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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on

  2. The vocalist from Tokami makes me dizzy! His vibrato is hilarious!
    Hearing him though, he does have a certain "so-bad-it's-good" charm.
    I admit it, I think it's fun : P



    Here's my contribution:

    Her name's ESIE and her music style is dark wave/electro.

    Most of her vocals are like in this video, but when she sings 'normally' (whatever that means hah) she sounds really nice.


    It's hard to describe her vocals but if I had to describe it simply, I'd say it's like if the last scene in movie The Room (It gets good at :50) became her vocals.


    The vocals are overly done in the most underwhelming way.

    Hooray for corny slow motion and hope she doesn't wreck her voice at 3:37~.





    BTW, if anyone has anymore music by her I'd love to know!

  3. Re-mixed probably (hopefully) means re-mastered and re-recorded will most likely be like "Dazzle" on Judgement or "I'm sick, b'cuz luv you" on Anathema (Probably).

    They like to keep their bonus tracks and live limited songs so exclusive! Live version tsk tsk.

    Color me in excited!
    Although a slightly different tracklist with songs like "Frozen" and "Roaring in the dark" would make it better imo.

    I know they like their "A Gleam in Eye" single, but it has it's own single AND is on "I Believe in Me".

  4. Rebuilding my GazettE collection, building my lynch. collection yahh.


    lynch. - Shadows (First Press Limited Edition)

    lynch. - I Believe In Me (First Press Limited Edition)

    exist trace - Recreation eve

    the GazettE - Cockayne Soup (First Press Limited Edition)

    the GazettE - Akuyuukai (First Press Limited Edition)

    the GazettE - Sperm Margarita (First Press Limited Edition)

  5. Facebook and Flickr are my main soc. sites, mostly for posting photos (also, nearly everyone I know uses it).

    I don't like Instragram because I'm a photo snob and don't like square compositions and cheap filters (jk jk InSTaGrAMz is CoOLz. The filters are nice too : D)


    Twiiter I only use to share my art works and sometimes post funny things that happened to me.


    LinkedIn for jobs n stuff.


    And Livejournal I used to use alot to buy and sell CDS : P

  6. I Believe in Me is really growing on me.

    Gotta admit, I keep singing songs off it.

    It' so interesting to see certain albums on polar opposites of different people's lists.

    +1 Aoi Mochi amd Jigsaw9's Greedy dead souls comment. I personally think GDS is their most creative/experimental work. It featured a dark Nagoya-Kei sound yet had some lighter elements, and they experimented with different instruments (electronics/sampling, bells/dreambox).

    I also love how in many songs Hazuki does this thing where he yells/explodes into his singing parts. Kinda hard to explain.

    Speaking of which, I'm curious to find out what songs will be on the best album. I caved in and pre-ordered a copy.

  7. Yo MH peeps.

    I've been catching up on the lynch. train and I was wondering if people could tell me their opinions on "Inferiority Complex".

    I couldn't find a review thread for it. I've listened to a few times and I thought it was just okay.


    My order of favorite albums at this moment:

    1) Greedy dead souls

    2) The Avoided Sun

    3) Shadows

    4) I Believe in me

    5) Inferiority Complex

    6) Gallows


    (I sense this is not coincidence.)


    The last 3 albums sort of become a blur to me.

  8. Today I was like, "time to watch some Korra!" and then cried because I remembered it's over.

    Overall I really enjoyed the series.

    It expanded the avatar universe in ways I didn't think it would and, despite some difficult hurdles to get over from Nick, the creators did a good job of adapting the development of the show.

    The characters were interesting for the most part and the villains were all memorable (except unilock).

    The "Team Avatar" idea was touched on a bit but it didn't feel very strong. There wasn't that same bond like with the original ATLA team. Then all that weird crap with the love triangle.

    I think the series will feel different watching back to back so I'm gonna give it another watch in it's entirety.

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