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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Just when I decided to catch up on city pop, I find out that my dude's channel was taken down months ago :(

    1. YuyoDrift


      I'm getting in contact with the guy right now actually lol.


      Guy does gigs in Chicago at a Japanese Bar I used to go to. He goes by the DJ name of Van Paugam. Haven't chatted with him since I left to Colorado, so it's gonna be awkward catching up ehhh.

    2. colorful人生


      oh wow, he did the Summer Break! city pop mixtape for My Pet Flamingo. I didn't cop the cassette att though. I think I know what channel you're talking about.

    3. YuyoDrift


      Here's the bar in case you guys want some late-night Japan Vibes when visiting Chicago lol




      Japanese owner btw.

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  2. My craving for Eurobeat today has never been stronger lol

    1. Arkady


      I was a child/teen during the golden age of Eurobeat, I danced ALL of them. ❤️


  3. and it's back to blowing money on trips home again ......

  4. Don't forget to start your Japanese Ratings List for this year!


    It's super easy! Also, with plenty of time left to start, I'd be very interested to see what everyone thinks of this year's hot releases.

    So quit writing them down on that lucky napkin that you took from a bar, cuz I'm sure someone's gonna blow their nose with by mistake. Maybe that notepad you keep lying around on your desk at work? Boss is gonna be like "wtf bro? INFINITUM is at least a 4/5". Better to not have that conversation haha.

  5. I just got reprimanded at work and all I could do was laugh in their face about it. Feels good.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      How does it feel being fired?

    2. YuyoDrift


      That's why I laughed.






      They couldn't.

  6. For those who don't know it exists, we have an introductory artist/band mixtape thread.


    We've done our best to index the artists in alphabetical order, so if you have an artist/band you've been wanting to check out take a look.


    Also, if you have an artist/band you think people would like an introduction to then please, feel free and contribute as many as you'd like!


    Hopefully the links are still up lol.

    1. CAT5


      Thanks for reminding me about this!

    2. YuyoDrift


      No prob. I'll be working on an intro mixtape for SCREW, and maybe Kagerou like I promised @suji a while back lol.

  7. I have seen what cannot be unseen. I have also crossed it off my bucket list lol.

  8. Oh god I think I had too much internet today.

  9. OK VK, now bring back Wataru lol

  10. Just discovered Phoebe Bridgers and wow wtf shit's deep bro.

    1. nomemorial


      couldn't love her more. the absolute best.

    2. saishuu


      welcome to sadness!!

  11. This entire time I had no idea Mother's Day was the second Sunday of May.


    This fucked me up more than learning Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday of November haha.

    1. Marchen


      this is something that I never remember and always expect somebody to tell me when it is lol

  12. Less than 10 days left to submit a banner for the MH front page!


    Just don't submit a mejibray one lol please.


    1. Gesu


      How about an 8P-SB one? :P


      Disclaimer: I do not like 8P-SB.

    2. Zeus


      yes please submit and don't be shy!

  13. Gonna be in a blue denim shirt/numbered “0” and sunglasses for those at the concert in NYC. Say hello!

  14. Hey MH peeps in NYC! 


    Just landed here and I’ll be in town this weekend before the concert.


    Let me know if you gaiz wanna make an impromptu MH meetup!

  15. Taking a moment to say nice choice of Kenichi Asai & The Interchange Kills as your avatar.


    Meteo is a sick album.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Thanks! Been a while since I last updated my avatar. :D I haven't actually heard any of the "Interchange Kills" albums yet, but lately I've begun collecting Kenichi's CDs again so I ordered that one yesterday (will do the same to their other album soon). Can't wait!

  16. "No answer is not a good answer"


    My quote for today.

  17. Oh god this week was especially exhausting.

    1. platy


      Same and so will my weekend. Man, I'm tired. 

    2. God


      same, tho.  this week is kicking my ass p hard.

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      looks like alot of people had a shit week, woke up anywhere from midnight-4am every work day due to feeling sick af 

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  18. Oh god we're getting hit with snow again?!?!?


    Wtf Colorado.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      heard that it snowed back home too (wisconsin).

      snow in april ain't even a joke anymore

    2. nomemorial


      saw a snowflake outside yesterday (in Chicago) and shed no less than four tears RIP

  19. To go see HYDE in Chicago in may or nah.......

  20. Stuck at a McDonalds for the time being since I have no power at my apartment. 

  21. Its not too late to start making your ratings list for 2019!


    It's real easy!

    1. Lestat


      Haven’t listened to a single Japanese release yet, oops. 

    2. Komorebi


      It's freakin' March and I'm already like a month behind LOL

    3. YuyoDrift


      @Komorebi I think yours is the most filled out of all of us lol so I wouldn't worry too much.

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  22. My coworkers are arguing about the taste of their water at the workplace, and how they need an ice machine on top of it.


    .... What kind of 1st world shit am I working in? LOL.

  23. Yo Rev, did you know about this band here in Colorado?



    Apparently they have musical tastes that include Visual Kei, but sadly I don't know much more than what's on their homepage.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      I had not heard of them!


      Don't really dig it, but I'd go see any band live that listed VK as an inspiration.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Same here.


      I'll keep an eye out for their EP when it drops, supposedly in May.

  24. Keep warm Midwest MHers. Fucking -50 degree windchill is no joke.

    1. Elazmus


      going to work rn is ass

    2. YuyoDrift


      LOL fuck I'm surprised they made you go. A ton of my family got paid to stay home today.

  25. 50mph winds during a blizzard? Haha holy shit Colorado, I gotta see this!




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