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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. Just listened through them all and they're so hit and miss XD 


    My favourite (although it isn't a 'classic') is the Unraveling remix. My lord...it's so intense and fun! And that peaceful outro is yum! 

  2. 5 hours ago, AverageS said:

    Here I sit completely clueless about this latest topic. Maybe it really is time for me to revisit the re-recordings. Any recommendations on where I should start?

    Rasetsukoku is a pretty strong re-recording :)

  3. 7 hours ago, Saishu said:


    I don’t remember that one. Is it basically like it was performed on Uroboros - with the proof in the name of living - which was more or less the Vulgar version at a faster tempo? That’s the version I like. 

    I haven't seen that way but it sounds like the one I mean; the exact same as the Vulgar version but a bit faster, a bit heavier, and with TMOAB/Uroboros-era screaming. 

  4. Out of interest, is anyone remotely excited about this compilation? I have all the albums so far but can't see much merit in this, especially when the Decade releases are still relatively recent. It probably would have made more sense to do a new CD covering the last three albums and then tack on the re-recorded songs to the end as bonuses (if you can call them that). 

  5. 13 hours ago, AverageS said:

    That indeed is an odd opinion, even more so because as far as I know people tend to ignore FILTH or find it to be about average for a DeG song.

    I do not mind Beautiful Dirt but WTD has way better songs that are more deserving of a re-recording.


    How come you place Kisou dead last, though?

    I think for me it just feels bloated without an engaging flow. Also, there are some songs that are a straight up mess (I'm looking at you, Pink Killer). 


    If we're talking oldies, Macabre all the way. Kisou just happens to be an awkward transition between the old school delights of Macabre and the crunchy deliciousness of Vulgar :)@Saishu

  6. 9 hours ago, Ozileras10 said:

    I mean WTD is an amazing album, one of my Favorites from them. Beautiful Dirt is the only song that I really dislike from it

    My seemingly completely unpopular opinion is that Beautiful Dirt is cool. I wouldn't ever say WTD is in my top DEG albums, but I think it's decent. Then again, I'm one of those heathens who puts Kisou dead last :P (although Filth is one of my all time faves). 

  7. Out of interest how do we pronounce the band name? Literally 'oz'? As in the wizard of? Always wondered if it was an abbreviation, a reference to Australia, or a nod to ounces XD 

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