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Posts posted by ghost

  1. @Linh-san: Haha true. But then that could be kind of weird because



    ; )


    @paradoxal: Well, it's not that I really want to be friends per say, but thinking about it I'm curious to know if there's something I need to change or be aware about. Not just because of these girls, but for future interactions with people as well. There's a good chance I'll meet more people like this and it'd be nice to be prepared so I'll know how to approach them IF I ever need to. Yeah, I've got plenty of friends and won't lose any sleep over them ; )



    Perhaps they feel kind of ~embarrassed~ to talk with you in front of a group and in public, since you aren't one of the "cool guys". :D They might really enjoy your company when you two are alone, but they don't want to be friends with you in public.



    Nahhh I'm too cool for school   8).


    But for reals, yeah it could be culture. Or maybe just that I have some pretty strange "friends". This one friend of mine would never greet me back when we saw each other. She would just look at me exhausted with no reaction and say that she's tired. Or schedule something with me and then say she has to cancel because she's meeting someone else. I got so mad I called her out on it and I'm pretty sure she was mad at me for a while. But then we talked and she said I was right and she's trying to grow in those areas. It's been 2 years since then and yeah, she has grown. 


    @Rocketeer: Yeah, I do notice that a lot more. Just last week I met a random man on the bus and he struck up a conversation with me. We were just talking about where we're going, what we do, etc. It was great.



    Actually, thinking about it now,  in college I usually ended up making friends with girls from class, most times older. I can literally count all the girl friends I made, but can barely recall any guy friends. I just didn't know many guys who liked to talk or sit in coffee shops. Most of them were about video games or sports.

    I guess this alone should have answered my question hahaaaa......

  2. I'm gonna revive this thread!

    So, this may be a hard question to answer since none of you actually know me, but here goes.

    BTW, this question is about just casual friendships, not relationships of the like-like kind.

    And these are girls from my church so they're people I see at least once every week.

    I used to go to college with them, but I've graduated since last year.


    I notice that there are some girls that just don't seem to want to really talk with me. We've talked or hung out before 1-on-1, and in those times we've gotten along great. It's super chill and I don't feel weird about it, and I sense the same from the other person(s). But, when I see them in groups or at church and we say hi, it feels reaaally awkward. Like, I have to really work to get a conversation out of them. They mostly hang out girls only, but they seem to be fine with other guys, usually ones that are more outgoing and goofy (which makes sense though right?). It might be age difference and, being that I'm 1-2 years older and have now graduated, they might not like talking with me as much. 


    I AM more on the quiet side and am into more artsy or techy things and they aren't, but I don't think that has much to do with it.

    One of these 'silent' girls is even into these things too. 


    On the opposite end, I get along great with older women, ones that are a few years older or even friends of my mom. I do also get along with girls younger than me as well (some of which I've gone to school with together and go to the same church too). And on that note, I get along great with guys too, even with guys whose interests are completely different than mine (Although, I do run into the problem of generally getting along better with people older than me on this side of the gender too). 


    I end up ignoring these girls most of time since no matter how much I've tried to build a friendship it doesn't work, but I wanna know if this is a common thing and if I'm just over thinking, or if, "yeah, these gurlz just can't take how auhsommmme Iammmm." I've never not gotten along with anyone. I can't recall many or any people that straight up don't want to interact with me (save these girls maybe ;D) 


    Do girls have this thing where they only like being friends with certain men? Or is it really just age? It's pretty clear we're not "interested" in each other so there's no worry there.  


    My attitude towards a friendship is, if someone tries to make an effort towards me, then of course I will return the same attitude. Even if we don't become close, I can still offer a nice conversation once a week. But, that's my view so....





    lynch. - a grateful shit (live limited)

    Rentrer en Soi - Kein no hitsugi

    Rentrer en Soi - Astre no ito

    deadman - subliminal effect

    deadman - SiteOfScafFold (+Like an Edison comment CD, +band photo card with signs from each member)

    deadman - 701125+2

    deadman - degrees centigrade

    deadman - in the direction of sunrise and night light (First press, CD + DVD)




    After reading some psalms from the Bible, I was inspired to write a short song. 

    I drew inspiration from bands like Rentrer en Soi and Screw (from their indie days) and, as the song is based off the Bible, there are some orchestral/Gothic qualities to it as well.


    The video was just for fun so there isn't really a narrative. It's also pretty corny.

    Don't look to deeply into it ; )

  5. I'd rather they put more into releasing something good than maybe re-recording some tracks and doing photo shoots for the booklet.

    Besides, they already have 2 best-of collections and they pretty much consisted of the same tracks.

    I am curious to know what the "concept" behind their best album is. If it's as "well" conceptualized as "GANGSTA", I'm going to laugh.

  6. I usually don't care and most times they're great for making parody/misheard lyrics.


    But in one particular case, I was annoyed when Dir en Grey forced English version of "Glass Skin" and "Dozing Green" on Uroboros. Even the Japanese release!

    Which is strange considering they included remastered versions of both songs with Japanese lyrics on the bonus disc of the limited and deluxe editions anyways. It would've been nice if, at least for the Japanese release, they included the Japanese lyric versions and included the Engrish versions as a bonus. Maybe I would feel different if the songs were originally released in English, but after hearing them in Japanese the English just sounds awkward and I end up skipping those tracks. Which kind of sucks if you like listening from the physical CD.


    I too find entire songs sung in Engrish to be annoying when not well done. 

    For example, lynch. - I don't know where I am.

    I love the song, but I just can't really get into it when Hazuki is trying his dardnest to sing passionately in badly pronounced English. He sings like he's still singing in Japanese so the English comes out muddled and silly. In a different song it might be okay, but, darn, I just really like this song.

    So in this case, the bad English, IMO, really plays against the song.

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