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Posts posted by ghost

  1. ^ saaaaad. Ice creams my favorite food.

    Not from last night but still a dream.

    I decided to go to the GazettE concert in Vancouver. Before going, I decided to stop by a friends house. She had to run some errands though so I decided to go to some dorm and see if I could meet Filthy Frank. I went downstairs and looked around a bit. When I turned around he was there. I tried to give him a handshake but he stuck his leg out and hit me in the "male area". Then he wrestled me to the ground and began inflating me (and himself?) by blowing into the back of my neck. I felt like I was going to explode and I could feel that he was about to too.

  2. No one? I always buy regular. Less expensive, more songs.


    Yeah, but in this case there are rarer songs on the LE than on the RE. After Proudia it becomes a singles collection and those songs are easy to obtain. Renny Amy on the other hand...


    But yeah, that's why I thought a single collection with all those songs + more would have been better.

  3. They knew no one would buy the regular edition so they just HAD to throw in sakura at the end. XD

    I kinda wish they just released 1 edition and spread more songs between 2 discs. They have enough good songs to do that imo. Like cmooooon! No "Neo Scream", "The Fragrance Noise", or ANYthing from "Vigour"?? And even if I'm not a fan of their recent works, no songs from their recent minis?

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