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Posts posted by hyura

  1. Yes, you guys are right, I was just being mean. ; D

    Just the way he sits there looking like it's not the hairstyle he wanted made me laugh. Even though he's still handsome.

    Yukina looks alright now compared to before. I don't even think the difference is that big, his make up was so simple you could always tell what he'd look like without.

  2. I really, really liked the video! Even though it didn't reveal much of the music, the atmosphere was really strong and it made me curious to listen to the actual thing.

    Also how they kept the 'original' psycho theme for the single is nice, most bands just use the first random shocking word they can think of.


    Also that alice auaa costume gives me oldschool nagoya vibes

  3. I think the main problem here is the expectation that you'll somehow get along better with fans of the same music than with any other random group of people.

    It's normal to have it because the more you have in common the likelier it is to become friends. However. I learned that you really don't need much in common to like the same genre of music, especially because there can be very different reasons in people to like something.


    And those reasons often cause more problems than not having anything at all in common would. For example. Someone who loves a band for the records, collects all of it and sees a deep meaning in the lyrics might not respect a fan who loves the band for their live shows and sees fandom mainly as a reason to party.

    He would propably completely ignore someone with that mindset if they were into something else, but since it's about the same thing he likes it will propably feel like an insult to him because his hope to find someone with a similar mindset was crushed.


    If you try not to expect fans of them same music to be somehow similar to yourself it will get much easier and you'll value the occasional soulmate you'll find in the fandom much, much more.


    So no. I don't care for the other fans at all. I even went to shows of bands regularily where I felt that everyone was an idiot and still had fun.

  4. Could be the choice they made for the samples, as they were really short.. but I must admit that the only ones which made me excited were 'glowing' (and I already know that one.) and 'Metamorphosis'.

    Still pretty sure the album won't disappoint. It was worth buying just for 'glowing' anyway. www

  5. There is lots of truth in this thread already.

    I think that to many young female vk fans, especially but not only in japan, it's a 'devaluing' point for a band to have a woman in it.

    There is a reason why bands with mixed genders hardly ever sell- it's because the bangyaru don't want pretty girls around their idols, nor do the bangyaruo like pretty boys around theirs. It's clever for the 'odd' one in a mixed band to hide their gender.


    It's different for all-woman groups- they can become quite successful if they manage to attract lots of male fans and aren't disliked so much by the female ones either.


    This whole thing is something that always annoyed me, really, because actually ESPECIALLY with all the make up and hair it doesn't matter anymore if you're a girl or a boy. The lines between both are really blurred if you look at an androgynous bandwoman (like hiko of danger gang for example) performing on stage and than at a girly bandguy like hizaki.

    I'm pretty sure the scene would be much more innovative if it was more 50:50. Not just the bands... the fans as well. It's kinda stupid that male vk fans mostly just buy the cd and stay at home instead of joining concerts. The most enjoyable lives I went to where the ones with a good male:female ratio.


    I'm a bit surprised that nobody mentioned Lucifer Luscious Violenoue yet! She was the first female vk vocalist I discovered and I instantly fell in love with her voice.

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