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Posts posted by ghost

  1. I enjoyed listening to Beautiful Deformtiy as a whole more than I did Dogma because of the variety, but I think there are stronger individual tracks on Dogma.

    Beautiful Deformity favorites

    Malformed box



    Last heaven


    Dogma favorites







    And for fun, here are my favorite tracks from Toxic and Division.

    Toxic favorites

    Sludgy Cult

    My Devil on the bed


    Ruthless Deed

    Division favorites



    Dripping Insanity

    And then compare these to Dim


    The invisible wall

    A moth under the skin



    Headache man


    13 stairs

    Distress and coma


    Shiroki yuutsu

    In the middle of Chaos


    Dim scene

    So, I can say that for me, Dogma is their best album since Dim. And I like all these tracks very much. Every album has something to offer (even if some have a lot less to offer).

  2. You must be thinking of 十四歳のナイフ (Juuyon-sai no Knife). Also, I'm pretty sure one of these three CDs was actually fan club limited, but I'm not sure which one.


    Thanks. I always get those mixed up. :P

    I think it was Chigire that is FC limited.


    Also, I JUST noticed the background in your avatar.

    AHH, I'm dying X D

  3. Does anyone know much about the GazettE's live limited CDS?

    I know there are....3?


    Doro dareka no seishun


    junana sai (re-recording)
    Does anyone know if the recordings on the "doro dareka no seishun" single are the same as on "wakaremichi (second press)" and "blind man censor" singles?

  4. Listening to "Dogma" feels like a truck smashed into me and I'm just lying on the ground trying to figure out what happened.

    The album is heavy and hits hard, but it's kind of a blur. I like the sound very much though.

    One thing I noticed is the absence of catchy melodies. In their previous 3 albums there were a lot of tracks with catchy choruses like "Suicide Circus", "Last Heaven", "Redo", "Fadeless", "Dripping Insanity", etc.

    That's not a bad thing at all though. It's just something I noticed. The composition is great. It flows well and is very uniform.

    I like it, but I think it might have to grow on me a bit.

    I guess I'm a sucker for catchy, lighter melodies more than I'd like to admit ; )


    (I forgot how to use the new ratings, will adjust later)

  5. People have already said this, but based on the previews it seems Ruki has improved his singing execution. He sounds great. And I feel like the band wrote the music well to fit with Ruki's current flowier singing style. I really want to hear the full version of "Grudge"!

    Speaking of which, the "final" movie in the Grudge series released on DVD in Japan I believe. Sorry, tangent I know : P

  6. His fun will be over in a bit. He paid a lot of money for a couple weeks of attention. After the album drops, his Facebook will be a wasteland.

    Also, it's funny how he talks about "sharing resources" but is being unnecessarilly reserved about "sharing resources". Resources probably refers to information but still.

  7. Honestly, I don't want to pay $80 for a fancy Photobook set. I just want the 3 discs, some nicer packaging, and want to pay maybe $40. They should just release a separate photobook for people that want it and stop charging so much! It's been difficult to keep up with buying their albums since "Toxic" urgh. "Disorder" "Nil" and "Dim" are perfect examples of fantastic and affordable special packaging (Stacked Rubbish was good too, just not as special imo). Please, more of that!

  8. I suppose one could argue that it's beacause of the musical direction the band is pursuing that Reita's role is a bit downplayed. This was very apparent on Division when Reita was practically replaced with electronics. There was a lot more emphasis placed on using dub step and weird blooms and bleeps next to guitar riffs.

    The most recent bass line that stands out to me is in "karasu", which makes sense considering he wrote it (right?.?). I Know from songs like "Baretta" and "My Devil on the bed" (maybe just the intro and solo) that, if a song is written to include more bass, Reita can make some interesting bass lines.

    Or I dunno maybe he's just lazy.

  9. Like some have said, anime/Manga introduced me to Japanese music, and so I've been following music more instead.

    I don'the read/watch anymore.

    But I was really into shows that were on adult swim like Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Paranoia Agent, FLCL, as well as DBZ, Gundam, Outlaw Star, etc.


    Not sure if this counts, but I still watch and love the Avatar series (Last Airbender and Korra).

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