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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. 3 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    You are seriously gonna sit there, and tell me a song is shit, when you listened to it through a pair of $10 earphones?

    Are you trying to piss me off?

    I fucking hate people like you.


    That's like asking for a plain cheeseburger at a famous burger joint, and saying it tastes like shit.


    Perhaps if you weren't such a cheap motherfucker, your ears could enjoy music for once.

    I hope one day your cheap ass JVC gummies cause major feedback and  you go deaf from it you stupid fuck.


    I tried JVC Gummies once. Never again. I think the sound is pretty much 100% treble based. Nearly tore a god damn hole in my eardrum XD 

  2. I'm confused by everyone's sentiments about Dadaroma's heaviness. Most of their songs are heavy. Even the jazzy songs are heavy. They're a heavy band. People complain about their jazzy side as if it takes up most of their discography when it doesn't; they have 5 'jazzy' tracks spread across all their releases. I hardly see this as a decline in their music. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, The Reverend said:


    Didn't know they released new stuff, I need to check it out.... but I do plan to see them this summer on that 'reliving 2004 tour'.


    That first EP with Anthony Green was soooooo good. I wanted to like Circa Survive more than I ever really did.

    Neither did I until today! Awesome, I hope they're just as good live! 


    Agreed, Translating The Name is easily one of finest EPs I've listened to. I could never get into Circa Survive unfortunately. This album though...it's just wow. 

  4. "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?"


    Seriously, fuck you brain. Fuck you for being so dependent on the attention of others. Fuck you for making me think about things that can't possibly exist. Fuck you for never, ever getting out of this shitty loop and for slowly killing me with your delusions, paranoia and overall clinginess. I love being a broken mess at 26.


    Yours sincerely, 



    P.S - Fuck you. 

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