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    nullmoon reacted to VESSMIER in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    Loved their past 5 or 6 live blurays/dvds, so I'm looking forward to this 👌
    edit: after actually reading the tracklist, I'm looking forward to this a little less, lol ;D
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in DIMLIM   
    I get that all of you made the right choice and deleted the electronic cheodara intro from your playlists, but let's not pretend those edm tracks are worse than the average vk BGM fare
    愛憎につき… video had two actors + they didn't look like clowns so their costume budget evidently got upgraded??
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to emmny in DIMLIM   
    This is funny because dimlim is basically the one band MH agreed on since DEZERT and even the slightest indicator of them POSSIBLY going to shit is #triggering...
    edm-gate is wild hahahaha truely paranoia (they are basically the last band remaining in post 2017 vk that is listenable so I don't blame yall)
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to yomii in NAZARE first mini-album 荊海 BEYOND (Jingai BEYOND) release   
    yaaaaay new music! 
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nomemorial in the GazettE   
    No doubt. Plus when RAGE goes in on that super fast d-beat bit...YES
  6. Like
    nullmoon reacted to saiko in Dir en grey   
    This song is one of the main reasons why I started playing bass. Still there isn't anything that sounds like this in the whole VK story. Probably one of the best examples of Dir's versatility at composing.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tokage in Dir en grey   
    resurrecting this thread just to say that i feel like raison d'etre is a real underrated track and it's prob one of my fave 90s vk songs ever 
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Marchen in Starting being active, finally?   
    Hey guys,
    My name is Teresa, I've been here since the Tainted World forum but at that time I wasn't fluent in english
    I used to come to the forum for the downloads forum and for the market, but never had the guts to buy anything lol
    Thank you for having me, and I am glad the forum is still here after all this time
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in [REQ] Sugar - Antlion (romaji and possibly English)   
    ...Holy fuck, I love Sugar so much, even if they haven't been around for yonks. I love anything with that jazzy feel to it (and Sizna), and no-one did it better than them. Anyways, I really love their song Antlion, and I'd like the lyrics to it because I want to learn to sing them. I live in a flat, so I have to be quiet so I don't disturb my neighbours, but... I always sing quietly to myself, lol. Besides, singing in Japanese does actually help the words to flow better when I'm speaking them, so it's useful to me even if I can't project. It also helps me to learn new words, so the English translation would also be appreciated, but it's not necessary. I have looked everywhere, but I can't find anything.
    Anyways, many thanks in advance~!
  10. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Manji 卍 in DADAROMA new maxi-single "デンドロビューム" (Dendrobium) release   
    I dropped them after Dadaism 3. I can't believe they still have fans at this point to be quite honest. And yet pathetically I keep checking these previews hoping for that heaviness to pop up again XD 
  11. I feel ya..
    nullmoon got a reaction from emmny in DADAROMA new maxi-single "デンドロビューム" (Dendrobium) release   
    I dropped them after Dadaism 3. I can't believe they still have fans at this point to be quite honest. And yet pathetically I keep checking these previews hoping for that heaviness to pop up again XD 
  12. I feel ya..
    nullmoon got a reaction from Wakarimashita in DADAROMA new maxi-single "デンドロビューム" (Dendrobium) release   
    I dropped them after Dadaism 3. I can't believe they still have fans at this point to be quite honest. And yet pathetically I keep checking these previews hoping for that heaviness to pop up again XD 
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Manji 卍 in DADAROMA new maxi-single "デンドロビューム" (Dendrobium) release   
    Already dropped them, however is such a waste to see Yoshiatsu stuck in this clown-kei shit concept,cuz he's an unique character in the vk scene.his cleans and his growls both are flawless. He should be doing shit like NAZARE/DIMLIM and not that.
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to sleepy coffee in DADAROMA new maxi-single "デンドロビューム" (Dendrobium) release   
    Bring back dadaism #1 tbh, this is gonna be a no from me dawg
  15. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from clow_eriol in FOR SALE! Dir En Grey, D'espairsray, Ayabie, IX NINE   
    Clearing through some stuff at the mo and wondered if any of you were interested in the following?
    I'm moving soon and I need to make some extra space! I've literally opened these once to copy the disc onto my PC. I've even kept some of these in their original packaging. 
    =Full List=
    >Dum Spiro Spero (£5)
    >Dum Spiro Spero (Digipak Version £5)
    >The Unraveling (£5 - version without Macabre unfortunately!) 
    >Blitz 5 Days DVD Set (£100)
    >Euro Best (£10)
    >Virgin Snow Color (£10)
    IX -NINE-
    >Nirdvandva (£10)
    Can ship worldwide but you will be responsible for the postage charges
    Feel free to ask for info/images 
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to chocobuzz in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    Many nice songs on that playlist but I gotta say I like the Nazare one the best.
    1. D.I.D. - pity me
    2. Poets Of The Fall - Maybe Tomorrow Is A Better Day
    3. Avatar - Puppet Show
    4. Nokturnal Mortum - Where Rivers Flow Into The Seas
    5. ヴァージュ - 共依存
    6. Kaya - Awilda
    7. U-KISS - 돌아돌아
    8. メディーナ - 呪縛愛
    9. DIMLIM - 初潮
    10. 9GOATS BLACK OUT - rip current
    How am I supposed to choose a favorite out of these??
    I'm a rebel and I'll choose two favorites you can't stop me x.x
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to chocobuzz in ex. GRIEVA members new project, the Muzzle   
    I've already had an oddly good day and it just keeps getting better
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to libertine in Dir en grey   
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to zombieparadise in PV Review: Deviloof's 拷訊惨獄   
    Call me a prude, but I don't dig watching garbage bags twitch around and burn. Too extreme for me - I guess this band is doing its job.
  20. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to The Reverend in PV Review: Deviloof's 拷訊惨獄   
    Deathcore-by-way-of-VK youngsters Deviloof are back after some member changes with the first of three new music video singles to build anticipation for their latest album set to be released in May. How does the first chapter stack up?

    I don't really like the name "Deviloof". "Oof" is just not a pleasing syllable to my ears. Logo isn't bad though; very directly implies this is a metal band while still being legible. 

    Yes! The very best place to film an indies VK video is obviously the woods. 

    *Dark*. (Excellent lighting though, I'm encouraged they dragged some real lights to the woods.)

    I like the dutch angle sprinkled throughout the video. Helps foster the sense of unease.

    Oh shit they're still alive! (I know you can't tell from the still screenshot necessarily, but take my word for it they all start thrashing.)

    I'm happy to see someone responsible for making a Visual Kei music video has some familiarity with the rule of thirds.

    The kick drums in this song have a bad case of 'typewriter-itis'. A shame really because the toms sound really good.
    Also, how many VK videos have been shot in 4k so far??

    The group performance shots in this video are mostly pretty staid, and I will defend to my death my stance that vocalists in music videos need a fucking microphone, but...

    ...basically every shot of a guitarist kneeling in this video is gorgeous. Full of pleasing angles and rockstar poses.

    Didn't the bad vampire guy in the first Blade look a lot like this when he was transforming into some demon thing??
    There's a scream at 2:21 right after the short harp(??) section that is absolutely disgusting. It's a literal 'blargh' like the vocalist is dry heaving.

    Someone will need to fill me in on if or why this book is important.

    I appreciate the precision of dousing a person you're about to burn alive in gasoline from a turkey baster. You wouldn't want to just splash that gas all over the place straight from the can, that's how forest fires start.

    I really like the staccato delivery of the "adjective adjective motherfucker" lines, but I hate the repetition of the word motherfucker. I know some people like to know the lyrics in VK... but I am staunchly of the mindset that not being able to understand anything is one of my favorite things about Visual Kei. The less I can understand in heavy music from any country about how crazy you are or how heartbroken you are the better.

    Thankfully they don't show many details of the body burning portions. I don't actually want to see charred body parts like this is some sort of snuff film.

    I know I've highlighted some lowlights of the vocals so far, but mostly I enjoy them. The emphasis and delivery on "swallowed" at 4:22 has made me repeat that part like ten times.

    The dissolve transitions with the fire aren't necessary, but I don't hate 'em. There aren't too many editing tricks in this video and I appreciate that immensely. 

    How many members quit the band last year??

    Overall I think this video is a win for Deviloof. The current crop of deathcore-with-makeup bands in VK can sometimes sound like caricatures of the genre but there are more parts of this song that I genuinely enjoy than make me cringe.
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to platy in DADAROMA   
    I'm putting together some of my favorite B-Sides by dadaroma. Watch this space. 
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to FOSCOR70 in Dir en grey   
    Damn i mixed up the names, i was talking about 'Keigaku no Yoku' being the best track from the album not 'Zetsuentai'.
    Keigaku no Yoku is the only track which got stuck in my head after first listen, other one is ranunculus. 
    All the other tracks sounds all over the place.
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    I can't stand the mixing on TIW. It sounds like it's playing through a microwave. I like the songs, but it's the first time I won't listen to a Dir en grey album because I think the mix is garbage.
    MOAB sounds like a breath of fresh air in comparison lol
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Zetsuentai: Still Chasing Vinushka
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Ro plz in Dir en grey   
    I'm glad someone understands this. 
    Vinushka>>> Zetsuentai>>>> Macabre>>>>Diabolos
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