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Status Replies posted by inartistic

  1. I feel like such a 'Karen' right now. All I wanted was a Java Chip Frap from Starbucks, but TWICE the order hasn't been delivered to me. Postmates credited me again for the trouble, but the same driver 'delivered' both without contacting me and just said it was 'delivered' when it wasn't.  I even contacted him the second time around thinking maybe he was having trouble finding my order then he just never responded. 

    Brian if you're somehow on this site, I hope you choke on that straw.

    Edit: Also yeah, I know I sound so basic complaining about a Frapp, but I just wanted to treat myself with one. And a brownie. And I didn't get either. Twice. In one hour. 

    1. inartistic


      Honestly fuck Brian

  2. Any tips on how to best invest your money right now? Where to buy shares, etc. 

    1. inartistic


      I'm a complete idiot with this stuff, so I use Acorns and Stash to invest tiny amounts in lots of different things. Stash lets you pick and choose a bit, so I always go with ones that pay dividends.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Our trip to Japan was cancelled due to the global pandemic happening, so the RarezHut store will continue operating as normal.  We look forward to the exciting new items being added to the store in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out. 

    1. inartistic


      Sorry guys 😢 Sending love and hope you get another chance to go!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. The day after I posted the for the first time since my regular hiatus, I GOT FUCKING FIRED the next day. HR suspended me for a month, then last week I had to sign my termination papers. Someone apparently said I orchestrated smoke breaks with people to go get high(I don't even smoke weed) and they didn't even drug test me. Luckily I found 2 job offers yesterday thanks to my 10 years of working Business Management and everyone hates that bitch that got me fired.

    1. inartistic


      Holy crap that's fucked. Glad that things are already moving. Hopefully it's one of those situations that works out better in the end.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. русский users: I’m trying to find this tiktok meme song in full and cannot for the life of me. Do any of you know what it’s called?



    1. inartistic


      The pizza bites product placement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I can't find the songwriting credits for Phantasmagoria's and Syndrome's music. I've only found a few. Does anyone happen to have a list? At least for the singles' A-sides.

    1. inartistic


      Like Lestat said, for KISAKI's bands, it's usually the band itself that is credited (unfortunately). Occasionally the real credits will slip through on karaoke sites or something.


      But 99% of the time, it's the lead guitarist of the band or KISAKI composing, with either the vocalist or KISAKI writing the lyrics. So for Phantasmagoria it was mostly JUN composing, for first period LIN it was KANATA, for Syndrome Ruiza, etc.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. sooooooooo anyway


    now that visual kei bandomen are no longer ashamed of admitting their heterosexuality, can Iori marry that ratty mitsu, make a public wedding announcement, and rebuild femme fatale from the lacefront ashes?


    2019 vk has been mostly boring af so far and I need my peak hysterical kaya back, like, immediately

  8. May someone knowing japanese tell me what this word/s mean, please?



    1. inartistic


      購入者特典 = kounyuusha tokuten = purchaser [of JUBILEE] privilege

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Did old Devil Kitty ever release any other PVs than just DQNなエセ麺カノ?

  10. getting my best kote lewk on in anticipation of the insulated world leak x



    1. inartistic


      I think Azealia Banks has a soap for that

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. So, are there companies that specialize in making those super elaborate bouquets of feathers, fake roses, bird cages, panties, and other misc crap that fans give to bands?

    1. inartistic


      Unhelpful answer: yes. I've stalked one before but don't remember much else.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Ruin Mizerius PV by La'veil MizeriA  it's a really cheap clip, without much effort to get "good". Anyway I liked it and I "regret" this poverty.

    1. inartistic


      "I regret this poverty" is a good name for something

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. I tried to register on vk.gy but before I can type anything the site redirects me to the home page. Ill try another browser and my phone

    1. inartistic


      @anadentone @Arkady Sorry about that! I'm a dummy :P Should be fixed now.


      Thanks @Peace Heavy mk II.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Someone reacted to Phantasmagoria. Wanna give him some more views?


    1. inartistic


      Ok but Eternal Silence?


      Actually I don't mind seeing normals watching vk. Thanks for sharing.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. i found the japanese version of those jrock banners that you'd find in photobucket/deviantart, etc.




    1. inartistic


      lmfao not surprising but I love to hear that

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Does anybody know what the proper romanization is for this release by Jakura? 空ヲ喰らフ吐陰. Help appreciated.


    1. inartistic


      @AimiGen7Tbh my knowledge about the subject is only cursory--basically from trying to figure out song titles like seikun was. (I didn't even know about the “shifts” you mentioned! Pretty cool.) Here are a few links that mention it, and hopefully you can find something a bit more concrete.




    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Does anybody know what the proper romanization is for this release by Jakura? 空ヲ喰らフ吐陰. Help appreciated.


    1. inartistic


      Sora WO KuraU Tokage (In old Japanese, ふ/フ represented the う/ウ sound)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Question for @inartistic or any other WE LOVE UCP guys. Was "griever" on the Freely distributed 2016-12-09 oneman version the same as the version on the 2012 mini-album "griever"? Or was it a new or re-recorded version?

    1. inartistic


      Completely serious hahaha. It sounds very different, except for the chorus. I think they might have changed lyrics too.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Question for @inartistic or any other WE LOVE UCP guys. Was "griever" on the Freely distributed 2016-12-09 oneman version the same as the version on the 2012 mini-album "griever"? Or was it a new or re-recorded version?

    1. inartistic


      I own it--it's a completely different re-recording. Barely sounds like the same song!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. Why don't all vk bands put their music on itunes or amazon or something? Does it cost a lot of money to do this or something?

    1. inartistic


      Japanese musicians are just weird about it in general. I think there's just a lot of resistance to learning something new. They're slowly getting better... maybe we'll finally be able to regularly buy releases digitally in 10 years :)

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  22. If you ever wondered how I looked like. I finally came out of my shell.



    1. inartistic


      You look like 3 different people! Pretty cool

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. for those who always wanted to get some songs by the band DictavE but couldn't as of now because they only release live limited stuff now's your chance! cuz they will distribute 8 of their songs via twitter starting february 1st and february 8th.



    1. inartistic


      It says:


      DictavE will start a two-consecutive-week campaign of digital releases. The first will be available on Feb 1st, second available on Feb 8th. They will be available worldwide via roughly 30 digital stores, iTunes included.


      They will not be free, but price is not announced yet.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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