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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. Totally off topic (sorry) but can you name any pre-WtD songs that you don't like? I say pre-WtD as that's the album which seemed to initiate conflicting opinions.

    One song I can never get into is Taiyou no Ao. I just find it boring and out of character. I say out of character yet I have no problem with Jessica :) I just feel it is the only blight on an otherwise immaculate album.

  2. I listened to Macabre for the first time in ages today. Such an amazing album :)

    Also, I like how Arche sounds. I think it has a lot of punch to it which gives it a sense of immediacy to me. This is probably why the tracks transferred so well to live performances in comparison to tracks from DSS.

  3. It did suck ass. Well it was actually an ok album, but compared to the mighty 3 they've done, Poison, Scream and Fever, it was ass by comparison. It was slightly better than Temper Temper, but what that album had over Venom was the bullet magic. There always those handful of songs that have the bands signature sound oozing out of them, on Venom, none of them had it.


    You know, I didn't even realise that the new album is devoid of their signature sound until you mentioned it! I totally get what you mean though. 


    Like most of their albums I REALLY liked some songs but I just can't sit through the whole thing. I don't think I could get past any of the songs on Temper Temper XD

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