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Posts posted by nullmoon

  1. Is there a way to get a HQ audio file for the Falling MV without resorting to ripping from YouTube? I was so underwhelmed by the album version despite cranking the volume up in my car. This is 'Dir En Grey album version of a single' type fuckery. 

  2. Where does Ugly fit into all of this by way? Is it a leftover from Dogma? A transition song? A leftover from Ninth? I feel bummed out that it's discarded by wayside despite being a great song. The same happened with Before I Decay I think? 

  3. On 17/08/2017 at 4:15 PM, Bear said:

    I still like D'epsairsRay. I think everything before Mirror is great, and about half of Mirror is amazing as well. The rest is boring as fuck. However, after Mirror they only have one song I like and that is Love is Dead, a long I disliked, loathed, hated and so fucking on to begin with. But in time it's grown on me a lot.

    You don't like anything from Redeemer? 

  4. I'd probably show audience KILLER LOOP. It has a bit of everything to be fair; the gloomy tone, vocals that are actually sung, some older/better harsh vocals, some jangly instrumentation...that shit is hard but with purpose (not just being heavy for the sake of it). I think it's pretty accessible for a newcomer too compared to their earlier and later tracks :)

  5. 12 hours ago, Alroy said:


    Myaku and [KR]Cube have extended intros/outros

    Child Prey's Vulgar Version has different EQ levels for guitars and Kyo screams "The reasons why one can't laugh..." part instead of speaking through walkie-talkie/megaphone filtering (single version)

    Embryo's single version has different lyrics

    Ryoujoku no Ame's single version feels much more one take-ier, has WtD mixing enabled and Kyo falsettoing during the climax part instead of mumbling (TMOAB version)

    Lotus' single version is much muddier and does not push Toshiya to the front.



    Thank you! :3


    11 hours ago, Saishu said:


    Behind a vacant image


    sustain the untruth

    chain repulsion

    cause of fickleness 


    tefu tefu


    the inferno

    and zero





    revelation of mankind


    kukoku no kyouon

    un deux


    It still needs to be tweaked. I was going for a combination of Arche at Budokan 2016.02.06 and just trying to treat it as an old school LP with a side a and side b, with and zero being the split. I also liked the idea of starting things off with one of the more somber tracks and ending with a positive one. 


    Its still kind of a mess, but DEG never really adhering to one style makes it difficult to get a good flow. 

    Thanks, I'll give this a try tomorrow! 

  6. Due to the huge differences between Clever Sleazoid's single and albums versions, I'm curious; how many singles do the band have that differ wildly to their album counterparts?


    (I'm aware of Hageshisa's differences (album version is shit, single version is THE shit) and Sustain The Untruth (the single version actually has an audible, bitching bassline) but that's about it). 

  7. 50 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Same here. In fact, I have a playlist that’s a drastically altered Arche with the inclusion of and Zero and Tefu Tefu. 

    Do tell :3

  8. 25 minutes ago, Nowhere Girl said:

    They're most likely embarrassed about it. It's very non-DEG.

    I dunno, Missa isn't the best release but it's decent. Aoi Tsuki is my jam! 

  9. 54 minutes ago, Asakusa said:

    I don't know how to feel about this since it's one of my favourite songs. It's so raw

    Each to their own :) I want to like it but it's too raw (blue, even) for my taste. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Saishu said:

    Vulgar and WtD are tied for worst produced album, but Arche isn’t too far behind. 


    Original Uroboros as well (except for Toguro). 

    I listened to the original Uroboros recently and the drums are horrific. The drum track in Red Soil sounds like it was made with a couple of empty milk cartons. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Alroy said:

    Give TMOAB another chance if you still happen to think of 'black wall of noise'.


    I understand people to whom this is not their cup of tea, but we cannot deny that instruments sound a lot punchier and "freer" here than elsewhere. To compare it to Kisou, however, is fascinating though. Kisou had quite shitty guitars and questionable EQ levels near the end which was not the thing on TMOAB - Pink Killer, to name one example.


    Experimentation or what people call "diversity", though, is not their forte and I fail to understand why people love MACABRE or UROBOROS so much. Especially the latter was not that novel of an approach from their usual delivery.

    Pink Killer is totally and utterly horrendous. I actively avoid it because of how aurally offensive it is. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Asakusa said:

    No no, my mistake, I didn't explained it right

    It doesn't sound on cellphones when played without earphones, it's the other way, on the phone's speaker


    (damn my english is rusty)


    edit: I tried on different phones and just the noises from the intro are there. Maybe the guitar part was recorded in mono (?)

    Mine is the same so I wouldn't worry. That part is meant to be in stereo so I assume our phones have mono speakers :)

  13. 8 minutes ago, Nowhere Girl said:

    Tbh, I would have preferred 2 discs of 'shot in one take' songs...That would be the best celebration of their material, as it would represent the culmination of the band living and breathing the songs over 20 years. They could even have set up a few cameras in the room and filmed the entire performance for an easy Blu-Ray/DVD that we'd actually enjoy. 

    This is such a good idea. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, blacktooth said:

    Which version of Clever Sleazoid is on here? (Which version do you like better?)

    This album has the single version. I think I like them both as two separate entities, like Embryo :)

  15. If you guys could do over the first 7 songs of disc 3, what would you pick? I'd go for


    Remastered album versions of



    -Mr Newsman 





    And that amazing version of Mazohyst above! 

  16. I know this had been touched on previously but what's new exactly with this album? I'm just trying to get some sort of comprehensive list so I can condense everything onto one disc for ease XD 


    -Vulgar tracks, WTD tracks, and Umbrella seem to be remastered. How about everything else? 

    -Non-album songs seem to be the single versions if I'm not mistaken? (I've never listened to Clever Sleazoid in this form but it's tasty!)

    -Disc 3 can pretty much be deleted immediately as it is made up of remakes and recent tracks. 

  17. 8 hours ago, Furik said:


    Theres a bunch of songs I would’ve liked remastered for this collection. How did they forget like basically all of the songs on six Ugly (instead of shitbrella), Zomboid, Mazohyst, Mask, Hydra (original), kr Cube, Karasu (original), even fucking BERRY. 

    Tell me about it. The fact that they missed all of those but heavily represented the shittier remakes is beyond me. Unless the Obscure remake is there to highlight a low point in the band's career? We are trawling through their history after all :)


    8 hours ago, Saishu said:

    Macabre is grossly underrepresented on this thing. I know ain’t afraid to die is basically a Macabre track, but having that and Taiyou no Ao (one after the other at that) is ballad overkill. 

    Skipping Macabre (the song) when you have 3 discs worth of space is a sin. 

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