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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. Nisimalder, I agree with what you're saying about losing control etc and I'm all for it. The thing is, the back and the front are two different things. I was about 12 feet from the stage on Saturday and had plenty of room to headbang and jump around. Last night, however, I was 5 feet from the stage and spent all night getting crushed by people who clearly didn't give a shit about others. There were a lot of girls just getting shoved around by huge guys. That kind of shit really annoys me.

  2. And while that actually is every bit as intense as it is overseas, you don't have to struggle to keep your footing nor have to wonder "what should I do now?"... some people, like me, prefer headbanging and synchronisation to moshing and being generally forced to focus more on the audience than the band at times.

    Agreed. It's very annoying when others ruin that synchronisation, as with last night. Having to focus on staying alive and keeping others alive in front of me by not crushing them is a tedious experience at best.

  3. Best part of today's show: the setlist.

    Worst part: all those mosher guys that look like they're straight from the soccer teams fighting division. (I don't care what people think, I prefer the Japanese way.)

    Agreed. I had two tall guys behind me who kept trying to push to the front, so I spent most of the time fighting them off. It was hell during songs like Chain Repulsion when everyone was going mad. Not only that but some girl kept singing along to the lyrics loudly and terribly. In some ways I much preferred being further back.

    @emmny - Haha since when were Diru 'soft'?!

  4. suuuuuuup?! Tonight's show was insane. I was about 5 feet from the front and was fighting not to get crushed the entire time. Totally worth it to be that close to the band though! Unfortunately I can't remember the exact order of tonight's songs but it was roughly like this.

    Intro SE


    Revelation of Mankind

    Cause Of Fickleness

    Sustain The Untruth

    Un Deux



    Kuukoku no Kyouon


    Chain Repulsion


    Behind a Vacant Image


    The Inferno


    The Final

    Hageshisa to...


    I wanted both Kaishun and Rasetsukoku for this final gig and I got them! The latter was ridiculously insane. The band played really well again tonight without any technical issues bar the mic screaming a few times. Unfortunately I wasn't as observant this time round due to trying to stay alive but the following might interest you.

    -Kyo dribbled spit onto himself at the end of one of the songs and let a strand of it hang for a good amount of time.

    -Kyo spat a mouthful of water into the air.

    -Kyo screamed a bit towards the end of Kuukoku no Kyouon which was cool.

    -As I was closer to Die this time, I could see that he loves staring at people.

    -Die smiled really broadly at the end before leaving the stage.

    -Toshiya wasn't AS active as last night but he rocked out harder at some points.

    -Kaoru didn't really do much again.

    -Shinya was boring as usual.

    The crowd really ate up The Final by the way, so you haters are just hating the mainstream aren't you? :P

    Outside The Coma were pretty meh. Slightly better than last night's band but still a terrible opening act. One of the vocalists was Japanese...I think that's the only reason why they were invited. Like yesterday, some fans of the band came especially just to see them. They were just as obnoxious and disrespectful of others and the position they had already claimed upon entry. From what I can tell, apart from the shoving tonight, Diru fans are incredibly friendly and considerate. Thank you to whoever went for making it a (mostly) fantastic experience!

  5. I was at the gig, man!! XD In all seriousness, I was the guy with spiky hair and a hoooooj grey cardigan...not that that helps :)

    I really hope that opening band goes home tonight or something though. They were terribad.

    EDIT - Tonight's opening act is Outside The Coma. I can't decide if they're better or worse that Fist Of The Northstar... https://vimeo.com/128434471

    Really hoping Diru play Kaishun tonight (one of my favourites on Arche), and have Reiketsu Nariseba and Rasetsukoku in the encore. A man can dream.

    Despite what I thought, Hageshisa... doesn't really make a strong closing song. Saku and Red Soil were awesome though.

  6. The setlist was identical to Pretzel's Warsaw one :)

    Someone screwed up the tuning on Kaoru's guitar though so initially the higher notes were WAY off. This only lasted for a song or two though.

    It was a great gig though and everyone was really supportive and happy! Apart from the tuning issues, the band played really well. However, Shinya ditched the blast beats in The Inferno. For shame!

    Kyo was on form with his vocals for 99% of the gig; he hit the high notes and performed growls and screams with ease. He danced around a bit in Cause Of Fickleness which was hilarious. He also smiled at one point (fans apparently go mental over this so I made a point of remembering to tell you guys this!). He did some Blitz-style Zakuro screaming during the end of Tousei which was really cool. I was really impressed with his performance.

    Toshiya interacted with the crowd a great deal which led to hysteric screaming of his name. He's quite the showman. He often raised his water bottle to everyone as if saying "Cheers!"

    I didn't see much of Die unfortunately but whenever I did see him he was playing like a maniac. I really admire him as a guitarist since seeing him live. He also stuck his middle finger up to us all because he's a badass.

    Kaoru and Shinya didn't really stand out. They both played well but Kaoru didn't really interact with the crowd and Shinya looked mopey as hell.

    So there you have it! Great gig, and I definitely recommend seeing them if you still have the chance. I'll be there tomorrow if you fancy poking me. I'm on my own again haha :'(

  7. I haven't listened to either of them before. Pentagon is ok but that kind of band is a dime a dozen in the VK world at the moment. Plus, the opening to the song sounds as messy as Hybrid Truth's.

    Chanty has a much better sound to me; I would say it's fresh but as I don't delve into indie that much, they're probably pretty derivative too.

  8. i love threads like this. it´s interesting to see what people have on their skin. mine is yet a bit unfinished and it´s probably gonna expand to a sleeve one day - a monster koi


    That's so rad! Most sleeves look like a garbled mish mash of random awfulness.

  9. The Babadook - One of the films I had the highest expectations for in 2014 (only based on a cool poster and cool title to be quite honest), and I am not disappointed. I thought this was really good. Great, chilling atmosphere which rely on no cheap jump scares, just pure horror, a very good plot, two fantastic lead actors and superb soundtrack. A proper good debut for Jennifer Kent. Great film!


    I'm going to have to disagree on this one unfortunately. I found the film to be more of a thriller than a horror film. I found there to be little tension in the film and the eponymous Babadook was laughable at any opportunity outside of the book itself. If I recall correctly, he once emitted a stock t-rex roar?!

    I also found the performance from the lead actress really quite hollow and her lines/actions pretty funny at times (telling her child to eat shit and booting down doors like a commando comes to mind).

    Each to their own, and i'm not shooting down your opinion at all dude. A lot of people loved this film, but I just don't get why. The reading of the book was the most tense and terrifying thing I've seen in a while, but the rest of the film just felt amateurish and lacklustre. In my opinion, of course :)

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