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Posts posted by ghost

  1. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases?

    No, I usually buy the version with the most songs. PVs aren't as attractive a bonus to me.

    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?

    Pretty much no but sometimes I might buy a shirt.

    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?


    4: Would you follow them on the street?

    Haha like stalk? Nahhhh but I'd probably try to get a photo with them or something.

    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)


    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?

    I'd say definitely. My clothing style, the way I act to an extent, all visual stuff.

    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?

    Definitely. I want to visit Japan someday to see some bands.

    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?


    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)


    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?

    Heck yes. I wanna be the front man, screaming and running around, pumping up the crowd, doing wierd stuff like throwing eggs into the crowd or bleeding fake blood.

  2. Alright, guys this is the mission plan. We're going to "MOB 136 BARS". Each of you will be equipped with a "BARETTA". Thats six men, Six Guns, and we're doing it for our Nameless Liberty. After hitting the "SILLY GOD DISCO" and bar, head back out to the main street. To your left you'll see a "CROSSROADS (wakaremichi)". Turn right at the crossroads and keep running straight until you hit "THE INVISIBLE WALL" and can't advance any further. Here, be sure to watch out for the "VENOMOUS SPIDER'S WEB" because if you get bitten you'll "INFUSE INTO" the "STUPID TINY INSECT". Make your way up a flight of "13 STAIRS" and wait for the rest of your team to show up. We gotta do all this in 5 hours before dinner time or my "WIFE" will kill me.


    "I'll tell you a little story called "The Ugly Barnacle": Once there was a very ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everybody died. "THE END"."

    D*** in a "MALFORMED BOX"

    My favorite movies are "LUCY and the "GRUDGE".

    Agitated screams of "MAGGOTS".

    From "Tomorrow Never Dies" game on PS1

    "This should punch up my headlines for tomorrow."

    "I think your story is over Elliot"

    "Far from it you ignorant fool! You see, I've set this boat to self-destruct in 3 minutes. You'll never escape in time. "TOMORROW NEVER DIES.""

    I "PLEDGE' allegiance to the flag....I'm out of ideas haha

  3. Hi all,

    I think I might have a computer virus.

    I'm using a windows 7 OS on a lenovo laptop.

    When I browse websites, I can't click on anything on the page without another tab opening to an ad page. Certain text on the webpage will be underlined, colored green, and have a strange looking icon next to it. Sometimes, depending on the website, a pop-up sidebar with holiday item sales will show up.

    In safe mode, I've scanned for viruses, found some, and deleted them. I've also deleted my Internet cache, cookies, etc. everything on both Chrome and Firefox.

    But, still nothing.

    I'm mostly worried that if I use internet on my laptop, a hacker might steal my info (I'm on mobile right now).

    I tried to look up this issue but couldn't find any more solutions than the one I tried. I really don't want to reinstall my OS and move my data, but I think I might have to. But, I wanted to see if anyone might be able to help me with this issue before I did that.

    Any help or insight would be very appreciated. Thank you.



    Not vk, but super ecstatic about finding this and in mint condition!!! I don't know whether to open it and rip a lossless version or not for being how rare this release is. T.T


    I don't know who they are but don't open! Don't do it!

  5. Gotta say, even if I'm not really into their current direction, good on them for staying together for 10 years while constantly losing bassists.

    And hope it's not a singles collection [2]

    What'd be amazing is if they pulled a lynch. or Girugamesh and re-recorded a lot of their old iconic tracks. That might make me fall in love with them again. (Unless they pulled a Diru and messed up most of them like on unraveling).

  6. Found a brand new sealed copy of the original 2003 Sonic Boom vinyl pressing of Death Cab's Transatlaticism. Never Eeeever opening this! (I also saw an incredibly rare test press vinyl (I think 1 of 4?) signed by all members on ebay too but, you know. $200+ so....)


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