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Posts posted by hyura

  1. I did the translations for wish, doku and kikei yesterday and will post them once I looked whether the english is okay.

    However.. I think there are still some small mistakes in the kanji and romaji lyrics posted here. If you like I'll post my version along. (for those three! I didn't check the others.)

  2. Ahahaha. :D




    Gauzes - 闇の調べ... -> Madeth Gray'll
    Gauzes - 蛍、送り火
    Gauzes - モノクロ -> La'Mule
    Gauzes - ナイフ -> La'Mule
    Gauzes - 追憶 -> Madeth Gray'll
    Gauzes - kiss
    Gauzes - 崩壊
    Gauzes - 名も無き謳
    Gauzes - WING-> La'Mule
    Gauzes - 揺篭の結末...-> Madeth Gray'll
    Gauzes - 枯れた花を照らす月
    Now I'm kinda sad that I didn't buy it. ;O;

  3. Wow, that preview is promising!

    Even for someone like me to whom Kamijos main appeal is that he's unintentionally funny... a lot. But there is a Malice Mizer flavour in this, much more than in Manas other works actually.


    The english speaking voice kills it, though.

  4. What a nice thread!


    Like most people I'm more drawn to 'classic' pvs, especially the elaborate kind with lots of image scenes and drama. Sometimes 'good looking band playing the song' works great, but most of the time it's cooler when they actually thought of ways to illustrate the lyrics and the emotions in the music.

    Some that just came to my head and haven't been posted yet are


    Chocoripeyes by Vidoll


    Curse by La'Mule


    Something New, Somebody New by Kiyoshi



    道の空 by Psycho le Cemu



    Cage by Dir en Grey


    muddy cult by nega


    月下の夜想曲 by malice mizer



    I could go on forever, but I don't.

  5. Thank you both for all your translations guys. I definitely apreciate your time
    Now I'd really like to know the meaning of WISH. But I think it will be a hard one because there isn't even romaji online. ;_; For all I can understand. It sounds so beautiful.
    I loved the 悲しみは巡りゆく季節と眠る哀 song translation, thank you so much... I'm really weak with the sentimental ones. 


    Their softer songs are really cute, aren't they? ww Although I'm normally not into ballads WISH is also my favorite from their new release.

    I don't need romaji or typed out lyrics to do a translation at all. However... I don't have my copy yet (and it might take some more time) so... I can only do it if somebody posts a photo or scan of the booklet. orz

    Otherwise I can also do something nice from their full length. I really like kikei.

  6. Also, doesn't bode well when a band's fans are saying this even before they've released their first album.

    Uah~ Don't make me an example, that's unfair for those who actually like them!

    I've never been a fan of them, because their style is absolutely not my taste at all. There isn't even one song that I enjoyed so the chances of me digging the album is zero.

    I just hang around here being miserable because I spend half of my life as a crazy fan of their bassist and the music he used to write.

  7. This is an interesting thread!


    Well. I grew up with classical music and although my friends in school loved boybands and the like (I grew up in the 90s) thats pretty much what I stuck with until I was about 11,12 years old. At that time I started to be interested in bands like HIM and the 69 eyes and later Marilyn Manson. Even though that style was actually popular at that time nobody I knew liked it and I didn't have many friends anyway.

    However, when I changed schools there were some 'dark' looking people who were all older than me and who I thought were super duper cool. When I started talking to them I found out they liked visual kei and so I had to like it, too.

    There weren't many overseas fans back then, every song was rare and the internet was slow and full of rumors. (Of course there was no youtube either.) The most popular bands were Dir en grey and Malice Mizer.

    When I first listened to Dir en grey I thought they were horrible but I quickly fell in love with Malice Mizer and from there I tried out every band I could find and found lots of favorites in the indies sector like La'Mule, Due le Quartz, Phobia and Madeth Gray'll.
     (By then I also got used to Dir en grey)


    A little later Neo Tokyo did a collaboration with Under Code in my country and a Vidoll Sampler as well an omnibus Album were released. Vidoll were also on the cover of cure magazine around then and I became A huge Under Code fan. I loved Vidoll, 12012, Mar'derayla and Karen. In the same year I saw my first Visual Kei band live, it was D'espairsray and I was very impressed. (I remember seeing blood even before but I didn't like them.)

    And that's how I became a Maniac.

    However. 2 or 3 years later around 2006 it really dropped. It was around then that I first had more contact to the 'other side' of visual kei. I hung around with people in japan and met some people I once admired and everything was very desillusionating. (is that even a word?) The internet wasn't that full of gossip back then and teenage girl that I was I somehow thought everybody wasn't such an asshole.

    On top of that 12012, Vidoll and Phantasmagoria also left undercode and there were almost no new bands that caught my interest anymore. Oh and suddenly a huge 'VK' trend happened in my country and while old fans disappeared a whole new generation of fans with totally different mindset appeared. My obsession cooled down somewhat, even though I still followed some bands.

    I started to listen to mainly disbanded Groups again and when I went to japan the main reason was second hand shops and.. well. That didn't change much until today.

    I'm almost ashamed that my music taste is so limited.

  8. I used to buy lots of vidoll cheki back in the day.

    And since then... I only bought them when I wanted to support a good band on an event but they didn't have anything interesting for sale.

    But generally I think that they're a really nice idea.

    And I have a question: since when are they around? I know that there are polaroids of really old bands (like from 2000) but there were no cheki back then, right? When I went to japan for the first time in 2006 they were already around....

    So when did it start?

    and who started it?

  9. Those previews are too short to judge really, but so far everything sounded pretty nice.

    I'm especially looking forward to Machine and CELL. And well Grieva because I like them, even though their preview was boring. (Why? They got such a great song?)

  10. Why is it so common for bands coming to the US to play at anime conventions?

    I think there were VK bands doing it here, too but it was more that they played in a normal venue in the same city as the convention and if you attended both you'd get a discount.

    And most of the time bands just tour normally.



    Oh and yes, I saw them on niconico! :D It was pretty funny, I hope they'll stream more often.

  11. I had some time to translate the two songs today.

    Sorry it took a little longer.

    Also excuse any mistakes. I think I understood everything just fine but it was my first time translating lyrics into a language other than my native one. Oh and credit me of course!




    Sorrow is grief that's sleeping with the changing seasons

    The change of season tells that time is passing
    All the powdery snow the sky has shed

    At the place of our promise, painted white
    The memories you left behind  overflow
    The softly melting snow in my palms
    Is just like you, right? Pale and fleeting

    If you were here...

    I want to see you, I want to see you
    Even though I know it's a wish that won't come true
    I'll be right here waiting for you next year, too

    Flow of time
    Please make all this sorrow wash away
    I'm begging you

    I know the past can't be erased...

    I want to see you, I want to see you
    If it's just a dream or illusion I don't care
    Just once more I want to...
    Sometimes I hurt you
    And made you feel sad
    But my voice saying "I'm sorry" won't reach you now

    I want to see you, I want to see you
    These vain thoughts are just for myself
    It's slipping through now
    all this time... look...
    The sorrow and the pain
    Let's leave them buried under this snow already
    Because you are not here anymore...

    The piled up snow will melt
    When the season changes and spring comes
    In this place what will remain?
    ah...Please send my feeling to you.
    A season of sorrow...

    Let us sleep with the snow of grief

    Snow of grief, good night...





    penal code art. 39 (1) 'An act of insanity is not punishable'

    "According to penal code article 39 clause one 'An act of insanity is not punishable'
    Therefore those who are, due to mental disorder
    in a condition of being unable to make conscious judgement can not be punished by criminal law."

    I just stabbed you.
    Scream like you're broken.


    What are you looking at...?
    Just like this, not saying a word.
    Your eyes wide open, not even breathing
    Just like this, just like a corpse.

  12. ^ hyura what do mean by their 'fun' band live?


    Well. La'Mule put lots of emphasis on their shows (lots of moshable songs, lots of drama, lots of blood, lots of fan-contact) and although that wasn't their focus it's what made them famous.

    I feel that CELL made this aspect into a concept. Most songs they play are on the faster side and they aren't as dark. Their is lots of towel-throwing and lots of headbanging and lots of goofing around. However. Kon still does dramatic monologues and they are definately still oldschool. It's a good balance.

  13. Ich liebe auch alle Katzen. D:

    Obwohl ich hier drei sitzen habe ist es nach wie vor so dass ich total durchdrehe wenn ich bei jemandem zu Haus oder draußen eine fremde Katze treffe. Ungefähr so: WAHH D: KATFE!! ANFAFFEN!


    stylelovers nummer 2 ist wahnsinnig niedlich. Besonders die Pose. D: Vielleicht kommen sich deine ja irgendwie mal näher..?

    Undundund Finas nummer 2 und 3 auch. <3 Auch total hübsche fotos. Leider ist unsere Canon im Urlaub, deswegen kann ich mit sowas nicht dienen. : / Handy ist ja grade bei spielenden Katzen total zwecklos. So von wegen 5 Minuten. Hier sind es eher 3 Stunden. orz


    Mein weißer Kater heißt Coca, die graue Katze heißt Sui(gin) und der kleine braune Kater heißt Herr Hase. <3

    Herr Hase ist ein Abessinier, Sui eine halbe Russisch blau (Sie brabbelt mich auch permanent voll! Mit ganz tiefer Stimme.) und Coca ein ranzscher Straßenkater. (Trotzdem der schönste und edelste der drei.)

  14. I can only speak for myself and I'm kinda weird but I went to tokyo last year just for La'Mules two days oneman (and by just I mean I really didn't have the time to stay in japan much longer because it was exams time) and it was totally worth it.


    Now of course CELL aren't La'Mule and their stage image is a little different. They are much more of a 'fun' band and Isukes aggressiveness is missing but....XD since everybody is talking about Kon lately: he didn't change at all. And their original songs are mich better live than recorded. (their covers are great anyway of course)

    I'd cuddle with smelly weeaboos for them any day!

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