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Posts posted by ghost

  1. On 5/31/2016 at 4:38 PM, Laris said:

    to be honest, I think part of it also lies with you. No in a bed way

    To explain what I mean:

    If someone feels awkward, it shows. If you feel awkward by a situation, they will sense that. 
    I think they talk well with outgoing guys, because they don't make a big deal out of it and give off a relaxed atmosphere


    @Laris: Oh wooow this was a while ago.

    Yes, I agree that if one gives off strange vibes it can affect how people interact with them.


    In this particular situation, I've found that these particular group of people (not just the girls) were harmful to my self-esteem and I've since disconnected myself from them. I've been doing pretty stellar since then : )

  2. I dunno, it could be a guilty pleasure for me. I'll be one of the first to admit that I kind of dig it for its high energy and catchy factor. This definitely falls on the bottom of my list for songs of that nature, but what can I say, sometimes I like lazily written throwaway tracks. But I 100% agree that the repeating "chainsaw" line is overused and gets annoying real fast.


    Amazingly, this song sounds worse with headphones and better through crappy laptop speakers.



  3. 4 hours ago, SwampMan said:


    I'm not really sure, I don't have an account on either site, but musicbrainz seems to have releases that are missing on discogs and also offers more detailed information sometimes.  Other than that I don't think there's much of a difference.


    I see. Thanks for introducing musicbrainz!


    3 hours ago, doombox said:

    What's your username so I can add you back? For some reason I can't see who adds me there.


    ?.? wieeerd. It's:


  4. 2 hours ago, SwampMan said:

    I use it to tag my music, to search for catalogue numbers and label names. Along with discogs I also use musicbrainz.


    Oh dude, musicbrainz looks pretty cool!

    Are there any features that musicbrainz offers that discogs doesn't? At first glance I can't tell if there are any unique features.



    6 minutes ago, doombox said:

    I've never heard of musicbrainz, I'm gonna have to check that site out. I started keeping my record collection on discogs. I'll eventually probably put my CD colletion up too but I kind of assumed I'd have to create wiki pages for a lot of the visual indie stuff so I was too lazy for all that. >_> I'm doombox_ on discogs if anyone wants to be friends.


    Yeah, that's what I have to do for a lot of Japanese releases *ugh* 

    Added :)


  5. Does anyone here like to use discogs?


    I like their site a lot.

    You can check release information for any format and genre of music, see photos of releases, and keep a customized list of any releases you have or want.

    It also doubles as a music wikipedia and anyone can update any information as needed. I've made a few contributions for bands like lynch. and DEZERT and their format is super easy to use. You can even get as detailed as music and lyric credits and lump different versions or editions  as sub-categories into one master list.

    It also triples as a market place for people to buy and sell music from all over the world. But, usually people who sell here tend to overprice a LOT.


    I know there are a lot of separate websites that can do these things, but I like discogs because you can do all that on one site under one profile.  It's especially convenient for keeping track of one's music collection.


    So anyways, do ya??? 

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