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Posts posted by hyura

  1. Ich kann auch um mein Leben nicht kochen. D:

    Allerdings kocht mein Freund jeden Tag für mich und so bin ich auch glücklicherweise nicht in Zugzwang.

    Backen geht da schon etwas besser, wobei ich in erster linie spaß am dekorieren von Süßem habe, als an der Zubereitung an sich.


    ,o, Ich hoffe, dass ich mal Geld habe nach Wien zu fahren und dort ganz viel zu essen. Ich finde östereichisches Essen nämlich wie gesagt großartig. XD;

    Und: wie Leute hier einfach nach Berlin kommen ohne mal Bescheid zu sagen.

  2. Ahaha sorry. XD

    I just noticed how arrogant I sounded. I didn't mean I'll have eyecancer from neo visual kei pictures.

    More that fans of the members ex bands will get eyecancer when they see the picture PHMK2 posted because they propably expected neo visual kei.


  3. I agree with miyuu!

    Of course I don't care about every little thing every member of a band I listen to does. If it's not one of my absolute favorites I won't know anyway because I just buy the cd, listen to the songs and maybe look for some info that I want about a certain song or something.

    As for my favorite bands I really like to read interviews and  blogs, write fanmail and also meet the bands at events. (I don't try to get in touch with bandmen outside of music though, I don't see a point in that.)

    But I care for the overall personality and image a band shows in their music and their performance. Of course that doesn't mean I get angry when I hear bad rumors about somebody private live, but if for example the message in the lyrics is stupid (or inexistent) or the bandmembers are rude at lives that will change how I perceive their music!

    There is a high percentage of assholes in the overall human population and of course their are assholes in japanese music, too. It sometimes even seems as if VK especially was full of indecent people. But the core is whether they carry this into their stage persona or just leave it at home.


    Well and of course I don't wish pain to anybody, one really shouldn't say this.

    But, for example:


    In the darker genre of visual kei violence against fans is a thing. There are quite a few bandmen who (at lives) insult people, pull their hair and even kick or punch them in the face.

    And that's not okay. I mean some fans might enjoy it, some might endure it, but the others only have the option to not go or stay in the back. This made me like bands and bandmembers a huge lot less.


    Another problem is constant whining and begging for expensive gifts on blogs. It makes the whole band look like a way to find girls who are willing to pay your poor ass.


    An example from the major world is dir en grey. I love dir en grey and they are great musicians and I often read interviews with them to know more about their compositions etc.

    However, pretty much since they expanded to overseas they tend to say extremely self-absorbed things and it annoys me. While I still like the music I don't like reading newer interviews which makes me know less about the newer songs, which makes my connection to the band how it currently is fade.



     I am told the guys from CELL (particularly Nao) are all jerks and pretty shitty to fans. Yet it doesn't really phase me since all I care about is if he's gonna write good music in CELL and do what he does that makes me interested in the band. I also don't try to talk and interact with him or any band men, so I won't have to experience Nao or anyone's douchey personality.


    Somehow it surprises me to see CELL as an example for an asshole band. I know that NAO is (and always has been) a weirdo and that MASATO was a huge jerk to the other members before he left, but so far I never heard that any CELL member was an ass to fans, at least not in a band-related context.

    So far whenever I had contact with them (or ex La'Mule) they were really friendly and the atmosphere when they are on stage is lots of fun and warm towards the fans. There is some bitching about what they (well actually just the guitarists) do in their private, but nobody forces you to date them or anything.

  4. It's interesting to vote between them because to me those two are the most disappointing bands currently on the scene.

    They both have such an interesting image and concept but both make such boring and repetitive music.

    I voted for Diaura, though because I really enjoyed their first mini Dictator.

    (even though I was even more disappointed with them because I loved Valluna and actually had some hope.)

  5. Actually, it's pretty big as shown by how I pretty much inhale 6 inch subway sandwiches (#thingsToNotSayOnAFirstDate) .


    : D

    I imagine that to be really romantic for a first date.

    Other couples slurp spaghetti and meet in the middle, but we could slurp sandwiches.

  6. Ich hatte zu lj Zeiten auch schon ganz grässliche Hisui grinse-avas, aber das muss jemand anderes gewesen sein. XDD


    Um mal nicht völlig das Thema zu wechseln, aber den armen entgleisten Faden wieder etwas auf Spur zu bringen:

    Ein paar hundert Meter von dem Haus wo ich wohne gibt es eine superbeliebte Currywurstbude. Heißt 'Curry 36'. Die Schlange vor Curry 36 blockiert den gesamten Gehweg! (und es ist ein breiter Gehweg) und das auch zu Unzeiten. Scheint Pflicht für Touristen zu sein.

    Hat eure Stadt auch irgendeine Spezialität und viel wichtiger: reißen die Touris euch das Zeug auch so aus den Händen?

  7. I read the original interview in japanese some weeks ago (it was linked on their blog I think) and it was pretty long, this is only the first few questions. But while I don't remember details anymore the translation seems legit.

    They did lie about how they got together in the original one, too and also in another one I read. Maybe they think it helps with their image if people think they never participated in the 'new shit'? But weird, because everybody knows.


    I actually think it's okay that grieva copies the 90s. There was no real base of 'old style' bands when they formed and their mission clearly was to draw attention to that style and make it popular again. And it might even work a bit, because for some reason minor bands often look kotekote lately.

    The genre is already clearly defined by what bands like dir en grey and madeth gray'll did and if current kotekote bands didn't copy them one wouldn't recognize them as such. However. Once there is an established group of bands doing that style I'm sure some will start experimenting with what's there and do something new and original.

  8. It would be awesome if there would be any translations for their lyrics.


    Are you still interested? If so, in which songs?

    Because I feel like translating some grieva right now~ 8D

  9. Aww, I want them to be good. ;o;

    It's nice to see this type of band more often lately. I wonder whether it's due to grievas and cells success or more because of the general 90s trend in fashion and music at the moment.

  10. Ahhhhhhh~(≧∇≦)/

    Ab jetzt entsteht hier Kultur. Deutsch ist eben doch die sprache der dichter, denker und paint-user. D :

    Ich will ein glitzernd freigestelltes bild von hisui (madeth hisui *o*) mit herzchen.

    Nein warte.

    Ein glitzernd freigestelltes bild von hisui mit herzchen UND EINER CURRYWURST.

  11. Actually lyrics are very important to me.

    This might even be the reason why I prefer to listen to music in languages like english and japanese that I do understand partly when just listening and better when reading but not nearly with as much sensitivity for word usage and balance as I have in my native language.

    I don't listen and never listened to a lot of german artists because I just can't ignore the words if I don't like them. I can, however, do that in other languages and fully enjoy the songs.

    As for japanese bands I buy original releases mostly for the booklets and beside just reading and looking up stuff I don't know I also translate songs when I have time.

    Of course the importance of the lyrics is different in each artist and each track but I really really like bands like Madeth Gray'll who create a whole universe by making songs and releases connected to each other, put riddles and hidden meaning into everything. I also like the 'excerpts' from imaginary short stories, poems and novels that hisui wrote to accompany and explain lots of their songs. I liked this band before I understood even one word so it's not the most important thing in the world, but it put listening to their music on a whole new level for me.

  12. I agree with what lots of other people already said: there is no real 'good' or 'bad' there. Very talented and totally hopeless musicians (and of course everything in between) have been around in any era of visual kei, but because the style changed a lot different people prefer different times.

    visual kei that feels 'old' to me is anything until 1997 when most bands still had very notable similarities to western hardrock, postpunk and goth rock artists. Major Bands were extreme and Indie bands tried to look and sound just like them for the most part

    Then from 1997 to 2005 while many major bands became somewhat toned down or mainstream rock the indies scene suddenly (while still taking lots and lots of influence from the original era) started changing rapidly in all kinds of directions and trends. The Matina Style BDSM goths. The yankees. The nagoya goths. The oshare kei bands. The aristocrats. the pseudo rappers. The angura people. The cosplay bands. The 'grown up' ex visual kei band. The dadaists. The soft visual kei boybands. The lunatics. the koteosa bands with weird hairstyles. The happy pop-punks. .. Many of those styles started earlier but most people will agree that those years were very experimental. Visual kei mutated by copying itself.

    Then, somewhere around 2005-2007 until now what I feel is 'new' visual kei appeared. It might be because becoming major became a possibility again but somehow everything started to get more homogenous and less extreme, full Albums and proper songstructure took over. the scene once again started to take influence from western bands, namely different metal genres and mainstream pop.


    I started liking visual kei in the 'gap' era between new and old and while I am a big fan of the legendary bands from the old days most of my favorites come from those years and it's what I associate 'visual kei' most with.

    In comparison there is only a handful of bands from more recent years that I like.

    Pop and Metal are not really my genre and on top of that I feel that the current artists put their emphasis too much on things unrelated to music.

    Looks where very important for bands from the 90s as well, but not more important than for western punks and goths. There were special events/campaigns and photos and merchandise before 2005 but not nearly as much as now and also mostly for major and bigger indies bands. I know that indies need to make money with these things, but I think that their perfect looks cost more than they earn them.

  13. Really odd question, but what ever:

    Anyone have any recommendations for a cheap facial wipe or something of the sort? At work, for whatever reason, my face tends to get oily/greasy about half way through the day. My guess is that I am just subconsciously touching my face and stuff while working in photoshop and the like. I usually end up going to the bathroom and washing my face off in the sink, which is kind of weird. I would like to get like a container of facial wipes or something that I could just keep in a drawer at my cube or something. Any suggestions?


    If you just want to stop the shine you can either get those small blotting papers or simply take a papertowel and gently press it against your face for a few seconds.

    But if you really want something to clean your face with I'd recommend a cleanser called '9 to 5' by Lush. (it's more like a facemilk. and it's also organic) I just put a small amount on a cotton pad and wipe my face with that. After that my skin is super clear and hydrated at the same time. Most 'wipes' I know really dry out the skin which will only cause it to produce even more oil.

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