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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Ahh that sucks. Looks like I probably won't use them a lot, if at all, then. Yeah, I hate it when people aren't clear from the beginning how much extra you'll be paying and you end up paying the head's eyes (sorry, Couldn't resist : P I love it. I also know "Je n'ai pas de temps"!)

    Ahhh mail order. Hate those releases. Closet Child might have it sometime. I saw sukekiyo's Vitium and Immortalis fan club mail order editions there so there's a chance something like that might pop up.

    That's ridiculous! For 2 CDS???? You can fit a small mammal in there. With enough food to last a week......just poke some air holes....

    Anyways, thanks for sharing your guys' (guy's?) experience.

  2. Ok monochromiums, what shopping services do you know (besides FJ)? Something serious, maybe less cheaper and who doesn't racket people?

    I want to buy shit but, I am very nervous to order via FJ again... what's your solutions?

    Just curious, was your experience with them bad? I just heard about them through Seimeisen and apparently they've been around for a bit. I'm curious to try them though.

  3. Lol I told Seimei about ZenMarket. I just bought something on an auction through them so I'll let everyone know how it goes.

    So far I can say they have pretty good communication and reasonable fees. All in all I ended up paying 1660Y more (which includes 300Y fee, 200-ish domestic shipping, 180Y-ish bank fee, 780Y-ish airmail small packet shipping.

  4. Since lynch. is releasing a new album this year I thought it'd be fun to go back and remember all the animals lynch. used for their covers and list your favorite one and your favorite animal.

    Favorite lynch cover: I Believe in Me (regular edition)

    Favorite animal: right now, MegaMouth Shark

    Oo, for fun, what animal do you predict lynch will use for their next album?

    I predict another bird. They always do birds. But I hope they do a Gorilla.

    Everybody! Go!

  5. Hahaha nice try though ; )

    I'm tired of Hage too.

    I think it especially pales in comparison to songs from Arche. Still really impressed with the album (although, placement of some songs still bothers me..)

  6. My parents know about it.

    And their opinion is "As long as the music is good, eh what the heck."

    They can't do the heavier stuff/screaming, but I've listened to Mucc's "Houyoku" with my Dad and he liked it.

    I sometimes sing Dir en grey's "ain't afraid to die" in karaoke and my whole family thinks it's a great song. Sometimes I sing "[KR]Cube" and they think it's funny when I do the little vomit noises. 


    Fun fact, my first ever concert was a Dir en Grey concert. With my mom who wanted to chaperone me hahaaa.....she was terrified to be there (and disappointed because Kyo just sang on stage with Addidas pants and no shirt and called him a poor showman) and later (after some misunderstandings) they thought I was homosexual.



    My mom and Kyo share the same birthday. Wat a twist! 


    I also buy/sell a lot of CDS so they gave me the nickname of 4989,

    which in Korean is pronounced "Sah-Goo-Pal-Goo" and can also mean "You buy some, you sell some".

  7. Okay cool. I hope "hen" and "ijou no kaidan" make it onto a worldwide release someday. And the upcoming live distr. single.

    I swear, you have to be freaking Bill Gates to be a Dezert fan. Or just live in Japan......hmmmm.

  8. Can anyone confirm the number of live-only Dezert releases? 

    There isn't really a complete Dezert discography on the web yet.


    From my knowledge their live releases are:



    -包丁の正しい使い方(houchou no tadashii tsukaikata)

    -僕の「誤解」と右折禁止のルール違反(boku no「gokai」to usetsu kinshi no rule ihan)


    -暫定的オカルト週刊誌(1)(zanteiteki occult shuukanshi (1))

    -異常な階段(ijou na kaidan)

    -TBA at their live in September


    So, at least 7 (geeeeez).

  9. Guys!

    Charisma.com went major!

    Major News


    They're releasing their first major debut album "OLest" on July 8th of this year. 





    I'm happy for them, but I just hope their sound doesn't change too much or they don't become too mainstream.

    Still, congrats to them!


  10. and who could forget the first song split in two.


    Does anyone know of any other songs like this?


    Rentrer en Soi kind of did it with "Kai/Bunretsu LE+DD Jinkaku", but really "Kai" was just an intro.

    deadman/lynch. also did something like this with "imp/lunch box" and "sleepy flow/unknown lost a beauty", but I'd argue that the first songs are practically just transitions to the second song.

  11. Erm hmm.....*uncomfortably tries to change topic*

    So, how's everyone's single life?

    Mines been great. Just been workin and studying. I'm in Boston this week visiting my sister to help her move stuff from her dorm to storage for the summer. And to hang out and explore too.

    Actually, I've been enjoying being single a lot these days because I have a lot of time to focus on building my career path.

    My sister and I are pretty close and we care about and respect each other so I'd rather hang out with her anyways. Now it's just finding a girl like her so I can date! Or at least have an interest.

    Where are people at in their desire to date? Are you just lookin for someone who you can spend a lot of time with but not necessarily your whole life with, or someone you'd eventually like to marry?

    Me personally, I'm hunting myself a wifey. I already know what base qualities I want her to have so I don't feel the need to "explore." I'm not searching for perfection; I don't have a list that I check off, like, "Oh, she has 15/20 of the qualities I'm lookin for". I think the most important thing for me will be if she's willing to adapt to me. And me to her as well. I feel so many times people break up or divorce because the 2 people in the relationship don't want to change something for their partner. Obviously I'm generalizing. I want to meet someone who will make me grow in my character and stretch me in ways I never would have imagined. A balance of humility and wisdom putting it simply. Having similar interests is great and all, but I feel like that's what friends are for.

    Side note, why is Dezert so good!?! Sorry, just got into them, listening to them right now, and I have to have a fan spasm.

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