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Posts posted by ghost

  1. I'm surprised at the mild response! 
    I thought the song was a jam. I already have the "hentai, hentai" chant stuck in my head. 

    While I agree it's not their strongest work, I don't think it differs too much from their older style. The poppier melodies remind me of songs like "shakoujijitsu" (from "memai ni shinda heya") and "keibetsu" (from "Untitled") and the heavy parts still have that distinct Dezert sound (although I agree here that it's lost some of its edge). And it channels the quirkiness of "saiko no shokutaku" with weird tempo changes and Chiaki's strange vocals/murmurs/chants.

    I think it's a decent blend of old and new Dezert.


    strong like/10 

  2. 1 hour ago, orange~ said:

    Many are making Negan seem like a true villain here, but honestly this is pretty reasonable after Rick and co slaughtered dozens of Negan's crew without any real reason. From Negan's point of view Rick and co. are a bunch of savages.

    True, but it's the way Negan deals out the punishment that is far more villanous in comparison.  It's torturous and brutal, whereas Rick's group went in with the intent of neutralizing a threat. And you forget! The whole reason for Rick's team trying to kill Negan is because he is a tyrant who uses violence to force people into working and providing for him. At Jesus' camp Rick saw the obtrusive and destructive reach of Negan's rule. So, even without the batting, Negan is technically a villain in that sense.

  3. 6 hours ago, sads123 said:

    I read from tanuki that DEZERT has ripped off MERRY & cali gari and I was wondering which songs are they referring to. Does anyone who has intensive knowledge of these bands think the same way?

    I don't know about MERRY or cali gari, but I know that a lot of DEZERT songs share similarities to other songs.

    For example,
    -"memai" sounds like "D'espairsrays - Garnet"
    -the A melody and pre-chorus in "MONSTER" kind of sound like "Sadie - a holy terrors" 
    -the chorus of "Futomei Ningen" sounds kind of like "born - with hate", and there's a riff in there that's similar to one off "sadie - loosing my way of the proud"

    -"merry-san no jisatsumisui" shares a similar song structure to "the GazettE - beautiful 5 [shit]ers"


  4. This episode was nuts! Usually I can predict what will happen, but not in this episode. It felt like anything was possible and that made it even more tense.

    Negan is so ruthless! Yet, he has a sort of charm. Maybe it's that smile. Definitely on my list of all time baddies. And Dean Morgan plays him so well.  

    I can't wait for him to die.


    I also feel like nothing can top that in season 7. It was a pretty big scene to start with. But, still excited for what's to come.

  5. If anyone wants Final Fantasy VI, VII, X and Chrono Trigger/Cross, Secret of Mana, and Kingdom Hearts music on vinyl, pre-orders are up for symphonic recordings by the London Symphony Orchestra & Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra.




    Final Symphony 3XLP ($45 + ships):



    Symphonic Fantasies 3XLP ($45 + ships):



    Bundle ($80 + ships):

  6. This is actually old information but, seeing as it was not mentioned anywhere, I thought I would make it known for anyone interested.


    Last month there were vinyl record re-issues for 3 of Bonnie Pink's albums. They were "Blue Jam", "Heaven's Kitchen", and "evil and flowers". I just found out and found a few copies still available for purchase on amazon.co.jp. (Even if you have an amazon account, you do need to make a new one specifically for Amazon.co.jp).


    Blue Jam




    Heaven's Kitchen




    evil and flowers


  7. Castlevania is coming up on its 30th anniversary so the facebook page "Operation Akumajo" is holding a contest for the best fan tribute. Definitely not planning on winning, but I submitted a remake of the song "Cave of Skeletons" from the game "Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance" on the Gameboy Advance from back in 2002.


    Just putting it up here for someone to enjoy for anyone who wants to give a listen!



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