stone to see what they got in store for us this time.

  14. Anyone else CONSTANTLY get hit with ads for TOKYO on Youtube now? Why thy have to tease me like that?

    1. CAT5


      YT in general seems to have gotten really heavy on the ads lately. What's TOKYO tho?

    2. Tetora


      Ads to go to Tokyo for tourism.

  15. Put off reading the Soan news, but read Taizo's post and realized he is involved. Gonna need to hear the GOAT and see what he lays down.

    1. Tetora


      Other members are interesting and I realize some hate Soan now, but my main focus is on the GOD Taizo.

    2. Tetora


      Not the kind of Goat that gets smacked around by Tiger's, the kind that OWNS on the guitar.

  16. Trying my hardest and working my @sss off. There's only one way a dream comes true, and in this world, it isn't luck.

    1. whitegrey


      You can do it! (^o^)/

    2. yakihiko


      Go Tets Go Tets, I believe in you bro

    3. Tetora


      Thanks fellas.

  17. Wow, FLOPPY, have not listened to them in a LONG time.

  18. The fella from DOF is reminding me of the little one from that Zelda game, I think it is Midna.

  19. Mirin' Vagrant Story pic.

    1. tetsu_sama69
    2. Tetora


      I remember being like 'wait, isn't that a girl's name?'  then reading up on it, and also didn't know how to get better equipment and ended up fighting a dragon that I could only do 1hp of damage to each attack.

    3. beni


      XD Yaaaaaaaaaaaashhhh

  20. Dreams you have for the FUTURE will not ever come true unless you do something to make them a reality TODAY.

    1. colorful人生


      Shia, is that you?

    2. Tetora


      He was onto something...

    3. Yukimoto


      This is so true though....

  21. You're already living in purgatory. The pain of feeling a lack of direction, a lack of meaning, a lack of self worth, a lack of love. Hell comes when you give up, and start to feel like 'it is too late'. Luckily, the World is full of possibilities and it isn't too late. It's hard and the road is full of pain, but when you devote yourself anything is possible, and even utter failure is more satisfying than never having tried.

    1. YuyoDrift



    2. kukew


      Can I get an amen up in here?♥


    3. Spectralion


      Just like what Gundam UC taught us, we must believe at God of Possibilities. 

  22. Anyone else got Dark Souls 2?

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Yes sir! I initially was gonna wait on the pc version but i started watching streams on twitch.tv and got seriously tempted so... bought the digital copy on PSN last night :D

    2. Tetora


      Yeah I got PSN vereion as well, just got to castle.

  23. ギルガメッシュー「evolution??2014:

  24. コドモドラゴン「CHILDREN'S DOPE?? (Full PV)

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