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Posts posted by hyura

  1. My number one discovery is propably Rouage. I knew them by name but propably just listened to the wrong songs at first and didn't bother to try again.

    Not too long ago I bought a box of random VK video tapes and their old stuff just blew me away!


    Then, for some reason Penicillins chartmusic-phase (Limelight and Ultimate Velocity era). I had those albums for ages but they were always too easy-listening and cheesy and 90s for me. That changed for no particular reason when I listened to them again this summer. Now I can suddenly enjoy them.

  2. I love Kikasa's very elegant style.


    Agree! Kikasa's costumes are always perfect (that and he is very handsome.) It's actually a bit sad that not many people copied him instead. ww

  3. ^It's funny how their styling is identical down to the haircolors of each member. wow.


    Just wanted to make a comparison for the ~bloodstained~ look but... I can't find a picture of Rouage doing it. why?

  4. Hahaha... I actually don't think so.

    I guess everyone's curious how I look though (maybe?) Was already thinking about showing a pic or not... but since my face already circulates around the web and some people here know who I am...

    But behold: Super gawfic make-up and fail try at dark gloomy oldschool Visual kei. Also ruining your good and normal looking people rate.



    I am sure i will regret this *lol*



    Awww. ;o;

    I know you are an evil coldblooded goth but whenever I see you I want to poke your cheeks, because you have such a cute face.

  5. @ Hyura: what if it was "Romancia?" Would that still make you want to die? "ROMANSHIIAAAA" instead of "NIR FRUNTIIAAA"


    XD I have to admit that I always though they were the same! Does he really sing different engrish in both? I'm a bad fan.

    But yes, YES, it'd still make me want to die.

    The only romancia I can tolerate is Kuroyumes. Although that also makes me want to die... BECAUSE OF ALL THE FEELS.

    koooono yooo ni~ soooooonzaaai shinaaai~ ooochite yuku LOOOOOOMANSIA~ lala. lala. lalalalalala.

  6. Seriously. Nobody here would openly mock a person for showing signs of age, being overweight  or simply not having been born good-looking- and think that behaviour is acceptable, right?

    Then why should it suddenly change when the person in question is wearing nonconformist clothes?


    Why do you have to be either young, beautiful or famous to wear certain things?


    I'm not saying I never make fun of other people. Or other peoples clothing style, if they suck at it. It's just that I don't get why there should be something like an ~unwritten rule~

  7. ^  Ich bin dann mal der Mutige der Vortritt und zugibt, dass er bis auf 'Pömpel' alle nachschlagen musste. orz

    Vielleicht hat das ja geographische Gründe....? Schön sind sie alle mal! Besonders Pinörkel ist sehr lautmalerisch. XDD


    In meinen Breiten sagt man dafür Dinge wie Meschugge, Butze und Zislaweng. XD

  8. XD That might be an unpopular opinion as well but... all I can think is:

    Older people wearing their alternative clothes even when it's not 'flattering' anymore are awesome!


    If you wore them because you didn't give a fuck about what others think you should wear them even more when you're old and saggy.

  9. Woah, I just thought of those guys yesterday and listened to 'the rose god gave me' during workout. :D

    They can get annoying but I love everything they released and even bought all their albums.


    It's the kind of band I think I will still listen to when I'm 50+ and fat, riding a nice convertible. XD They are just so... ROCK.

  10. Oh wow, I didn't expect so many replies that fast, thank you guys!

    Next time I'll better make that oldschool stuff a little more expensive. >D


    Champ, Inartistic and Zuka all got a pm~~


    Buuh, interested in the Metis one as well T__T  Didn't knew they've realesed a DVD, though ._.


    Sorry. orz You are second in line!


    Not sure when they released that dvd, sorry. It looks like from a bootleg series of some sort because it has a serial number.

  11. [updated: 17/03/05]  lowered all prices, added some stuff etcetc buypls

    Hello : D
    I really want to part with the following things, so please take a look. I do take offers, especially if you buy several things.

    I ship from Germany via DHL.
    Fees are like this:


    Germany EU World
    Maxiletter up to 500g: 1,45€ 3,70€ 3,70€
    Maxiletter up to 1kg: 2,60€ 7,00€ 7,00€
    Cardboard box up to 2kg: 4,50€ 9,00€ 16,00€

    All of these were carefully kept in the state I bought them in but since they are mostly vintage items the condition varies.
    If you want more info on a particular item or additional pictures, please ask!
    I can include a high quality rip if you buy a demotape or VHS.

    Click images for big size.

    ACiD - Mermaid 3€ (related: MERRY)
    アギト(agito) - 邪鏡 3€
    姫羅~Aila~ - 思考解体 5€
    Aioria - 光彩の沈殿 2€
    Aioria - 瑠璃蝶 3€
    * (anus) - の 4€  (related: Ray, Waive)
    * (anus) - 様 4€  (related: Ray, Waive)
    Arise - Arise 9€
    Belle Vue - blind vision 3€
    Coo - 【仮説01】4€
    Cynthia - "白夜を舞う邂逅旋律" Type B 3€
    Da'vidノ使徒:aL - クッキーチェアー 4€
    Dear Loving - Identification Card 2€
    Dieu;Aile - Limbes 5€
    DlociA - COLLECTIONS N°1   4€


    Féria - 堕神者の叫び…  3€
    Féria - 奴隷の聖書  3€
    Flair - And Vision... 5€  (related: Waive)
    gaia - genesis as ideal area 4€
    ギ~戯児~ヂ (giji) - 病的  5€
    Gu:Laymu - Gu:Laymu 3€
    グルグル映畫館 (guruguru eigakan) - 三河湾純情ラプソディー/伏見桃山ブルース 4€
    ゼリ→(jelly→) - JET GLASS 3€
    k@mikaze - 鬼のような犬     3€ (related: sukekiyo)
    k@mikaze - 鬼のような犬2 3€ (related: sukekiyo)
    Kneuklid Romance - しあわせにできる権利 4€
    Lastier - -Eden- 5€


    MARRY+AN+BLOOD - 心臓 3€
    Merry Go Round - 放送禁止の死んだふりをする潔癖症の実験体と箱の中の毒入り ショートケーキ 5€
    MIRAGE - en:Rouge 2€
    ミサ (misa) - 架空ノ人々 4€
    Mist of Rouge - 華麗なる白霧 3€
    M+K - 第1話「空虚な束縛」特典  3€
    the Night Breeze Zinnia - Night Breeze 4€  (related: 黒蝪蝶(kuroageha))
    Noir fleurir - 2000.1.21 Millennium 4€
    nord - -mid妄ari- 3€   (related: chariots)
    Ove - Savage 3€
    尾張桜組 (owarisakuragumi) - 尾張桜組 2€   (related: ROUAGE, Sleep My Dear, Laputa, ...)
    PERSONA - 神欲の果実 3€   (related: D)
    PlatinA Forest - letter Ⅱ 4€
    Poisonous Doll - Y氏「…」3€
    ポロリ (porori) - 想ひでポロリ☆ 4€  (related: heidi.)
    ポロリ (porori) - 想ひでポロリ☆ 2nd press 4€    (related: heidi.)


    ピュエラ(pyuera) - 1124430824  3€
    Radifia - 解体奴隷新書 4€   (related: VIDOLL, Eze:quL)
    Ravecraft - 無翼 其ノ参 3€
    Ravecraft - 無翼 其ノ壱 3€
    Remage - 道化人格  3€
    Remage - 人工知能の性的欲情 3€
    RONDE - Obelisk Monument 4€
    ROUAGE - Free Talk (1999.Mar.) 3€
    [rù:in] - -Sherry- Acoustic Version. 4€
    S - 蠍 2€
    S - 蜘蛛 3€
    紫苑 (shion) - OH!!ラジオ “春らんまん編” 4€
    SOPHIA - ミサイル 4€
    Syndrome - Vogue 1€


    Syndrome - SEXUAL 2€
    vellaDonna - D 4€
    Vice†risk - Again 4€
    Virtue - 20000707 4€
    Waive - Spanner 4€
    wyse - Lime 4€


    alice nine. - JEWELS Type-A 1€
    alice nine. - JEWELS Type-B 1€
    ANOTHER DIMENSION - 朽チ果テ逝クコノ世界 3€
    Ant1nett - World Famous, King of Kawaii 3€
    彩冷える(ayabie) - ロマンサー/変態最終頁/デジタルロリータデモンストレーション/+ 5€
    AZALEA - 妄想に死す 3€
    BLue-B - Tears of Love 2€
    Celluloid  - Intention 4€
    千聖 (chisato) - ORGANIC GROOVER 3€
    Clover - -Promise-To... 3€


    Dear Loving - 恋は二人で ~Girls to~ 3€
    DERAIL - Secret Lover 3€
    Devil Kitty - 不幸自慢 4€
    Devil Kitty - エセイカレ✡ROCK STAR 4€
    faze - Throbbing ~鼓動~ 2€
    【FIGURe;】 - Made in 彼女 3€
    Forestier - 魍魎ノ箱 4€
    fugue - 僕の心に突き刺さる砕け散った君のカケラ (There is some dirt on the CD (already bought it like that) and it skips in the middle. :/ Didn't dare cleaning it, but maybe someone else wants to try?) 3€
    Gardian Angel/G~Angel - Promise ~white snow~ 3€
    Garnet - クリミナルドリーマー 3€
    Gill'e Cadith - お茶の間中毒カテゴリィ 3€
    THE GLADROW - Growable deep 3€
    heidi. - シンクロ/ひゅるり 2€


    秘密結社コドモA (himitsukessha kodomo A) - 青春記憶装置 4€
    セッションバンドひな(sessionband hina) - 鯛/遺言 4€
    12012 - Sick 3€
    12012 - 深~deep~ 3€
    いろは (iroha) - オレンジ双六 3€
    いろは (iroha) - 裏景色 3€
    It - a lost child/36.6°C 3€
    xジハードx(jihad) - 愛情エゴイズム 2€
    JO:YA project - KEN:WAKAYAMA 2€
    k@mikaze - リスペクトバカ 3€
    k@mikaze - 野球が殺した。3€
    Kra - 僕との秘密 first press(2002) 3€
    Kra - ハートバランス Type-A 2€
    クロウズ (kurouzu) - 黒い渦 3€
    KuRt - 赤者 3€
    Lagna - 瞬間ノ華 3€
    Laissez Faire - lily  3€
    La'Mule - 結界~ガラス神経ト自我境界~ 3€
    La'Mule - ナイフ 3€
    La'Mule - 2003/03/08 ナイフ 20€
    L'Arc~en~Ciel - ectomorphed works 4€
    LiViNG DEAD - 『徒花』 3€
    machine - e.rect 2€


    MASK - 未来への翼-2005.08.08- 2€
    未散プロジェクト(michiru project) - 「悲哀の破片」3€
    MURASAKI - 無料配布 4€
    ナイトメア (naitomea) - 犯行期 12€
    Night+ingale - 罪 4€
    orivia - Flower's for... 3€
    OROCHI - 「花鳥風月」 無料配布CD 3€
    Pashya - 優白な聲 2€
    PERSONA - イカサマサーカス 3€


    PlatinA Forest - feeling precious 3€
    Plu'to - THE GOLD DISC. 2€
    Poisonous doll - 醗酵ホルマリン 3€
    Prototype - Winter Tale 3€
    Prototype - アタシノカケラ 3€
    the Pumpkin Head - ミスロマンチスト 3€
    the Pumpkin Head - [Mr. Underground]  2€
    the Pumpkin Head - エミリィー  3€
    ピュエラ(pyuera) - Shadow Of Wizard 3€
    Quarry - S≠M 2€
    RED universe - I FEEL BLUE/COMPLETE SILENCE/Reincarnation 3€
    RONDE - Cinema scope 3€
    RONDE - story 3€
    RONDE - Graffiti 3€
    Ryuichi Kawamura - Cranberry Soda  2€
    Ryuichi Kawamura - Love 2€
    S - 昆虫採集 3€
    サリー(sarii/sally) - アブノーマル 3€


    Secilia Luna - 月夜に捧ぐ葬送曲 3€
    7seven - エルドラド 4€
    Shulla - いたずら 3€
    SIN - コトノハ 3€
    Syndrome - 蘇生 3€
    東京ミカエル(tokyo michael) - LOVE. bonus dvd 1€
    東京ミカエル(tokyo michael) - 35.6°c bonus dvd 1€
    THE TRANSFORMER - 感情漂流 2€
    Veill - +因想+3€
    WITH SEXY - 孤独の中で愛した君 3€
    Waive - 銀河鉄道 3€


    you - LIFE ~the first movement~ 2€
    ZIN 陣 - DEMO 3€

    VA: オトノクスリ ディスク1 (cannabis, DAISUKE(SoundBee), LANDSCAPE, P∞L, Rebirth, syster, 御伽 (otogi), 紫苑 (shion)) 10€

    VA: Replace of Mind (Ring, Lagna) 3€

    VA: VARIOUS RED (FORTUNE.C・T, LEYRA, Duxll, SECRET, Dirachiel, JESUS, 舞 (mai)) 25€

    CHARISMA - Thanks 3€
    INORAN - NO NAME?(orange) 3€
    INORAN - NO NAME?(grey) 3€
    Merry Go Round - 思春期の吸血鬼 3€
    賛美歌 (sanbika) - 賛美歌VOL.1総集編 3€
    Shulla - 青春の摩天楼 3€
    Vivid - Cinderella 3€


    I also have tons of japanese brand clothes (algonquins, h naoto, Alice and the Pirates, glad news, FRILL, peace now, lovers rock, Gaultier...) for sale in my facebook sales album

    feel free to take a look. : D

  12. There are tons of live-dvds/videos that I love and quite a few have already been mentioned but one more comes to mind:


    12012's Encore XII Party. The atmosphere is really strong and their setlist was great at that time.

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