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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Just got my Closet Child order and I'm veeeery happy.

    I ordered all digipack CDS and they're all in pretty good condition.  They did a great job of protecting them by wrapping the CDS in shrink wrap, bubble wrap, and then light and thin cardboard.




    Their prices are really good too.

    Only downside is that they only ship EMS so cheaper options aren't available. It took about a week for my order to arrive from Tokyo to Seattle.

    Hope this is helpful.

  2. I just finished watching V/H/S.


    I thought it was alright.

    For it's genre, I thought it was very well done. A lot of the shorts had good atmosphere and I liked the way all the videos were connected through one main story.

    I liked the variety of topics the different directors tackled and there were some pretty good effects.


    With that said though, the movie was pretty forgettable with no real scares and lacked an impact that shakes the heart.

    With most of the shorts, you knew how it was going to end and, as with other films of the shaky cam style, there's too much filler for my liking.

    For example, with Second Honeymoon, the only real tense or interesting parts constituted about like 5 minutes of the entire short (at least it only felt like 5).

    Some of the audio was difficult to hear and, as a result, I missed crucial parts of the stories (ex. The sick thing...Emily..)


    Probably isn't a complaint for most people, but there was way too much (senseless) nudity or sex related writing in the shorts for me. In Tuesday the 17th, the main girl's dialogue *before a certain event*, was really awkward and didn't add to the situation.

    I know guys like boobs, but almost every guy behind the camera focuses on cleavage or legs. Yes, I suppose it gives it more of a natural feel to the footage, but not every guy is a perverted sex fiend who'll do anything to get a quick peak at some boobehs.


    Now, I do give them credit for the final product considering they had a lot less time than a full length film to execute their ideas. That in itself is pretty impressive.

    But, I guess that's where some of my disappointment comes from; I'd like to see a lot of ideas fleshed out more and given the time they need to develop and build a solid story and atmosphere.


    Overall, it was entertaining and definitely didn't feel like a waste of time. It just didn't have that extra something to really make a lasting impression and become something historically great. This first entry, in what appears to be a trilogy so far, has definitely wetted my appetite and gets me curious enough to follow the series to experience more creepy shaky cam horrors.


    What would really make this authentic is viewing the movie on an actual VHS.



  3. True, there's a lot less of that.

    But, I guess since they have to build a new villain every season from the ground up, it's a bit difficult to keep the action parts of the show in continuous momentum.

    I've been enjoying the way they've been tackling political issues through the show though.

    One thing that I do wish they did more is talk about the old characters more. They're barely seen or mentioned. I know this is a new series, but with such a strong group of characters from the prior series, it feels wrong and unsatisfactory to dismiss them like that.

  4. 9goats black out - Lestat

    I feel like this is one of the best tracks 9goats ever put out.

    It features all the things that made them unique: great melodies, ambient outwordly atmosphere, edgy and "creepy" guitar playing, a touch of dementedness, and Ryo's various singing styles.

    It definitely makes me wish they were still around.

  5. *edited 2015.03.21


    1. Dir en Grey
    2. D'espairsRay
    3. 9goats black out
    4. Rentrer en Soi

    5. lynch.

    6. deadman

    7. gullet
    8. the GazettE
    9. Sadie (up till Gain)
    10. born (abnormal head machine era)

    I also like:
    -Mucc (mostly for Tsuzetsu and Zekuu)
    -girugamesh (up to Music)
    -12012 (hallelujah, and their recent stuff)
    -Screw (mostly before Xrays)

    -exist trace

  6. Shutters a good one!

    It was a little different than your typical white ghost with black long hair offing people flick.

    I thought the Conjuring was pretty good. It doesn't really do anything original but it does what other movies have done pretty well.

    I will admit, thinking back to it now I can't say it was really memorable. It doesn't try to grab you with shock factor or a gruesome scene but rather focuses more on its characters and story (which is appreciated in a genre where story and character development is rarely the main focus).

  7. Oh laawd no that's wayyy too much information to track down hah.

    Like Hiroki said, just stuff that follows along with the actual release.

    For something like first press posters I would probably just say something like "poster *design varies by store*"

    But this is way too much to handle so I think the question thread would be much more efficient.

    Btw, what's DS?

  8. Thinking about it again though it seems like too big a project.

    I mean, to follow all the bands, find all the info, etc. etc. etc.

    It's too much.


    I think it'd be better to just open a thread where people can ask questions regarding a certain release and if anyone knows they can answer. That way it won't be such a big thing and questions people actually want answered get answered.

    At least, that's the most efficient way I can think about going.


    Thanks Biopanda!


  9. As a collector of Jrock CDS, I like to know what I'm buying. I want to know the differences between first and second press, limited edition vs regular edition, digipack or jewel case, Euro release vs Japan release vs US release, etc. Sometimes it's easy to find this information and sometimes it's next near to impossible (especially for earlier releases).


    I feel like this would be a difficult idea to implement (and I'm not even sure how many people are even interested in this kind of information) but what do people think about creating some kind of list that has all the release differences for a bands discography?

    I'm not sure how feasible this is considering there are so many bands and we may not even be able to find all this information.

    It sounds like a good idea when I think about it but I feel like once it gets started it's going to be a lot more complicated than planned.



    Still, on the chance people are on board I had a couple ideas to start.


    -List information such as (title, release date, catalog number, pressing, edition, bonuses (i.e. extra tracks, special booklet, slipcase, etc))

    -Link to a photo(s) if possible (Most likely from personal collection)

    -Have the thread (or whatever it will be) accessible to all members for edits to add more bands, releases and info.


    Heck, maybe we can just create an individual thread per band under the artists section or something. 

    Like I said, this seems like too much information to handle and/or more work than it's worth, but I thought I'd see what people thought of the idea.


  10. GazettE - Hyena Limited Edition.

    Both tracks on the single are on their Stacked Rubbish album and the PV on the DVD is included in their film bug 2 release. It's an obsolete release and worth a lot less than what people are selling it for. It's only value lies in the artwork and that alone is definitely not worth the money.

    Dir en Grey - Agitated Screams of Maggots

    Their live tracks are usually boring and the A-side mixing on the single is the same as on the Marrow of a Bone album. If you like the live tracks this could be worth the investment. Otherwise, it's pretty obsolete.

  11. Ooo good topic.

    Dir en Grey - ain't afraid to die

    The song and PV are beautiful and compliment each other perfectly.

    Also, the location for the PV reminds of places in my dreams I would have as a child. This sounds weird, but I can just smell the basement in the PV and it reminds me of how my pre-school smelled: Old, dusty, kinda moldy.

    Besides my weird quirks with the song, the theme deals with something we all must go through and makes me think about how to live so I won't be afraid to face death when my time comes.

  12. Remembering songs comes very easy for me. I can usually listen to an album once and remember most of the titles. Japanese titles I'm not so good with.

    If I get into a band I can easily remember the names of all their releases, track lists on releases, different editions and differences between editions, regional releases and differences, catalog number.......I swear I have a life.

  13. CDS are my format of choice. My reasons are coming from more of a collectors perspective though.

    -You can play them on anything that has a disc drive. So basically everything (lol)

    -You can rip the music off the disc and transfer it to a digital music player or create additional copies for more rugged use. (I'm pretty sure you can do this with the other 2 formats but I don't know how complicated the process is.)

    -For special editions, the CD format is a nice size to create something more luxurious but not over-sized. (Except Dir en Grey and GazettE Ihetyou).

    -I feel like it's the most durable out of the 3 formats.

    -I like seeing designs right on the top of the disc

    -CD is a common word used by many languages so yay for no translations (LP too?)

    -You can use the C in CD to make a "C:" face, and the D to make a ":D" face

    -Have you ever microwaved a CD?

    -You can easily replace cases as needed. Sadly, not possible with vinyl.

  14. Rentrer en Soi's Last Word PV.

    Love the song, but the video is so literally done. That and the cheesy filters overload the feels.


    Moments of maximum cheese

    -0:30 - Satsuki looking directly at the camera and wording his vocal part. (All the other dubs are really badly done too)

    -1:12 - "Kokora ga itai/My heart hurts" ~~ grabs chest

    -2:03 - "FEEL MY FEELS"

    -2:18 - Gypsy Takumi

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