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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. I shall linky~ Yes, I am overly proud and happy to being able to do these because me doing something well is rare. XD

    I said 'tricks' but they're not really tricks. x'D I fail.

    Ohhhhhh I understand now! That's awesome, it's definitely something unique :) I would probably end up breaking my fingers if I tried that.

  2. During my formative college years, I made a drastic move to free myself from religion and leave the Christian Church as it had destroyed my self-esteem and left me guilt ridden as an adolescent. I was filled with regret for the many opportunities I squandered feeling it was against the wishes of a "creator". I was also uncomfortable passing judgement in the name of religion, and finally accepted that i needed to find a life philosophy that matched my views more closely.

    As a result, I studied about the different philosophies of Buddhism and Judaism after finding qualities I admired in both, but could not find a school of thought in an organized religion that matched my ideals on life, morality, freedom, and science.

    In my search, I started looking into secular, philosophical ways of life, and came across Stoicism - a school of thought derived in Athens in 3rd Century BC and Championed by renowned Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

    As taken from the Wiki - the basic tenets are as follows: "The Stoics taught that destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment, and that a sage, or person of "moral and intellectual perfection", would not suffer such emotions. Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason (logos). A primary aspect of Stoicism involves improving the individual's ethical and moral well-being: "Virtue consists in a will that is in agreement with Nature."[6] This principle also applies to the realm of interpersonal relationships; "to be free from anger, envy, and jealousy,"[7] and to accept even slaves as "equals of other men, because all men alike are products of nature."

    The philosophy focuses on living a moral and ethical life and to come to conclusions based on unbiased reasoning and knowledge. I felt is was a very fitting life philosophy, and I seek every day to become worthy of being known as a Stoic, working endlessly to live a moral life and to attain knowledge so that I may become a Sage.

    ... hence "The Stoic".

    This is really interesting stuff!

  3. No need to worry. Thanks for checking. I am just having a trying day. Some days just feel like uphill battles and it gets exhausting when it always feels like the same hill. But I'll survive. Promise.

    Good to know...surviving, I mean. Not the battles :) Life is just like that I guess, but then without all the bad stuff we wouldn't be able to enjoy the good stuff half as much :)

  4. My shortest relationship lasted about two or three days. At the time, I was dating my best friend. He said after about three days that he couldn't be in a relationship with me because he wasn't over his ex. This don't not ruin our friendship. Though, we did drift apart... but it wasn't because of the dating thing. I well say that my longest relationship is my current one. I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. It makes me happy because he's my soulmate, and he doesn't care that I'm a fangirl either. He accepts me for who I am, and he knows that I will always love him. Even if I tend to give my fangirl crushes more love at times. He's also a fanboy, so we are such a compatible match because we understand each other. <3

    That's awesome, I'm happy your current relationship is so great :3

  5. Who would have thought that Chinese folk of all people would copycat Visual K

    In China its more about hiphop, rnb and pop. there are some rock bands but metal bands are such an underground thing in China.

    One of the problems being is that 99% of performers are promoted as solo artists rather than bands. it was only around the early 80s and late 90s where being part of a pop or rock band was more of a thing. China does have many metal bands but due to the media & the culture not many of them make it to the top.

    Wow this band is great! Thanks for the heads up :)

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