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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. I didn't really care for the B-sides but UGLY is a beast of a track.

    Has one of the best choruses in a Gazette song since 'RED'.

    The title track alone makes the single worth listening to even if the the B-sides feel a bit dull (but still enjoyable).

    Totally agree with this. The B-sides are OK I guess but the title track is BEEEEEAST!

  2. See, I think that's cool. The band comes off as so dark and full of ZETSUBOU that you forget they have a sense of humor.

    I remember watching a YouTube video a while back where this girl just berates the band for how they look so bored in fan pics. Then she gets mad about Kyo keeping his face covered with the shroud during performances, and he needs to respect fans more because they're the reason why he can afford those expensive shoes or whatever the fuck she was on about. She then went on to say how Sukekiyo just sounds like Dir en grey (at the time only Daemon's Cutlery and Aftermath were out). Then said the band name was a sign of Kyo's huge ego because it could be read as "Kyo is great."

    Those are the fans I can do without.

    Have you got a link? I could do with a laugh :)

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