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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. 12 A.M JST can't come soon enough... *stares at Itunes*

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Seimeisen


      I'm actually sorta looking forward to the new Royz album, too.

    3. Tetora


      Seimeisen gonna act tsundere like they aren't hugging a Subaru bodypillow as they type that before kissing their Subaru poster goodnight, brushing their teeth with their Royz toothbrush, and then feeling guilty as they change their phone alarm from Right Evil to Emotions, and falling asleep to dream of the new album's first edition bonus.

    4. colorful人生


      I dare dream to be a fan of that level. *eyes glimmer*


    Huh, was never super crazy about WANDS... Now that Mikoto (ジグザグ) is their new vocalist for their revival after 20 years, I might have to revisit them. It's been quite the journey from Ray°C to doing a Conan opening. Happy for him being part of this historic moment.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mihenno


      omg im mind blown

    3. monkeybanana4


      Wow, I didn't realize it. Congrats to him! He's got an amazing voice.

    4. Jun_


      Holy shit, brother. How can you be the one to give me such good news everytime? First Misui, now this xD

  3. Suddenly BORN is getting a bad rap for the whole eyeball licking news even though its ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLERS...smh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      haha, Masamune is on teh news :P

    3. Tokage


      elementary and middle schoolers are born's intended audience tbh

      also smh @ people who actually believe born invented it

    4. nekkichi


      I wonder if Tomomi paid guardian for born's viewcount. and Japanese eye-licking porn has been out there since ever, IAMX used it in 2004 video footage.

  4. They massacred my blue boy



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tokage


      god i so fucking hope that copypasta about sonic slowly chasing after robotnik while riding an suv somehow ends up being true

    3. colorful人生



      Hey, that blue boy isn't completely out of the woods yet.



      Hopefully he isn't nearly as grotesque.



    4. YuyoDrift


      ugh whyyyyyy

  5. I said I would never get into KPOP... Now I have a B.A.P addiction...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. orangetarts


      I think if music is good you should listen to it. not all kpop is the same, and not all kpop is good. same goes for vkei and jrock too tho. I dont really understand the whole I HATE ALL KPOP thing when you havent heard it all. just my thoughts on the matter.

    3. hiroki


      I don't listen to Kpop but only because I don't like songs that I can't understand. I have a few favorite Japanese dance/vocal units myself, e.g. Da-iCE and w-inds. Check them out :D

    4. colorful人生


      So many responses, haha. When it came to music, Korean never really sounded “right?? in my mind since was used to the sort of “fluidity?? and structure of the Japanese language (and the fact that I can understand just a bit for the lyrics to be impactful). The level of accuracy and fierceness (can't really find other words to describe it) that certain male KPOP units have nowadays are very appealing and pretty fresh in my mind. It's nice to explore once and a while since I did the same...

  6. New UNiTE and Of Mice & Men albums in one week... MY EARS CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH GRATIFICATION :P!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CaRaN


      Yeah At traction S and Shukusei to chocolate are my favs along ai and may a fly i and idk the whole fucking album xDDDDDD I really need to get my copies and the M type songs

    3. Tetora


      One of those albums you just push play on.

    4. Augie1995


      I'm envious of you guys

  7. Japamart takes forever *sniff*. I'm really excited though, since I'm going to upload stuff from a somewhat ignored artist on here ;) (One of my favorites as well).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. colorful人生


      o_o well, I've been wasting my money...I think you mentioned this site before to me in a pm hiroki. Well I'll mess around with this site in the future then. Thanks guys!

    3. Champ213


      FromJapan's fees are a bit confusing because it's split into so many different parts, but overall they still seem to be the cheapest. The small per-item fee is especially nice if you want to order many CDs at once.

  8. Just ordered the アンフィル side of the アンフィルxLOG V.A. Anybody getting the other one? (Not a huge LOG fan, but a tad curious)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hiroki


      i'll email ZL to ask. it won't be the first time they got the tracklist wrong.

    3. hiroki


      ok they confirmed that the 3rd song is different across the 2 versions

    4. Tetora
  9. Waiting for 11 P.M to come by for PSN to update *rocks violently*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mihenno


      @Tetora & @colorfuljinsei: What are your PSN names?

    3. colorful人生



      (I'll go add mine to the thread as well)

    4. beni


      /o/ more MH PSN peeps, yash~

  10. I'm busy for 2 days and I get 68 notification, holy shet.

  11. Must.Catch.Them.All
    (Got a Horsea, Kakuna, and a Squirtle so far)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. togz


      I JUST downloaded it and only have my starter Pokemon right now. I chose Charmander.

    3. colorful人生


      Ok, got myself a Venonat and a Goldeen driving in circles. I hope the servers become less trafficky since it's been hard to load up the game D:.

    4. YuyoDrift


      fuck I almost got an eevee


  12. If I can hold out the next 5 days... I might be able to nab myself the best birthday present ever... The xTRiPx "pinkuro" CD will be mine! *evil laughs*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. colorful人生


      It was limited to 100 copies and was their first released disk prior to Toumei (basically their demo disk).

    3. Tetora
    4. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      it's amazing how free cds get resold for over $100

  13. changing romaji titles is a nightmare when you have 20k tracks...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tetora


      Eheheh suckers... My only issue is LastFM scrobbling my songs as things people screw up or use romanji etc in... My title is perfect yet it scrobbles as some other caca.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The worst is when you're not sure which kanji to use because they use super obscure ones or different ones for word play. Don't even get me started on sometimes having to use UTF-8 special characters ( ~ , [], etc) for songs too

    4. Seimeisen


      Romaji is definitely annoying, but you know what's also annoying? English tiles in F U L L W I D T H T E X T !

  14. R.I.P Robin Williams... I'm stunned...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. togz


      my childhood... i think i just heard it shatter.

    3. Shir0


      I'm really shocked.. he was so talented and one of my favourtie artists

    4. Shir0


      I'm really shocked.. he was so talented and one of my favourtie artists

  15. Someone made a 90s vk essentials chart on r/visualkei... I haven't listened to any of these releases *whistles loudly*, so I guess this is a good place to start (?). 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeus


      i'm gonna have to agree with @nekkichi on this one this deff isn't exhaustive

    3. IGM_Oficial


      I'd kill some people if "Sculpture of time" wasn't there

    4. YuyoDrift


      Hey thanks for reminding me I have a low quality rip of that D≒SIRE album lol

  16. Jesus fuck, lol. What did they do to Sonic?!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. colorful人生


      Pretty much my reaction to all this. Since SEGA THEMSELVES brought up concerns about the face, I'm terrified about what Sonic (+ the rest of the gang) in the actual trailer is going to look like. 

    3. Aferni



    4. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It's a bad franchise hope it kills it x

  17. omg closetchild pls just hold up for a few more days. 3 live limited items in a row...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stylelover


      closetchild always annoys me with live limited stuff. theres at least 2-3 things i want at closetchild for months, but i just cant be bothered to buy them :/

    3. cirrus


      the prices are usually crazy though. reminds me of the time i swept up 3 live limited singles, spending 3-4k yen on each. so painful T_T

    4. stylelover


      yea theres a one song release i really want at cc and its 3500 yen :(

  18. How a seller can sell 4 copies of a 100-sheet limited single is beyond me. Well, anyone who wants anfiel destin 1st press, head over to yahoo auc.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paradoxal


      AND it didn't bankrupt me either

    3. colorful人生


      Yea *averts eyes* the first copy going for 10k yen was def. my dumb.That one seller must've got excited over that because of the subsequent copies they sold. I got mine at 5k yen, but there's been like 6 or 7 sold with one being on Puresound and another on ClosetChild.

    4. paradoxal


      I got the one on Closet child!! :) It was so awesome because I think it was only like 2k or something!

  19. *sheds tear* Rarezhut, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for introducing me to this masterpiece. To everyone I present to you, the weirdest fucking lyrics I've ever witnessed. http://oi65.tinypic.com/2qdsm10.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. colorful人生


      plastic post paper

      This is one of the tracks on the Cut22 mini-album. All of the lyrics are a total clusterfuck. They were around from what I think was the mid-90's to early 2000s. This was just to bizarre to pass up.

    3. Shir0



    4. colorful人生


      Also, going with the pink theme. 10/10 Valentine's Card message.

  20. Woah, I guess CHISA did the 9 favorite albums thingy https://twitter.com/div_chisa/status/698159782364999680 . Neato

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. colorful人生



      CASCADE - サムライマン (Samurai Man)

      CHEMISTRY - The Way We Are

      MUCC - 志?? (Shion)


      Girugamesh - 13's reborn

      Q;indivi- Ivy

      School Food Punishment - Amp Reflection

      squarepusher - do you know

      xilent - Evolutions Per Minute/Tenkai

    3. Tetora


      You didn't get their magazine?

  21. So long MEGA, hello DBREE~... At least for hosting files on MH. No dumb ads either.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Abelcain


      Ok. Thank you 🙂

    3. DarkPaladin


      Can somebody update me, what happened with MEGA?

    4. colorful人生


      Nothing, lol. It was acting up yesterday, but I was just looking for "good" alternatives that don't have a storage cap. There are plenty of others but they're clunky. 


      DBREE has been popular w/ modding communities, etc. Prides itself on being minimal, etc. So I figured I start using it.


      I'll still use MEGA, but I'll keep it to stuff I want secure.

  22. When did words like "default", "NPC", and "normal (normie)" become insults? lmao

    You know society is ass-backwards when we can't even let people be lame in their own free time w/o insulting them. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. platy


      Never saw anyone use NPC as an insult lol. Unless you spend your free time learning the didgeridoo or going obscure kink parties, I guess you're a normie. 

    3. colorful人生
    4. platy


      That's a pretty useful term for people actually. 

  23. Damn son, the Burning Sun scandal is turning into a 2nd gen K-pop massacre. Members in BB, F.T Island, and now Highlight.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zeus


      @Masato tl;dr from a not-kpop fan: a video uploaded to youtube showing a beating at a south korean club used for selling drugs and prostitution was run by a former member of BIG BANG seungri and ends up roping in sk police, yg entertainment, and other kpop stars who were somehow connected to seungri and this mess. story still developing. someone should make a topic for this @colorfuljinsei it's too juicy to be left to statuses .

    3. nekkichi


      sounds like a typical day in south korea tbh, but it's a kiii if kpop stans are so delulu about the violent male culture over there that they think their pastel-haired idols are pure and innocent

    4. Gesu


      I read yesterday that he admitted to filming having sex with people then uploading it without their consent.


  24. Explosion at Kyoto Animation's head office, and the inside of building seems largely damaged from the subsequent fire.  It was an act of arson by a 40 y.o man. Currently in coma.

    *Now 33 dead, 35 injured 😟




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. platy


      wow wtf? Why :(? 

    3. Tokage


      our news is reporting at least 20 people have died by now

    4. colorful人生


      Fuck, it's 33 now. Some directors are being reported missing. Nothing conclusive atm.

  25. MangaRock has been removed from both appstores and the site will be down by the end of next week. MR apps will still work but won't be updated + keeping the servers up is inconclusive based on the language of their faq. So back up your shit nowww- likely to Tachiyomi w/ MangaDex extension if you use Android.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. patientZERO


      I did see the subscription thing as super odd. I paid for it years ago, once, to remove ads from the app (I never used the site). So they got $5 out me, but that's all. So what it looks like is they asked for subscriptions, took the money and ran to form a "legit" source of Korean and Chinese manhwa/manhua?

    3. colorful人生


      Pretty much. Combined with the ad revenue from those who didn't pay and that weird "Rocks" system which was basically getting hi-res anime pics for c̶o̶m̶p̶l̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶e̶r̶s̶  getting ads.

    4. IGM_Oficial


      Damn, this sucks. Are we running out of resources like these?


      (btw, ExHentai is back)

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