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Posts posted by ghost

  1. That explains everything thanks.

    It really sucks though that the only thing bringing the series down is Nick.

    Legend of Korra has been great, but, because of having to hurdle over different obstacles, I feel like the series had to make a lot of compromises. 

    No doubt that Mike and Bryan can make an amazing show, but that Nick. Dang.

  2. giphy.gif
    with the new episode.

    After all the action in the previous episode, I wanted to see what happens next!

    Why do we need an entire episode recapping the events of all 4 seasons???

    I especially don't care about Mako's relationship problems.


    I get that this was sort of supposed to be the "Ember Island Players" of Korra, but, unlike said episode, all they did was take past clips and put them together (for the most part).

    I'd be more okay with the idea if the season was longer, but with only 13 episodes it feels like a wasted episode.

    Varrick/Bolin's part was great though. If they had done something like that for everyone, this would have been a lot more forgivable.


    Now we gotta wait another whole week to watch the story progress! Why you gotta DO THAT!?


  3. As much as Zhu Li and Varrick were a good....team, Bolin and Varrick work together so well! 

    It's fun to see them interact with each other.


    I won't spoil anything, but what the heck with that ending!

    Like I've never seen that before........

    I mean it makes sense but.......you know....

  4. I usually just stick to albums.

    Singles I might buy if there's an exclusive bonus like a DVD or a song I want (which is usually never).

    *I always have to get first press/limited edition too. (I'm materialistic : O)

    Posters I never keep/buy and end up just selling them.

    There's been a few shirts I bought to show off that I'm a fan : D 

    I also love buying things like pens and stationary if they have.

    DVDs are great but can be reaally expensive, so I usually buy them used.

    I never understood checkis...

    Towels I would buy but would be too afraid to use it and, thus, probably sell them.


    *Ooo, I might buy pick sets if they look cool enough. So I can play guitar just like [insert band here]! [insert nerdy smile].

  5. "Ahr you ready mazza fakkaaaa!...." - Ryouga died or something.


    ^@Elamus. Agreed! This track is sounding so much more polished than anything off the Stalin mini. But it lacks a good chorus and breakdown and overall is sounding like it's too mild. They're back to a dance style from Blasted Animals but this time around I think it's executed much better. 


    Has anyone listened to the B-side previews on their OHP yet?

    嘔吐 is pretty cool actually. I'm actually looking forward to hearing it full.

    壊死 sounds like a heavy Screw song!

  6. I haven't seen that show but comparing the 2 gifs they do have a lot of similarities. Like those angry eyes!
    That'd be interesting but yeah I have a feeling like it'll pan out differently. I feel like fans might throw a fit if they see the exact same conclusion from ATLA.
    I hope they don't have her recovering till the last episode. She never stops recovering.

    -Season 1 she gets attacked by Tarlock and must recover/gets her bending taken away and must get it back.
    -Season 2 a spirit monster eats her and she loses her memories and must gain them back.
    -Season 3/4 she's poisoned and must heal from her wounds.

    On a side note, I want to see general Iroh come back! That Basco voice!
    And Su Yin is so cool! Kicks butt, can dance, and stays in fashion all the while.

  7. Totally with Zeus, give it a try!


    totally agree. Since the beginning she always had to be saved. And it's not always because she's in a perilous situation but rather because she's incapable.

    I feel like the story could have been really strong if the avatar team knew they were writing 4 seasons from the get go. I hate that Nick was all "make 1 season, then we"ll see if we want more" so that they had to plan for a safe ending.

    It feels like seasons 3 & 4 are a rehash of that same situation of losing your powers and getting them back, but actually struggling to get them back. As a result, it does bring the pace of the series down and it feels like we've seen this before.

    I'm just happy another avatar series exists though. If the creators decide to make another series in the future, I really hope they can find a company that will treat the series with the care it deserves.

    Verrick (spelling???) is one of my favorite characters.

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