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Posts posted by hyura

  1. Uiii~ : D

    Hast du auch Fotos von den anderen zweien?

    Ragdolls sind ja auch eher von der großen pelzigen Sorte, näch? Was treiben die bei dem Wetter? (Außer gekühlte Milschnitte essen natürlich.)


    Ich habe selber auch 3 Katzen. Aber alle eher sommerliche Modelle.

    1 2 3 und gestapelt

    Momentan liegen sie wirklich nur so geplättet herum. An rausgehen nicht zu denken. (Genau wie ich also...)

    Schokodrink, Milchschnitte oder currywurst wurde hier noch nicht getestet.

  2. Seriously? I don't think you should interpret so much into it. It's VK after all. I find it more likely (from what I've seen) that he is given a certain persona to act on.


    Well. I agree that one should be careful with such assumptions about strangers and I also know what you mean about VK-people playing roles but I can totally understand why SUBLIMINAL would get this impression.

    Things Kon says and does are unusual for a 38 year old pro musician, visual kei or not. And it wasn't different at all when he was in a 'normal' rock band and had a beard.


    Of course I hope he's not sick. But it wouldn't surprise me at all. And it also wouldn't surprise me if there were more emotionally instable people in VK than elsewhere.

  3. what song? do you remember what song is that?


    The kuroyume-song is called shounen. I think it doesn't mention hakuei's name, and I wouldn't instantly think of him when listening to the lyrics but I frequently read it refers to him as a boring guy from privileged background who feels super hardcore when putting on expensive silver accessory and 'alternative' clothes for little girls to drool over. I don't know the original source, but it does make sense.  (although I really like penicillin and hakuei!)



    why people say that about kon? xD that he is odd. how is the live? what does he do?


    Kon is really, really special.

    Like klahasama said, there is a huge difference between his stage persona and his offstage persona. He is very charismatic on stage but once he stops singing he seems lost. Just always somewhere between completely spaced out, annoyed about having to socialize or giggling awkwardly about everything. And because he is also very short it makes him adorable, which is weird when you just saw him perform earlier.

    He seems to be much better now, though! Not too long ago there was no month without kon doing something weird. Like doing a handshake-event with extremely obvious fresh cuts on his wrists, having rage-fits about fans, posting on his blog that you'd better go to their next event because he plans to kill himself after and being painfully open about his drug and alcohol intake.

    And because he always jumped back to being all normal it was really hard to tell if real emotional problems or just playing with his image.

    Well. He's a genius for sure.

  4. Verreisen wäre wirklich mal wieder nett!

    Grade bei dem aktuell angenehm heißen Wetter und endlich endlich endlich Freizeit bekomme ich das ultimative Fernweh.

    Fast schon egal wohin. XD Wobei mit Ikna Schnitzel essen und dabei über VK telepathieren auf einem der allerobersten Plätze residiert. ;O;


    Ist das stolze Fellwesen mit dem Schokodrink deine Katze, Fina?

    Sie (Er?) ist wunderschön~ ;O; (Mag sie auch currywurst?)

  5. Also about people judging, that was the impression I had when I met some Mana fans a few years ago at a convention. I don't care about fashion or having a style but definitely felt some unwelcoming vibes from the Lolitas when I showed up in my boring old jeans and a metal T-shirt. I don't care if other people like fashion, I think it's cool but I don't like it when they look down on us fashionless nerds :C


    Yes, exactly that kind of behavior!

    I just can't understand this at all. I mean. Liking something very far from the mainstream makes it already hard to find people who share that interest with you. So. If you start judging those peoples looks before talking to them, doesn't it make finding friends extremely hard?

    Also. Many people I know who are into 'darker' music genres didn't really fit in(and didn't want to either) with the popular mainstream kids in high school. Then why become just like them?


    Also thank you very much for your compliment! ;O;

    Whenever I wear Hisui nobody knows him. So this might even be the first time. thank you. <3

  6. What do you think about Bands insulting and making fun of other bands?

    Not privately, but with lyrics or in their MCs for example?


    I'm not into so many bands who do that but kuroyume for example have a song about what a loser hakuei of penicillin is.

    And I think devil kitty were quite famous for doing that kind of thing....?


    Insulting 'rivals' is a stylistic device in some music genres but I always found it a bit odd in visual kei.

  7. XDDD Hauptsache das Wort currywurst taucht in fast jedem post auf!

    Wenn du das nächste mal vorbeikommst können wir uns ja treffen und uns über gruftige uraltmusik austauschen. (oder wahlweise anschweigen, weil zu schüchtern.) : 3


    Aber wie gesagt. Ich plane auch in baldiger zukunft mal wien zu besuchen.

  8. It might be their fault that they decided to make visual kei but it's not their fault that being in a band involves lots of degrading shit.

    I mean. you could laugh at them if you think visual is silly and not worth it (and even then. Since when is it okay to laugh at people who work shitty jobs?) but as a fan?

  9. I can't. Of course I can say 'I like slightly out of tune singing.' or 'I like a prominent bassline.' but...

    Describing what exactly makes me fall in love with song or album is impossible to put into words because of different reasons:

    1)It's so many small elements in the music paired with so many small emotions and memories I connect with it that it's totally irrational. Once I try taking it apart and analyze it's all gone.

    2)My love for certain songs or just voices is very, very strong (with tears and everything.//∇//)) but my language and mindset is very rational otherwise, so I can't put it in appropriate words at all.

    3) I don't have to because I'm much much too ashamed anyway. Usually when people ask what kind of music I like I just try to change the topic. And if there's somebody who already likes similar stuff I'll just make them listen and they'll know what I mean.

  10. I somehow thought the lyrics were all translated on the page that toki posted, so I didn't look here anymore. ,o, sorry.

    Kanashimi and keihou are on my list, but it might take a little because I have to work a lot this week.

  11. ...just to laugh at them.


    I can relate to you being annoyed of rich lolita fans and bandmen begging for money, because I've been in your place, too... but certain things in your post made you sound like a very rude person. D: You propably aren't and it just sounded like that but: You actually laugh bandmen in the face for having lots of work cleaning their costume, working shitty jobs and having to sell their asses?!

    I mean. Schadenfreude is a normal human emotion but how would you feel in their place?

    The current visual kei scene is based on these things. If you want to do visual kei and don't happen to be Sugizo it's a lot of hard work. And yes, you are expected to degrade yourself in order to get the money and looks (and smell >D) required to make fans happy when the see you on stage.

    Well than imagine those same fans laughing at you for that. Feels bad, right?

    You don't have to like this reality, but if you can't change it don't blame them, because they can't change it either. And if you have to laugh- do so! but do it at home.

  12. There used to be a successful Jrock Seattle group that met up monthly but that kinda fell apart. Yet during that time I made the coolest and bestest friends and it was a great way to meet other fans. If you want to meet other fans in your area, why not try hosting a monthly or bi-monthly meet up and see who comes. Maybe you'll meet more people that you didn't know that could be fans.


    There was something like that in my city, too and it was so great. Now somehow most people either became dickhead elitists or moved on to something else. The small VK related meetups on bigger conventions in germany often just boil down to judging everybodies looks. It's really sad but I think I didn't have a jmusic-related conversation with a stranger in about 3 or 4 years. Your comment really makes me wanna go back in time. : (


    Hyura, those are really awesome pics! The Shinya and Rame ones are stunning. :o


    Thank you very much //∇//); I hope I can do another Shinya one in the future~

  13. So far I also had the impression that they are kinda popular.

    Especially considering how bands of their genre one or two years ago only played at NARCIS and usually had a maximum of 15 fans who propably were their family members. XD

    Also it seems like certain promoters (especially cure magazine) are trying hard to make kote kei happen and since most people just adapt to trends I suppose it's going to be succesfull.


    Grieva will definitely have to start producing their own music and stop rehashing old Dir en grey songs if they want to be successful in the long run.


    ...Unless they start rehashing other old successful 90s band.


    ->infinite money.

    I'd be so in.

  14. I don't want to discuss the sense or nonsense of cosplaying bands here, but I made my first visual kei cosplay about 8 years ago and still enjoy it. It's a fun hobby, especially if you have a group. (btw! Since Ikna mentioned Austrias cosplay scene: half of my dir en grey group is actually from Austria and they are awesome. So naturally I thought things would be much better there... turns out I'm wrong. depressing.)

    Maybe somebody likes to look at some of my costumes. They are far from perfect, but made with lots of love.


    Shinya from Dir en grey
      th_858294710_cos001_122_198lo.jpg th_858298313_cos005_122_395lo.jpg


    Hisui from Madeth gray'll

    th_858295920_cos002_122_470lo.jpgth_858304279_cos010_122_31lo.jpg th_858305784_cos011_122_144lo.jpg th_858306852_cos012_122_58lo.jpg


    Toshiya from Dir en grey



    Rame from Vidoll
    th_858297525_cos004_122_113lo.jpg th_858299601_cos006_122_340lo.jpg th_858300676_cos007_122_6lo.jpg th_858301439_cos008_122_392lo.jpg th_858303790_cos009_122_251lo.jpg th_858307710_cos013_122_534lo.jpg th_858308852_cos014_122_70lo.jpg

  15. This info has been posted here like a month ago in CELL's individual thread but since it's been confirmed on AXs website now I thought I should promote it once more.




    Does anybody from MH go?

    As a European CELL fan I'm a bit jelly, but I hope that this will be a great experience for the band and of course the american fans who can go.

    Because it might make them tour overseas more often in the future!

  16. Wenn du Restaurant-Tipps für Wien brauchst einfach melden :)


    Also 1-2 Lokale wo ich immer mit meinen Gästen aus Japan hingehe kann ich dir sicher nennen (auch wenn ich selbst kein Wiener bin)…


    Das ist wird mit sicherheit noch ein Weilchen dauern, aber danke für das Angebot. :D



    Das infame Wort "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" wurde aus dem Landesrecht verbannt.




    ;O; Dabei hätte das doch aus linguistischer Sicht einen Denkmalschutz verdient.

  17. Somehow lots of people here mention bands who did go downhill a lot, but more like after years of being innovative.
    I think that is a different kind of thing (and seriously something that happens to MOST bands because they just run out of ideas), I thought the topic was bands who did not fullfill the high hopes people had for them when they first came out, or am I wrong?


    Well in that case I have to agree with everybody who mentioned bfn. Especially what yuugi said, even to the point that it ruins a part of vidoll for me. Rame is actually an amazing composer and it's just a shame.

    Also Diaura. I really liked valluna and was excited for keis and youkas next project but in about 38242 songs they made so far there is only like 2 or 3 that aren't boring.

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