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Posts posted by ghost

  1. New work!

    Playing around with clipping masks.

    Kept it simple this time around.




    *Now looking at it, I find the text is distracting and makes the composition imbalanced. I don't think this was the best photo to start with either, but eh, I got a better hang of clippin masks.


    What do you all think though?

    This is the version with no text (minus the sig)

    (I forgot to export artboard and I had already closed Illustrator. So, I cropped the image and it somehow ended up getting a bit streched. Too lazy..)


  2. Yes, I agree! She's got an amazing voice!


    Yup, they were selling their albums after the concert so I bought a vinyl version.

    I've been listening to it all day (mp3s though since I don't have a record player) : P

    I REALLY love it. Raphaelle comes up with really unique melodies.


    I'll have to give the track a proper listen later. Thanks for sharing!

    Yes, another fan!

  3. Braids



    I just saw this band last night in Seattle and they were pretty sweet and wanted to share them.

    They started in Calgary, Alberta back in 2006 and are now based in Montreal, Quebec.


    The lineup is (left to right):

    Drums - Austin Tufts

    Vocal/Electric guitar - Raphaelle Standell-Preston

    Keyboard/Electric Guitar - Taylor Smith

    *Katie Lee (3rd from left) is no longer part of the band.


    They remind me a lot of School Food Punishment with their art rock/electronic sound.

    But anyways, they're super rad.

    Check them out!





  4. @@relentless

    I agree with the heavier parts on Diabolos. I don't feel like they particularly add much to the song. Demo ver. FTW.

    Aqua was bad too. You said this in your review of XII but it doesn'the change key at all (or something like that)!

    Wasn't Zakuro a fan favorite at some point as well? Or was it just the BLITZ 5 performance that made it more popular?

    I particularly loved the solo. Even learned it when I was first learning guitar.

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