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Posts posted by hyura

  1. Look, I love Hisui a lot, but he's out of tune 95% of the time. The other 5% he's doing his outburst of emotion thing. For a while that really bothered me, but now I can really appreciate the charm in being...of key? Without Madeth, I really wouldn't like kote-kei at all.


    This is so true!

    I had a similar experience. When I first heard Hisui sing it felt totally off and weird but it didn't take very long and he became one of my favorite vocalists. I also started liking other bands with 'bad' vocals afterwards, but none fascinated me as much.

    I think that his charme isn't just that he sings off key (about 80% of visual vocalists can't sing anyway.) it's more that he's always shaking somewhere around the correct one. Also: when he sings low it sounds forced and when he sings high it sounds forced as well.

    He might just have the perfect troubled voice for singing out of tune.



    I love that they were huge LUNA SEA fans, that's about it.


    Nah, kidding. One of the best Matina bands for sure!


    XD It was the 90s and everybody was in a 黒夢 or Luna Sea copyband!

    But yes, I think I know what you mean.

  2. I just think they deserve their own thread.

    First because their music is amazing, second because I can't think of any other minor band that is more glorified and copied even AFTER their disbandment. (I mean there is a whole genre that pretty much consists of trying to be them.)


    How do they do it?


    Let's talk about Madeth gray'll!

  3. Thanks to whoever moved my post!

    I got confused with all the new グリーヴァ-releases and didn't notice it belonged here. orz


    btw the tracklist for the full course version is as follows:







    so it's pretty much the sing-along-version of the regular.



    Where is this news coming from ?


    They gave out flyers on the Cell vs Grieva shuusai on 3/3!

  4. グリーヴァ announced a special "full course" box set.


    the box includes


    -CD (including one new track plus 4 karaoke-versions)

    -DVD (including material from their 惨劇ノ闇 show at Meguro Rock May Kan)




    -special sticker

    -ticket for their Shinjuku RUIDO K4 oneman live "賞味期限前ニオ召シ上ガリクダサイマセ。 at 2013/07/24




    release date 2013/06/26

    limited 444

  5. I did not yet listen to it for a second time to properly review every song, but 鬼ト影 already impressed me a lot. When the third song started and sounded so much like ゆらめき I had to grab my copy of gauze to look at both booklets while listening.

    This album isn't just a tribute to 'old' dir en grey and visual kei of their era, it is a tribute to gauze. Down to the tracklist.

    sometimes very obvious with 'stolen' passages (like ゆらめき/true grief, Cage/.蜥  Mask/夕刻絶交~, ZAN/刑法第39), sometimes through references in the lyrics and the general atmosphere of the song. (悲しみ~ doesn't really sound like akuro no oka... but it does.)

    I really liked 中絶 as a reference to Mazohyst of Decadence, because it manages to tell the same story and leave the same feeling while sounding completely different.


    However, the band somehow managed to fill the Gauze-song themes with fragments from other dir en grey songs (eg. アイドル様へ  sounds like FILTH but still has the 'rape' atmosphere and story of 蜜と唾), fragments from other kotekote era songs and also some elements of 'modern' visual kei and merge all of it to a creepy and fun album that can actually live up to grievas concept of bringing back the good ol' days.


    I think taking the pattern of gauze was a brilliant Idea to do that, because all awesome cliches are included- the rape song, the self-harm-song, the lunatic song, the abortion-song, the deceased lover-song... and one can actually hear the passion the bandmembers have for that era and that they put a lot of effort into capturing the essence without making it boring, dead and unoriginal.

    The vocalist also has the perfect voice, somewhere between tragic and off key, with great screaming and the right amount of crazy.

    So I have very high expectations for their next release.

  6. Iek...ich hätte gerne NUR das MARRY+AN+BLOOD Autogram*seufz*

    Kann ich vlt. 'nen Bild von der Soleil Box und den Inhalten haben???...vlt. kaufe ich sie ja doch...*grübel*

    D: Das wird schwer. Dann müsste ich es nämlich ausschneiden und würde La'Mule auf der Rückseite verstümmeln.

    Aber hier sind die Fotos! <3

    Entschuldige die Qualität.

    http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/112 ... 250317.jpg

    http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/112 ... 250339.jpg

    http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/112 ... 250364.jpg

  7. Hello! : D

    I have 2 very rare oldschool-releases for sale:


    This is a complete bootleg of their last performance (18 tracks, 106 minutes), it was available only at their revival-gig this spring and was limited to 50 copies. Super rare!

    Perfect condition, only played once.

    Asking 45€

    Soleil Treasure Box Set

    Featuring La'Mule, S, Vasalla, birushana, Veill, MARRY+AN+BLOOD, pyuera, DoLLs eyE, ALPHA and Lubis Cadir.

    Beautiful collectors box containing omnibus CD, omnibus VHS, flyer, large vinyl-bag, phone strap, stickers and autographs of all particapating artists. With serial number.

    The set originally included a photobook and tradingcards, but they were already missing when I bought it. This is why I'm selling it much cheaper than the usual price.

    Packaging is in normal used condition, contents in perfect condition.

    Asking 25€

    Shipping inside germany is free, for any other destination: just ask! : 3

    Ps: I can include a lossless rip of the soleil-vhs if you need it! : D

  8. Great! Where do you live?

    Unfortunately I don't have any of those magazines; mine are mainly SHOXX, ARENA 37C, Vicious, and

    ultra veat. I don't think there's much Matina-related stuff in them. :(

    No Problem, thanks anyway! : 3

    I'm in Germany.

    So, are you still interested in the geno VHS? :) Shipping to Germany would be $11, so the total would be $61. Would that be acceptable?

    Sounds good to me! : D

  9. btw they have played "ウサギの罪(usagi no tsumi)" and some unreleased songs like "もう1人の僕(mou hitori no boku)" at that one-man live

    Thank you for the info!

    You don't happen to have the complete setlist, do you?

    By the way: ウサギの罪 is not an unreleased song at all!

    It's originally from a 96 or 97 La'Mule demo and they also rerecorded and rereleased it a couple times.

  10. This band must be so awesome life..

    Pretty sure they are very intense.

    Kon appearently also does some eccentric solo performance at each live. Last month he cut himself and made people in the audience collapse. :/

    And this time he ate a bunch of pills... so according to title he'll jump from somewhere high next month.

  11. CELL oneman Setlist on 2012.07.13 (首吊り眼前):


    1. Sterilization (La'Mule)

    2. Inspire (La'Mule)

    3. 吊り下げの恋 (NightingeiL)

    4. EVENT (NightingeiL)

    5. Angel Dive (CELL)

    6. ナイフ (La'Mule)

    7. どうせ終わる世界ならあなたがいい (CELL)

    8. Prism (La'Mule)

    9. 12秒間 (NightingeiL)

    10. Life. Life. Life (La'Mule)

    11. 〇〇な私 (CELL)

    En 1

    1. Rhythm Session

    2. Eccentric Marxist (La'Mule)

    3. Cry in past (La'Mule)

    En 2

    1. 蝋の翼 (CELL)

    I really want the setlist for their august oneman!

  12. I couldn't agree more with iknas statement!

    You pretty much perfectly sum up my thoughts on that topic.

    But this might be the core:

    Modern Visual kei has adopted a lot of the former "scene" and some things didn't really change, but VK has entirely bacome a part of japanese culture and society- there is nothing aggressive, questionable or extreme about it. It's just another fashion and music trend which adapts to current trends and therefore will survive- but it has no meaning or statement.

    In old times most visual kei bands were started because the members were fans themselves. The shock-effect and freedom those bands radiated when exposed to mainstream attention (like on tv) must have been extremely inspiring for many "regular" guys back then.

    They wanted to become famous that way and inspire other "regular" poeple by being as "different" as possible themselves. This way it was very easy for the scene to stay alive and change in new interesting ways.

    But now Visual kei doesn't touch general society much anymore. It became a subculture in which always-the-same-bandmen are fighting for the attention of always-the-same-fans.

    And because the bandmen were never inspired by another band which made them want to express something inside of them (more by this small group of fans and the money they might have) their music often lacks sincerity.

    Instead of trying to get new fans from outside by being aggressive and different they simply try to get as much from the fans they allready have by being exactly what the majority of those fans wants them to be. Also instead of the fans inventing furi for their favorite songs it's more the band writing music which fits the most popular furi.

    And because the bands do this their music gets more and more similar while the standarts for looks are rising higher and higher.

    Today even the most minor bands who didn't yet play oneman-shows for some reason need tailored costumes, professionally filmed pvs, hair and make up artists, magazine features, designer clothing and accessory for offstage-time, a crew of photoshop experts and custom instruments to be taken seriously while in 2000 these were things only major artists like Dir en grey and a few very popular indies bands like Dué le quartz and La'Mule could afford.

    Actually bands today can't afford it either without spending a ridicilous amount of time and energy on pressing money out of their 20 fans with the help of 2943 type releases, instore and photo event campaigns, selling their worn clothes, filming special messages in santa-clothing and selling their bodies to fans.

    It's only natural that the music suffers from this.

    It's also only natural that most bands lack edges now, if you try selling 2334 cds, 2392 livetickets, 93942 cheki and 2833 special bracelets to 40 fans instead of selling 1000 livetickets and 1000 cds to 1000 fans you just can't take the risk of losing a single fan by trying something new.

    Back in the 90s every second band looked horrible, sounded horrible and had no fans but nobody lost anything from that and in exchange certain bands were really, really innovative.

    Now we have tons of bands that look okay, sound okay but somehow can't inspire anybody.

    Of course I'm a fan of older bands and not so much of the newer ones, but even if I really, really liked the more colourful and electronic stuff I'd still say that certain dynamics are dangerous for the scene and while I don't want to says that it will actually "die" as in disappear any time soon.

    It's more that it already killed itself some time ago and now got less interesting since it became a zombie.

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