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Posts posted by hyura

  1. While I don't believe they put that much time into these videos, they do make me cringe.  :(


    Especially those videos made to promote a tour (usually overseas) where the band tries to act 'cute', 'shy' and 'funny' as if their target audience consists of merely 12 year old giggling girls. MUCC, exist†trace, D, Versailles and many more bands have all done this. After watching these videos I feel violated.


    Well maybe you're right and it doesn't take long to make them.

    But many bands make lots of stuff like that. (paid service to mail with your favorite bandman, selling worn shirts and personal belongings on lives, special running around town campaigns, different bonus videos for every version of your single for every cdshop etcetc) and this adds up. And you have to plan it, too.

    Some of that stuff is cool and all and I totally don't mind a funny special once in a while, but only if the real music vs showing off your kawaii ratio is balanced.

    And I think I know what you mean with "violated." XD Especially after reading a serious interview about the bands music, then seeing a message for overseas fans.

  2. Too many things come to mind...


    -labels/bands putting lots of time into the production of personal message videos in santa costumes instead of visiting a recording studio. Then wondering why they only have face-fans.


    -old indies who somehow thought it would be a great idea to never actually release the live-footage they were constantly filming but instead put some recorded track over it and crop it to 2 minutes.


    -people listening to the angsty suicide/rape/drugs/failing at life songs of visual kei bands, then assuming those artists must be totally emotionally stable and professional. Then wonder/ get angry when somebody does something stupid.


    -western fans totally ignoring the japanese fanbase or making really weird generalizations about it and acting like vk was actually for them. Like.. a band tours all year and works very hard to promote themselves and everybody complaining why "they didn't do shit for a year".


    -kiyoharu doing *the tongue* every 20 seconds.



  3. The first lineup of Panic Channel.

    When they started out somehow lots of people in the local fandom here went crazy about how kewt they were and it was so annoying that I never gave them a real chance until years later after accidently seeing them live (with their last lineup) and finding out about how great they actually were.

    I was ashamed of myself.

  4. @Peace Heavy: Well that's what they said, but I just doubt it. I also doubt it was because of Masatos health (he wasn't taking the band serious anyway and they could have done everything with their support who is actually better.) I mean. When they decided to release that album it was to be a La'Mule reunion. Then it changed to a NightingeilxLa'Mule band, then it changed to CELL. It was just all a bit complicated and Masatos problem came handy... that's what I think.

    But that doesn't mean they won't release an album sometime. :D They will for sure, but with different songs.



    Setlist for the chi to houtai oneman on April 13th


    01 Curse/La'Mule
    02 溺れた奇形(oboreta kikei)/La'Mule
    03 情景ノ都(joukei no miyako)/La'Mule
    04 life.life.life/La'Mule
    05 Plant/La'Mule
    06 吊り下げの恋(tsurisage no koi)/NightingeiL
    07 inspire/La'Mule
    08 爛(ran)/La'Mule
    09 Vo. solo
    10 一日の孤独 百年の孤独(ichinichi no kodoku hyakunen no kodoku)/La'Mule
    11 月ト影(tsuki to kage)/La'Mule
    12 結び目(musubime)/La'Mule
    13 Sterilization/La'Mule
    14 Lepra/La'Mule
    15 ウサギの罪(usagi no tsumi)/La'Mule
    16 12秒間(12byoukan)/NightingeiL
    17 cry in past/La'Mule
    18 壇場の棘(danjou no toge)/CELL
    19 ナイフ(knife)/La'Mule


    Seems more like a La'Mule last live memorial. And 壇場の棘 is so out of place.

    I'll just go cry in a corner. They should make THIS a dvd.

  5. Any news on the album they postponed?


    I think they didn't postpone but cancel it and released 背徳と決断の意思 instead. And I agree with Danao, there wouldn't have been that many more songs anyway. Might have included the 3 unreleased songs they play live (手首, born again, angel dive) plus a La'Mule cover or something.


    Anyway, what do they mean by "Limited" ?  Live Limited or Limited number of copies ? that will change everything


    They are not very specific here. Kon wrote "The amount is limited, so please get one before they're out of stock." but then again they state it's presale for BOTH dvds. So there should be an official release for this one as well.

  6. At their upcoming 血と包帯(chi to houtai) oneman at 4/13 CELL will prerelease two new items.


    -DVD single containing the PV for "危険な私(kiken na watashi)", 1500yen -official release will be in may.


    -LIVE DVD "最後、潰した言葉(saigo, tsubushita kotoba)" containing footage (uncut, including MC etc) from their tour final on 12/12/07, 5000yen. Their is no official release date for this yet, but it will be limited.

  7. Ich glaube wär ich östereicher würd ichs auch nicht anders machen. >D

    Was salzige Speisen angeht bin ich zwar noch nicht so bewandert, aber kürzlich bin ich auf einen östereischen konditor aufmerksam gemacht worden und leider jedes mal tausend tode gestorben wenn ich etwasvon dort gegessen habe. Viel zu gut.


    Überhaupt hält sich die Völlerei hier nur deswegen in grenzen weil mein Lebensgefährte  jeden Tag (gesund) kocht und daher ziemlich wenig Fastfood auf den Tisch kommt.

  8. I just carefully answered your posts and then accidently closed the tab. D :


    However, it made me super happy to read I'm not the only one here that still misses them!


    And yeah, their compositions rule (so
    do their lyrics, or those which translation I have read). Dark,
    aggressive, hypnotic sounds that combine the power of hardrock, punk and


    I too find Chizome no Higeki awesome. But I also
    like to listen to Missantroop, Hakuchuumu no sangeki, 「Zwei」(...long
    title), Akuratsu naru [rei] ni sosogu, Rasen yuugi and Gekiyaku.
    their softer songs I love kuuchuutoshi ~in the zalemu~ and Entith de
    Marge, I'd even prefer them over Lucifer, which I think is wonderfully
    composed but overrated in my opinion. But basically all of their songs
    are awesome :)

    We seem to have a similar taste, because whenever I read your posts I want to agree. XD

    Madeth gray'll are a *great lyrics*-band for me as well. Hisui manages to make them much more intense and ~real~ than many other grotesque bands of that time. It seems that horrible things happened in his life, so it might not be a beautiful reason, but it fits their music incredibly well.

    The lyrics for lucifer are really, really beautiful.

    It's just that madeth gray'll are hard to translate and there are lots of translations around that don't really hit the point. (I still think that the people who made those do an amazing job. It's easy to pick on mistakes afterwards, but I'm not any better.)


    Madeth though is fantastically awesome, would love to see
    Yuina and Hisui back. Honestly they don't even have to be in a band, if
    they just hung out in the background composing songs for newbie bands
    that would be enough to make me happy.


    That would be the greatest thing in the world. They were perfect together and what they did seperately just doesn't nearly reach the level of Madeth gray'll in my opinion.

    I was super sad when the *Madeth gray'll won't reunite... EVER* statement was posted some time ago.

    Especially because it seems that nobody from the scene had any kind of contact to Hisui since 2004 and nobody knows what happened to him.

  9. Yeah. I have been looking for audio of their live performances of early LUNA SEA material, which I know exists but hard to find. :P


    Anyway, I think my favorite song of theirs is Chizome no kigeki. Fuckin' awesome.


    About Madeth (and Hisuis other projects, eg Jelly Berry) it's generally kind of irritating that there seem to be soooo many unofficial recordings around that never actually surface.


    I love Chizome no kigeki! 8D Yukinas compositions generally rock.

    But my favorite is rasen yuugi.

  10. I like how across their 2 albums and 2 best albums literally no songs overlap...


    this. I think the weird tracklist might be because they wanted to include stuff that isn't already on their first best.

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