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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. I've tried listening to it but I just can't enjoy it. Two tracks in and I just feel like it's a very, very poor man's Arche. I'll force myself to listen to it later.



    The only song that really amazed me from them is Aftermath. I've been disappointed ever since.

  2. Funny, you saying "hired guns" reminded me about the rumors running around during their formation, that Shin was headhunted from RHYOLITE by IV, that already had an agreement with PSC to form a new band under their management. Dunno if that was true, but made a lot of sense... I was pretty mad at Shin for destroying RHYOLITE, they had an INCREDIBLE lineup.


    Eventually my hatred calmed down with their great earlier releases, but couldn't care less for later works. Hope he can find his feet again.


    I dunno, I was more partial to Akihabara Shounendan Dennou Romeo :D

  3. No, not at all. But if food stuck in the teeth (or under the tongue)... that can be annoying, because I can't clean them with using my tongue. :D

    Oh cool! Haha that does sound like a pain! Still, I bet they all come in handy during sexy time *wink wink* :3

  4. Great review Cat; although you didn't like the album you gave an unbiased and informative approach.


    Initially I really liked Jupiter's first album but I've since found a reason to bother with it all. As I haven't listened to the band since then, should I even brave this album?

  5. Had to put down my dog today. I was about 7'ish when she came, so she has been in my life ever since I started school. She always came to greet me when I came home, but now there's no one at the door. Thanks from these 13 joyful years, Mimmu.

    I'm sorry to hear that, it's like losing part of the family :(

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